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Going to smoke DMT, advice please.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I've tested the waters with a single hit, twice now. I don't quite like the feeling of that. It makes me feel like I'm in an LSA / Mushroom onset trip. I hate onset.

But, I plan to break through anyways. I will do it when I am feeling good, and am with friends (I can tolerate 15 minutes fine anyways though). But here's some questions:

Does music even matter?
-I heard that music under DMT sounds like mechanical jargon.

Should I be inside or can I be outside?
-Salvia trip I would have been hassled for sure, I was walking around (i guess) like an idiot, drooling and what not.

Does your mindset matter?
-Salvia trip I didn't prepare, and I was in a dark sketchy area.

(I'm comparing it to salvia only due to intensity and length of trip... not much else)
It's nothing like Salvia. It is as getting 1000 mushrooms injected. :D

Music matters but it's really REALLY far away and not recognised as sound, but adviseable. Preferable with headphones on.

You should sit on a couch or bed because when you break-through you'll literally fall unconsciousness as an instant deep sleep. Personally I lay sideways as a baby.

Your mindset matters but a break-through is also instant amnesia of this world, you have no body and identity so there's nothing to worry about, everything is vibrating energy.

You won't experience the feeling of losing it because there is nothing to lose, the experience is real for as long as it lasts.

Do not worry man, before you realise it's onset you're launched as a missile into a black-hole. ;)

:heart: :heart:
I am excited. I really am :D
Yes, I've been testing the waters myself several times, and like you mention here, it is not that nice. You can read my description of the treshold level here. I also posted it on Mycotopia and got very useful and encouraging feedback there.

So far I never used a scale for filling my pipe. It seems one time I put a bit more and one inhalation completely blew my mind. I had become unresponsive to my girlfriend, who was trying to make me take another hit (I was supposed to take three), started humming and later shouting "whoooooo!!!" for several minutes. First I sat on the couch (eyes covered by a Mindfold), but then sat down on the floor, and when I stood up after ten minutes I asked "What the FUCK just happened?! What did I do? WHAT DID I DO???!!!!" She told me I had smoked DMT, and I went like "Uh, what? Oh, right, ehh...let me lay down in bed then". I do not remember all the sequences from that experience, but it was incredibly beautiful, pleasurable, sexy, delicious, flowing, brightly colored, and all of it witnessed by the entire world... I remember that the "whooo" translated into a giant kaleidoscopic tunnel I seemed to tumble through. As soon as I laid down in bed, the visions quickly faded.

During my experiences with testing the waters, I went into the state where I could observe the slowly turning multicolored Tibetan prayer wheels, or the floral mandala, without losing my composure. These were interesting views, but not exciting or ecstatic.
I have also been blessed with a pinch of spirit molecule, and have been experimenting with it for a couple of weeks now. First thing I noticed: darkness is essential. My first pratfall with this wonderful stuff was that I was sitting outside on my balcony and the light of a lamp post completely misted my visuals. So either use a blindfold or make sure that the setting is as dark as possible.

Second advice: I personally prefer no music while smoking DMT, because it distracts a lot. However if you're below threshold, but there are effects, it;s a wonderful way to make it interesting. Music on DMT is amazing by the way, I personally experienced it as some sort of abstract machinery(hard to explain). But a good trip is best without music.

My first time over the threshold was quite scary by the way, but I managed to calm myself down perfectly. Just breath deeply and try to embrace the experience.

Oh and btw: the bodyhigh you get from it is so immensely ecstatic, to me it felt like my spirit broke out of it's cage(or body) and just started expanding. It may sound weird, but it somehow feels quite natural too. Anyway I hope this helps.I am probably heading into hyperspace tonight again as well 8)

A while back i did try a very low dose, but experienced some sort of salvia vibes which i didn't like. Somehow it made me a little scared and i didn't try it again. But this topic motivates me to give it another try! :D
ii find sometimes it can be uncomfortable.....the last time loaded nice white and was dissappearing as the first rip was exhaled during my eyes opened for a sec and the room inverted and melted it was probably the hardcorest opened eye visual , i should say hallucination that i have ever seen and had to close my eyes right away. i was starting to fight the trip and was ready for it to end
i opened my eyes again thinking thats all i had to do to stop it but WRONG!!!

just kept telling myself just a few minutes

just got a bit spooked with the open eye....even if things go wrong u dont have long to wait
Thats why I'm excited. My salvia trip was the bleakest parts of my other trips condensed in 15 minutes, and I kind of enjoyed facing it. I know I can handle a bad 15 minuter, the time span just isn't long enought to put a dent in me. A euphoric one however, would be overly welcomed. It will probably happen with in a week - I will write about it.

