If my friend were to grow Panaeolus Cyanescens - Cambodian, he has a few questions. He would order a spore syringe, and was thinking on ordering a presterialized bag of woodchips. He has done a lot of reading, that the best subtrate to grow on is Cow Dung. If the bag were to become 100% colinized, could he then open the bag, mix it with Cow Dung, and let the mycleium colinize over the Cow Dung? Would this work? If not, what is the best way to go about growing this amazing strain? It will also be grown 100% indoors.
Thanks, PEACE (sorry about my spelling, have a hard time with all the mushrooms lanuage. I'm by no means a good speller, lol )
If my friend were to grow Panaeolus Cyanescens - Cambodian, he has a few questions. He would order a spore syringe, and was thinking on ordering a presterialized bag of woodchips. He has done a lot of reading, that the best subtrate to grow on is Cow Dung. If the bag were to become 100% colinized, could he then open the bag, mix it with Cow Dung, and let the mycleium colinize over the Cow Dung? Would this work? If not, what is the best way to go about growing this amazing strain? It will also be grown 100% indoors.
Thanks, PEACE (sorry about my spelling, have a hard time with all the mushrooms lanuage. I'm by no means a good speller, lol )