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Growlog Ecuador cloning

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 284
Hi all,

I've decided to try and clone a flush of beautiful Ecuador mushrooms using honey tek. I will update this thread with logs and pictures along the way.

I took three small mason jars which I filled with a water/honey solution (for the correct mixture of honey/water please see the honey tek page on www.mycotopia.net). I cleaned my homemade glovebox with bleech and put the jars and scalpel in there. I then sprayed with a bleach solution throughout the entire glovebox and let it rest for about an hour.

I then harvested two good looking shrooms, put on my latex gloves, cleaned them with a bleach solution and proceeded to cut little pieces of mushroom flesh from the inside of the shrooms I harvested and put them in the honey tek. While waiting for colonization of the honeywater, I am preparing a bunch of substrate. I'm going to do six pf-tek jars, six whole grain rye jars and compost/straw.

To be continued....

Any tips are welcom ;)

well I`m looking forward to the results :)
Sounds cool. I still have a bit to learn about growing.
But I think I'll just buy a book on it.
I can ofcourse first buy a "hufterproof" kweeksetje :D
But in the end I want to begin from scratch and even try cloning...

What's the dutch word for substrate btw?
Dag drie....nog niet de moeite om foto's te maken. Drie potjes met honing/water mengsel met daarin drijvend, een stukje van het binnenste van een paddestoel. Deze stukjes beginnen nu rondom mycelium groei te vertonen. Tot nog toe ziet het er goed uit maar drie dagen is nogal pril om contams uit te sluiten.
Eerste fout: Ik had stukjes glas bij de water/honing moeten doen om de mycelium te kunnen verspreiden dmv schudden. Is nu lastig. Alle stukjes paddestoel vertonen rondom mycelium groei, tot zover is het experiment dus geslaagd.

Foto's volgen vanavond (echt waar ;) )
I'm very curious, I can't wait to grow my own mushies :mrgreen:
But my "hufterproof" Cubensis growset is there by the end of the week probably :)
very interesting, a honey tek. please keep us updated in english or move this thread to natuurlijke psychedelica :P
Apologies for the dutch language.

Anyway, finally a photo as promised. It's not a very good one but you can clearly see little hairs grow out from the piece of shroom:


And a picture of the flush I got the pieces of shroom of::


I will make another batch with some glass pieces in it to make it easier to shake up the mycelium.

Wow.. impressive.

/me is thinking of setting up his own growbox.
What's the best thing to do, in order to get a nice start.
Start from scratch? Or get one of those growkits from (for example..) Azarius?
For the first time, I would recommend getting a grow kit. It is way easier and will let you get to know the process the shrooms go through when they grow. You can always clone the grow kit later, or make a spore syringe for later use. In this way, you will be able to make a sea of shrooms easily.
A grow kit is a sure way to get harvest. On the other hand, PF Tek is pretty fool proof also and you will be able to make sporesyringes yourself also.
Liquid culture is indeed an effective and cheap method of cloning. Just like with agar, it seems to be a good idea to change the composition of liquid once in a while to prevent the culture from getting too accustomed to one type of liquid. Every few times when you are running out of liquid and are about to use the rest to start a new batch seems to be a fairly sufficient interval according to what I've read.
Thanks for the tips Viaticus!

Two of the three jars have gone bad with infection. I know the cause and am going to use a different jar next time. Hoepfully the third one will continue to grow for a couple of days.

to be continued...