CM, thanks for that. Was interesting read.

I plan to possibly do exactly what I did with salvia. Sit down. concentrate on nothing, and inhale. Quickly. No fear. Like jumping off a high bridge into water (such a scary feeling, but you feel great, accomplished after).

I just don't know whether to do it alone, or with someone. I just don't know.

1 hit - did not have any visuals. I closed my eye, and there was a "spot" from my lamp after i closed my eyes, and I realized it was a featus, a tiny unborn pink featus, floating in my vision. I stared at the inside of my eyelid about 1 minute but seemed like 5 seconds, or vise versa, it was both.

I became extremely motivated, but fearful to take another. So I cleaned my room.
just go for it... :P

what i was told.....accept and breath
IJesusChrist a dit:
1 hit - did not have any visuals.
All the one hit experiments I've done, including the ones I considered failed experiments, generated powerful visuals. But the room must be dark, even if you use a blindfold (because there may be a tendency to take the blindfold off). I now have a lighter that has a blue LED which lights up when you use it, and automatically switches off when you close the lid. This way I can see what I'm doing (heating the pipe) in a room that's completely dark.

CM, thanks for that. Was interesting read.
Here are the responses I got at another forum, I think you'll find them interesting as well:

from what i've gathered,
you just have to focus on getting 3-4 gooood hits,
then you'll break through without much of an option.
just focus on getting the hits.
Those familiar with DMT will tell you there's no getting around the fear sometimes, it's best to just try to blast thru it with your dose. But YMMV...
i have experienced this anxiety while contemplating a Spice trip. My first few times, i wanted to make sure i broke threw. I did, i went very far. A very emotional and life changing experience. I found myself sitting on my remaining stash for nearly a year before i was willing to try again. I hadn't had any bad encounters or anything, but there is definitely a lot of power in this substance and it deserves the respect your giving it.

When the time is right you will know when to go all the way again. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and you gotta find your pipe and hit it while your in the mood, other times you gotta psych yourself up for it. Once you get enough in your lungs though, none of it matters anymore. :D
Nailed it. I came into DMT the exact same way. It blew me away a couple times, and I couldn't bring myself to do it again for almost a year.

Caduceus: Let it come naturally, no need to force it. If you WANT to breakthrough, then smoke and smoke until you absolutely cannot smoke
anymore. If you feel nervous about it, you don't HAVE to go there.

I know exactly what you are talking about. I can catch the wave of weirdness long before I am launched off, and it always catches me off guard, no matter how many times I do it...it's just that strange I suppose.
SWIM is always slightly nervous of Spice - try start small - use far less - become comfy with non breakthru experiences then when u feel u are ready - go for gold.
Yes, SWIM has had the same neverousness also. He finds that if he does it with someone else with him that may take some of the edge away
That's true also, if you have a sitter it does seem easier to let yourself go.
Let me ask you are you good at smoking it? Y i ask is i used to have a lot of trouble smoking it and when i would smoke i was never sure if i was gona get a good hit of it. So i was always unsure of where it would take me. after i got the dose and smokin method down it became much easier because i knew pretty much the level of experience i was gonna get. i mean if i pack a 25 mg dose in there thats what im gonna get.

Besides that that stuff is intense and im not gonna lie some zanny's or if you have a more natural route really help getting over that fear.

Believe me youl learn a big lesson in overcoming fear. Because when its done your gonna be like WTF was i afraid of that was fkn incredible.

O and skip the light doses. Go for a full dose. light doses can make you feel uneasy and weird and you still have the ability to think. the mind doesnt like to think on DMT so you have to clear your mind and not try to decipher whats goin on til its over. Your along for the ride.
That are some good advices, yet I again I more or less assure anyone that a moderated dose not respresent the character of DMT when it's done all the way through. There's no grip for the awareness to care, and that is the comfort and suprise one is getting.
I have plenty interested friends now, so it will be inevitable that I set sail soon. I plan to clear my mind, sit, and let go.

I will probably watch 2-3 people before I do it.
Smoked it, was outside, star-lit night in a country side filled with phalaris arundicae.

The stuff was quite weak, but what I got from it was a slingshot into a relaxed almost opiate like trance. For a minute I concentrated on a pink and black blanket of that mushroom-like fractal pattern, covering a portion of my inner eyelid.

It lasted about 5 minutes, and I realized a small dose of this is by far the best relaxant/concentration/meditation drug I have experienced. Fun fun.

I wish I had more, and more potent.