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Bienvenue sur Psychonaut.fr !

Le forum des amateurs de drogues et des explorateurs de l'esprit

Greetings, all.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Arkhangelsk
  • Date de début Date de début


Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Quite a nice place you've got here. I just discovered this site today and was clicking around and it definitely seems like the type of place I'd like to be.

I'm a 20 year old college student who is still relatively inexperienced in psychonautics, but it's something I'm very interested in. I smoked the dread marijuana for the first time about three years ago, then intermittently until the beginning of this summer, when it's really taken off and I've been smoking pretty consistently since then. I also tried mushrooms toward the end of last fall, and that was quite the eye-opening experience.

I've just got a great interest in and love to talk about music (I listen to everything from death metal to jazz to gangster rap to classical, but my favorite is progressive music. Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Devin Townsend, I love it.), art, film, theatre (I'm an actor), or pretty much any sort of interesting subject, whether in the real world or in the philosophical or spiritual realms.

Anywho, that's pretty much me. Now who brought the cookies?
welcome mate!!

glad you like it here and hope you can learn something and spread your good vibes! anyways happy psychonauting!!!!! :D

peace :weedman:
"Welcoooooooooomeeeeee, to the woooooooorld of tomorroooooooooooooooow"
Space-Is-The-Place: Awesome, just awesome.

Ark: Welcome
so space, you seem to like futur --- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

welcome to the forums arkhangelsk :)