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Le forum des amateurs de drogues et des explorateurs de l'esprit


  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MzFly
  • Date de début Date de début


Glandeuse Pinéale
Hello fellow psychonauts :)

Mr Spider and I are here to soak up all the information we can find concerning most topics related to ethogenic experiences.
Looking forward to discovering all you have to share, and sharing our knowledge and experience with you!

Mz Fly and I have dropped by to say hi...

as we delve ever deeper the wonder the amazement...

Looking forward to it all...

Mr. Spider
hello to you 2, happy to feel wonders reading you;

come in and dwell with us
Welcome guys looking foward to get to know you both.
Nice to see a spider & a fly cooperate together ! :lol:

Let this be an example for our worldleaders to set a path to world peace ! :D

Welcome !
Hi Marc! nice kitty cat ... listening to tunes on his headphones ... skulking around a market, in search of stray scraps of physh ...

I haven't had time to go through many posts or threads here yet ... this one seemed to be what Mr Spider and Mz Fly are seeking ... answers to some of the mysterious aspects of ethnogenic experiences. Our first observation (actually observed, felt, sensed .. ) was a beautiful energy, that seems to have bound us together. We're not sure if it was always there, but remained undetected, waiting for a set of specific circumstances to become apparent to us ... or if it found us after we became acquainted ... so many questions .... :D
in most cases, the energieflow has always been there only we were not aware of it
I very much tend to agree with you, Forest!
There is a distinct familiarity to the energy ... I guess it's difficult for our logical, practical brains to grasp concepts such as this ... we tend to dispell anything that we can't see too quickly and easily. Becoming a psychonaut opens up a whole new realm of realities, non? :rolleyes:

By the way ... would be great if you could go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eemnes and post a photo of Eemes - sounds like a heavenly place!
Hi spider and fly!
You seem very happy, tell us your secret :)
This is my third post, keeps giving errors, wich is the answer to the universe, error. Sounds like grrror. etc. This was probably something i could write.
Three times is steady as she goes on a straight ship, as we say in the low countries :?
Good luck searching, i kept finding new questions.. But the 'trip' is beautiful and like finding something you keep forgetting....
petfles a dit:
You seem very happy, tell us your secret :)

Greetings to you petfles...We search for that secret, we don't possess it... It is in fact a quest of sorts for an understanding of a force of energy we have discovered together... Mr Spider and Mz Fly grew out of what we quickly came to call our "Web"...a place more in mind and spirit than in location....a place where inexplicable and awesome things can and do happen...So many doors opening up yet so many more questions than answers...psilocybin is informing our quest recently...and we have found that experience to be so interesting to be worthy of a little indoor fungal garden of our own!

petfles a dit:
Good luck searching, i kept finding new questions.. But the 'trip' is beautiful and like finding something you keep forgetting....

This journey of discovery into alternate perceptions and awareness and understandings is indeed beautiful. Mz Fly and I have discovered ourselves lost in waves of wonderful energy, brought to tears together by the magnitude of the shared experience...a qualia of utmost significance...

Your last words..."the trip is beautiful and like finding something you keep forgetting"...is informative...insightful...could you explain more about what that means/feels like to you?

Reagards from the Web,
Mr Spider
Well, I did learn something with shrooms, hawaaians to be more precise...

I dit all sort of shrooms, but it's only during two hawaaians's trip that I had "the" answer to "everything", I mean I understood ALL the creation, the time, the cosmos...

(Both trip were done with 0.5 gr Hawaaians, and I had already take the same amount of this shroom specie without having a similar trip)

The first time the trip was so heavy that I ('till the second trip) didn't remember how the hell I managed to have "this" thought, but the fact was, I was tripping in my living room, and when I got "the" revelation, all of my worries, all of my fears and stuff like that just dissapeared, all my friends and family appeared all around us three, smiled to me and told me something like "Now you understand, don't you ?" with a nice, warm smile... I had the feeling that I had reached the ultimate point, that I didn't needed to do anything more, not even THINK, and that I could just now rest and enjoy this ultimate knowledge for the eternity, I closed my eyes and saw eons defilying, I saw great underwater cities, I understood that cats we're the guardians of creation (like the egyptian mythology (and trust me, I'm am DEFINATELY not a religious person))...

After the trip, I didn't remembered exactly what was "this" thought that had lead to such a wonderful trip...

Next trip was done a few month later, we tripped outside with a friend, not really as "hard" as the first time, but shortly after the peak of the trip, we just sitted outside, silently, and I began to think about alot of things...

Then I had the feeling again, it was like the ultimate destination of every thought's scheme (like, you could start thinking about society, familly, religion, friends, or whatever, you would still end, if you pushed far enought the thinking, to this "ultimate" point...

I understood once more the "why" of the creation, when did the time started, when it was going to end, I mean I perfectly, crystal clear, understood the mechanism of the cosmos...

And then I understood why I (and surely other people who could have reach the same point as me) wasn't going to be able to keep this knowledge in my mind after the trip, I felt a bit sad knowing that, but I quickly decided that I was already lucky enough that the shrooms granted me this knowledge, even for such a short time... I mean, I felt again that I didn't need to do anything more, I felt like the time had stopped, and that I was going to stay under this sky full of stars for an eternity, listening to a perfect music... I think one could say that I reached the "Nirvana" the Greeks talked about, all of my desires, including curiosity were totally satisfied, and were going to stay that way...

