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Going to take Philosopher's Stones!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion goldenboi
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Matrice Périnatale
hi guys!I'm from naples,Italy,and I think azarius is fantastic.. /forum/images/graemlins/lolwsign.gif
Me and my friends are going to order Philosopher's Stones..Can u say something to me about that?!
I tried few times cubensis,taken from azarius..what are the differences between?
How many grams do u think we should take?There are people with me that have never taken mushrooms..I think they should take 5 grams..isn't it?
And what about contrapcetive pills?It's possible to take philosopers using that pills??
I hope you will soon answer my question,even if they are too many.. /forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif
ciao!!!!! /forum/images/graemlins/dancing222.gif
another thing..when the package arrives,have i to put the mushrooms in the fridge until I will eat them?

plese answer.. /forum/images/graemlins/think.gif
another thing..when the package arrives,have i to put the mushrooms in the fridge until I will eat them?

yeah, when you put them in the fridge you can store them longer.
but it's the same if i put them in a fresh place?I think my parents would not be happy founding them in the fridge /forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Hello!!!Well,leaving them out of the fridge will make them very,very "White" all over,and will start loosing potency.In my personal opinion,and actually i tried the PHStones last weekend,if you are with people who never tried shrooms before,they are the perfect shrooms for the first time(15/20grs),since the trip is not so intense as with other mushies,and very less visual too,but it tastes a lot better,and more like a very peacefull and full of sensitive pleasure trip,i think,i can say i was overwhelmed with all the pleasure i felt.Different and weaker,compared to the cubensis,but also wonderfull.Go for it,you will enjoy!!!
thanx acid burn!!!
but don't u thin 15-20 grams are too for the first time??many people said to me 5-6 grams it's right
Well,i took 15grs,but if you think you should start easy and if you are with "newbies" on shrooms,take about 8/10,or start easy with 5/6,they taste ok,so you can always eat more,if you feel it´s not coming up!!!