Well, I did learn something with shrooms, hawaaians to be more precise...
I dit all sort of shrooms, but it's only during two hawaaians's trip that I had "the" answer to "everything", I mean I understood ALL the creation, the time, the cosmos...
(Both trip were done with 0.5 gr Hawaaians, and I had already take the same amount of this shroom specie without having a similar trip)
The first time the trip was so heavy that I ('till the second trip) didn't remember how the hell I managed to have "this" thought, but the fact was, I was tripping in my living room, and when I got "the" revelation, all of my worries, all of my fears and stuff like that just dissapeared, all my friends and family appeared all around us three, smiled to me and told me something like "Now you understand, don't you ?" with a nice, warm smile... I had the feeling that I had reached the ultimate point, that I didn't needed to do anything more, not even THINK, and that I could just now rest and enjoy this ultimate knowledge for the eternity, I closed my eyes and saw eons defilying, I saw great underwater cities, I understood that cats we're the guardians of creation (like the egyptian mythology (and trust me, I'm am DEFINATELY not a religious person))...
After the trip, I didn't remembered exactly what was "this" thought that had lead to such a wonderful trip...
Next trip was done a few month later, we tripped outside with a friend, not really as "hard" as the first time, but shortly after the peak of the trip, we just sitted outside, silently, and I began to think about alot of things...
Then I had the feeling again, it was like the ultimate destination of every thought's scheme (like, you could start thinking about society, familly, religion, friends, or whatever, you would still end, if you pushed far enought the thinking, to this "ultimate" point...
I understood once more the "why" of the creation, when did the time started, when it was going to end, I mean I perfectly, crystal clear, understood the mechanism of the cosmos...
And then I understood why I (and surely other people who could have reach the same point as me) wasn't going to be able to keep this knowledge in my mind after the trip, I felt a bit sad knowing that, but I quickly decided that I was already lucky enough that the shrooms granted me this knowledge, even for such a short time... I mean, I felt again that I didn't need to do anything more, I felt like the time had stopped, and that I was going to stay under this sky full of stars for an eternity, listening to a perfect music... I think one could say that I reached the "Nirvana" the Greeks talked about, all of my desires, including curiosity were totally satisfied, and were going to stay that way...
I decided thought, knowing that this knowledge wasn't going to be there for long, that I should try to bring a small part of this knowledge, I tried the best as I can to explain it with words (how are our languages limited...), and I ended up with this :
(In french/English translation)
La capacité du tout à pouvoir se rendre compte de lui même.
Capacity of the whole to being able to realize of itself.
This sentence only makes a really vague sense now that I have lost this knowledge, but I didn't intended it to be able to make me remember of everything... I just keep it in my mind, 'cause it's like a everlasting gift the shrooms gave to me.... And who knows, maybe when I'll trip again, this sentence will make once more sense...