Harry Pothead Convicted

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Elfe Mécanique
The conclusion to a news item that was posted here a while ago:

A Harry Potter actor has been told to carry out community service after he admitted growing cannabis plants in his mother's north-west London home.

Recent news in which the actor Jamie Waylett has been sentenced after being found with cannabis a couple of months ago.

He pleaded guilty of growing 10 cannabis plants in his home, and was ordered to do 120 hours unpaid community service.

Sentencing him, District Judge Timothy Workman said: "Mr Waylett I accept that the cultivation of this cannabis was on a small scale, and this was not in any way a commercial venture on your part.

Waylett had received a police reprimand and two warnings between 2001 and 2005 while Innis received a police reprimand in 2003. No details of the incidents were given in court.

That seems like a bit of a small sentence for growing, I'm suprised that he didn't get a sentence for intent to supply, but I guess people in the public eye get let off easier
Wow, that's good news for him. (I suppose he still gets a record though.)
Here's a longer citation from the judge:

"Mr Waylett, I accept that the cultivation of this cannabis was on a small scale, and this was not in any way a commercial venture on your part. Nevertheless you used a sophisticated growing system to do so. I give you credit for pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity, your co-operation with police and the fact that you are, until now, a man of good character. I propose to deal with this by imposing a sentence of 120 hours of unpaid work."

Source: Press Association

Nevertheless you used a sophisticated growing system to do so.

Which the judge should have applauded him for since sophistication also means having a keen eye on the entire process and keeping in mind safety (fire hazards and such) at all times. So I don't get why anyone who does not grow commercially, should be punished more because they have a more sophisticated setup. I get it when someone just messes around to make a quick buck, steals power from the houses around effectively putting that whole block on risk burning down whenever there is a serious short in the circuit.

That judge is not very sophisticated, in my opinion.