Global Authority on Global Warming... A Global Idiot

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité ... commentbox

The IPCC has been the Authority when it comes to Global Warming issues, yet their predictions for temperature risings and glacial recessions are staggeringly wrong. We may see the arctic as a ice-less ocean by 2015, against the prediction of the IPCC of 2050. These numbers are extremely important in addressing global warming, yet they seem to be made more erroneosly than possible. They contribute the errors to "Human" errors, i.e. forgetting a decimal place? Or 10?

It also seems that they have become a political entity with political goals & agendas. Unfortunate for all...
unfortunately these kind of calculations are to complex to understand for anybody without a phd in the field