I decided thought, knowing that this knowledge wasn't going to be there for long, that I should try to bring a small part of this knowledge, I tried the best as I can to explain it with words (how are our languages limited...), and I ended up with this :

(In french/English translation)

La capacité du tout à pouvoir se rendre compte de lui même.
Capacity of the whole to being able to realize of itself.

This sentence only makes a really vague sense now that I have lost this knowledge, but I didn't intended it to be able to make me remember of everything... I just keep it in my mind, 'cause it's like a everlasting gift the shrooms gave to me.... And who knows, maybe when I'll trip again, this sentence will make once more sense...
Welcome to the forum, hope you will find what you guys are looking for on this forum.

Here's the picture's of Eemnes (hahaha LMAO, you found a dutch city on wiki :D)




Here's the picture's of Eemnes (hahaha LMAO, you found a dutch city on wiki )

Is there another Eemnes out there? I searched high and sober (ha ha ha!), and found only the Eemnes in the Netherlands ...

Thanks for posting those photos though - are these photos of the Eemnes that you call home?
You seem very happy, tell us your secret :)

No secrets, petfles (what does "petfles" mean?) ... our knowledge is here to be shared with anyone who wishes to know it. We feel as though we have very little knowledge right now, but looking back to the time before we began our adventure, we've gained volumes.

i kept finding new questions..
We can certainly relate to that statement, pet ... a fraction of an answer appears ... only to leave dozens more questions in its wake.

But the 'trip' is beautiful and like finding something you keep forgetting....
This line has greatly intrigued the Spider and the Fly - please do elaborate!

Waiting patiently in the web ... The Spider & The Fl y
MzFly a dit:
Here's the picture's of Eemnes (hahaha LMAO, you found a dutch city on wiki )

Is there another Eemnes out there? I searched high and sober (ha ha ha!), and found only the Eemnes in the Netherlands

A Dutch city means a city in the Netherlands...

I don't call it home, but I've once been there.

But these pictures are from the one and only Eemnes ;)
A Dutch city means a city in the Netherlands...

I don't call it home, but I've once been there.

But these pictures are from the one and only Eemnes

Sorry guy ... I give up :( ... must be a language barrier thing ...

Still have no idea where you live, but it looks very nice indeed.
Wow ... between Lausanne and Geneva - a french-speaking location in Switzerland ... on a large and beautiful lake ... sounds heavenly, LordTiax! Here in Canada, the two official languages are french and english ... in your area, they must be ... french/german/italian/romansh??

Some questions for you, LordTiax

answer to "everything", I mean I understood ALL the creation, the time, the cosmos...

When you realized that you understood ... did you also have the feeling that the information was not new to you - i.e., did you feel as though you knew all of this information all along, but somehow "forgot" it?

(Both trip were done with 0.5 gr Hawaaians, and I had already take the same amount of this shroom specie without having a similar trip)
That's a mighty small dosage - is this Hawaaians strain known as a more potent strain?

I understood that cats we're the guardians of creation (like the egyptian mythology (and trust me, I'm am DEFINATELY not a religious person))...
1. I've heard reference to the special and unusual qualities possessed by felines ... do you remember any additional information about cats from your trip to this other realm? Spider and Fly have had a pronounced interaction with felines since the beginning of The Adventure ... very curious to know whether or not others have noted a relation between cats and seeking spiritual knowledge.
2. We are not "religious" people either ... most definitely spiritual though ... immense difference between the two terms.

Next trip was done a few month later, we tripped outside with a friend, not really as "hard" as the first time, but shortly after the peak of the trip, we just sitted outside, silently, and I began to think about alot of things...
If you can remember any of the "things" you thought about during this trip, we would be very interested to hear any and/or all of it!

Then I had the feeling again, it was like the ultimate destination of every thought's scheme (like, you could start thinking about society, familly, religion, friends, or whatever, you would still end, if you pushed far enought the thinking, to this "ultimate" point...
Did you come to the basic conclusion that there is one answer to all questions?

And then I understood why I (and surely other people who could have reach the same point as me) wasn't going to be able to keep this knowledge in my mind after the trip
Any thoughts whatsoever as to the reason that you would not be able to retain any of this knowledge?

I felt like the time had stopped
Aha!! Time ... we are totally and completely at a loss to understand "time" at this point. We know that, under the influence of entheogens, time behaves in a very different manner ... how? Why?? It is said that "linear time" - the kind that we all become familiar with in this realm - does not actually exist - that it's a man-made concept.

I decided thought, knowing that this knowledge wasn't going to be there for long, that I should try to bring a small part of this knowledge, I tried the best as I can to explain it with words (how are our languages limited...), and I ended up with this :

(In french/English translation)

La capacité du tout à pouvoir se rendre compte de lui même.
Capacity of the whole to being able to realize of itself.

I work with quebecoise (french canadian woman), who is also a certified translator - I asked her to translate the french phrase you so generously and selflessly thought to bring back with you (is your zodiac sign Aquarius??) and share with whomever is receptive ... this is her version of the english translation:
" The all-encompasing capacity that gives him the power to examine himself"
Intriquing, non?

This sentence only makes a really vague sense now that I have lost this knowledge, but I didn't intended it to be able to make me remember of everything... I just keep it in my mind, 'cause it's like a everlasting gift the shrooms gave to me.... And who knows, maybe when I'll trip again, this sentence will make once more sense...

Please do keep us posted, and let us know if you find any further meaning to this gem that you were able to bring back!