Like someone said; led is not really all that.
Cheap tube lights are better; but high pressure is still the shit to get.
It doesn't cost a lot either. Just get 200 or 400 watt with an electronic ballast.
But sure, i've seen people grow with led before.
The water effluent; depending on your setup
change it often enough. I suggest once a week. It's cheap, so what the hell.
The oxygen in there decreases FAST.
Check the ph (power of the hydrogen), AND the ec (electrical conductivity) OR ppm. That's it.
Just make sure the water is never cold or old. Keep it out of sunlight aswell.
Sunlight breaks down chelates.
You can even wing both after measuring a 100% dose once, and the water you use once.
Just write doen the ph and ec or ppm of the liquid after you mixed it and it settled for half an hour and clear water.
You can even leave out the ec / ppm. One can assume that shit is spot on for cannabis,
although it is really not recommended when using partial doses.
Also make sure your freshly prepared nutrients are reacted completely.
Don't use it straight away.
There is no buffer like on soil (clay for example) and the plants get the full blast of it.
There is some molecule inter-changing going on in the solution.
Some nutrients are made into phosphites, they are lighter then phosphates so
the plant can uptake and transport it more easy.
There is also something going on with the electrons. The electrical conductivity get's elevated
Yeah it's all chemistry man.
Just so you know:
Soil is for easy going / growing;
hydro not so.
About the cheapness; try to get your hands on some seeds; or make them yourself.
Then don't put a 16 / 8 cycle in the routine.
Only 12/12.
Saves 8 hours of power per day;
and with seeds you can make it run very nice like that.
Maybe you didn't know, but let me tell you:
cannabis plants only going to flower when they are mature;
they are mature
only when they have enough chlorofyl for example.
Which makes growth- / devision of cells- possible with use of sunlight.
Then, when they mature, they can actually make the hormones that initialize blossoming in flowers and plants.
This then still takes some time to actually be at full blast.
From seed to flowering plant on 12/12 will still take 4 to 6 weeks.
That's more then enough to grow nice plants. And even when flowering, there is still growth hormone
which makes then grow still. Untill they are fully flowering, then there is little growth in the plants,
only the flowers should develop further untill the plant is exhausted, and all leaves are yellow.
So therefore; when putting in onto 12/12 straight away it will just grow
untill it is ready; and make for nice small compact plants; which get lighted properly.
Easiest to harvest; fastest to grow; repeat in a never ending cycle; and off you go...
Oke, you get small plants; but if the amount of plants is no problem you can save a lot of money
and aggrivation like that; and grow faster and better bud then pretty much anyone does;
you don't get the fluffy crap weed either with the insane amounts of "cleaning time".
The plants are nice and small; light reaches untill the lower branches easily;
they get only 40 cm which makes for compact bud
Sea Of Green, SCReen Of Green;
they cost a shit load of time regarding lightbulb hours.
Yes, one plant can make for 2square meters; but when this plant is ready
it will have soaked up more energy then you will in a whole year.
Way too costly.
Ten seeds would've been halfway already.
Nothing can beat that
Get it onto 12/12 as fast as possible is the key to make it worth something for personal use.
Remeber, with seeds there are males, so make sure there are enough plants even when 50/50 males.
Want ten plants? Put in 20 living seeds. There's always room for an extra female but we can't be short on those
On hydro, you have to get it spot on though, growing like this with seeds.
No margin for error.
If you're good, you can pull it off with clones aswell.
The thing is that you can't keep on doing it with the same plant when running setups with clones.
Clones from clones from clones age; therefore:
a clone usually is a mature plant;
just with it's limbs cut off.
If you put those into 12/12 straight away, it won't be all too nice.
They are old plants already, weakened, and will flower instantly.
And fuck up your whole operation really good while doing so
but also they can be grown F A S T.
Just give them about ten days 16/8 or 24/0.
Often plants appear to grow taller in the darker moments of the day; and it's true.
They try to find light; and gravity tells them it's up there somewhere.
Which brings me to another subject all together;
it is the plants which can save earth :O
it can make oils; bread; clothes; paper; alcohol; bio fuel; medicine; money; and so on!
Faster then pretty much any other plant while not exhausting the soil it stands on.
Isn't that amazing