"Do I just break the glass around it?"
Yes , you can do that , but its better to use jars which allow the cakes to slip out without breaking the jars . Such jars are available from hardware stores , hobby stores or big supermarkets . They come in sizes from about 125 mls and upwards . Its better to use as small jars as possible so you can get more in your preasure cooker and because you have more chance of getting jars without contamination . Plus if some are contaminated it doesnt hurt so much when you throw them away and you still have some left over . Using rice also helps to keep contamination down . If you have grain jars you can still use rice to cover them with and extend your harvest .
"Also when it is 100% colinized, can I break it up into little pieces to mix with straw/soil? "
Wow !!!! Someone is awake !!!!!! I`ve been waiting for someone to start thinking about what they are doing and take the next step . You and Meduzz are going the right way . This was part of what i was going to say in the GOD tek thread about growing P.Cubensis and Panaeolus Cyanescens . This is obviously the way to go to maximise harvests . If you are very carefull not to contaminate you can either keep your cake whole or break it up and mix it with more sterilised substrate and then case it with a mixture of wet turf and chalk balanced to PH7 . It needs to be wet enough that when you take it in your hands you can make it into a ball that sticks together but that when you squeze it no water drips out . I would advise you not to break up your cakes , its better to make as many very small cakes and use those . Caseing is always the best strategy for several reasons . If you think a bit more about it you should be able to understand the benefits of caseing , and you should come up with other ways to optimise your chances . I`m open to questions but i`m not going to give secrets away , its better if you suss them out yourself .
Just a clue , think about how to limit the chances of contamination and about what the main problems are when growing mushrooms and how to overcome them ????????????