Freedom Fighter in danger. Prince of Pot Face Extradition-US

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Glandeuse Pinéale

Michelle Rainey, Marc Emery, and Greg Williams
Three Canadians face extradition to, and life imprisonment in, the United States - but they've never been there!

For article>>>

Reality Portal strongly urge all to sign the petitition. Phone the authorities and create a movement with devoted citizens protesting this insanity.


No Extradition for Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, or Greg Williams

Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams appeared in BC Supreme Court on March 5th and the Crown requested another adjournment. The BC3 will return to the BC Supreme Court on April 9th, 2008.

The deal proposal needs to be finalized and offered to Marc for review, then Marc will decide whether to accept it or not. However, the deal negotiations may have hit a snag; the Canadian government is claiming that the deal would be impossible to allow under Canadian law (read "Snag in Deal by US and Canada's Prince of Pot", Reuters).

As such, further negotiations are needed, so court was adjourned until April 9th. See the No Extradition forum in the CC Forums for more information and discussion.

UPDATE: On March 7th, 2008, another Appeals court in BC found that the punishment for selling cannabis seeds should not be more severe than one month in prison and one year of probation, which is the punishment handed to a marijuana seed retailer in BC who was selling to Americans. Read that story here. full story

Please phone (613) 957-4222 to tell the Canadian Minister of Justice it would be "cruel and unjust", and an insult to Canada's sovereignty, to extradite Canadians Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams to the United States to face life in US prison. If Canadians have broken the law in Canada, they should be given a fair jury trial in Canada. If they wouldn't face any imprisonment in Canada for the charges laid, they should not be extradited to another country to face life imprisonment. In Canada, a $200 fine -- not jail time -- is the BC Supreme Court appeals precedent for selling cannabis seeds (R. v. Hunter, 2000), and 58% of Canadians oppose extradition in this case (Strategic Counsel/Angus Reid polls).

Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, and Greg Williams are Canadian citizens who were heavily involved in anti-prohibition activitism for over ten years. The United States Justice Department and DEA want Canada's government to extradite these three political activists to face 10 years up to life in US prison! Canadians and Americans MUST do their part to help prevent the extradition from happening -- even a phone call makes a difference!

Ways to Help, Downloads, Links, Information, and More!
Send your filled-out petitions, letters, and donations to "No Extradition" 307 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 1H6. We need evidence for court to prove that there is strong opposition to extradition!
- Download the "No Extradition: 5 Things You Can Do" pamphlet PDF page one and page two, or the "No Extradition: 5 Things You Can Do" two-sided Word Document handout, then print and distribute copies everywhere!
- Download the "No Extradition" petition PDF or the "No Extradition" petition Word Document, sign it, and submit to us as soon as possible!
- Sign the online petition at
- Send a letter to the Minister of Justice and Members of Parliament (and let the Justice Minister know that Members of Parliament are also being contacted, so your concerns should not be ignored!) then forward a copy to Jodie Emery at [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
- Donate to the Legal Defense Fund, or send money orders or checks made out to "Ian Donaldson In Trust" (with a memo "Marc Emery") to Donaldson & Jette, 490-1090 Homer St., Vancouver BC, V6B 2W9, Canada
- Download a PDF of the "No Extradition" logo
- Buy a "No Extradition" T-shirt
- Join the CC No Extradition forum for discussion and updates
"Three Canadians face extradition to, and life imprisonment in, the United States - but they've never been there! "

Life imprisonment for what, Marijuana? COME ON!!! WHAT HARM HAVE THEY DONE? These laws are getting out of hand, someone or something with a higher power than the government needs to straighten things out. THEY HAVE TOOK IT TOO FAR!! I will be sure to help these 3 in any way! This type of stuff makes me very very angry!

EDIT: well just about everyone I know has signed that petition. Word is getting out very fast. Everyone, please try to spread the word. Think of how it would feel if you were one of those people. I have printed out many petitions that I want to fill with names and send to the judge. Also have printed out many awareness forms that will be posted in my school and around the city.

PEACE to those who still understand the word!
Those Fascists!!
i sure as hell will help them Canadians outafit!!
i copyed the article and sent it to every single contact i have in my mail!
Even more insidious is that the Canadian judicial system is just playing into the hands of what is essentially an internal political struggle in the States.. that between individual states where MJ is legal for medical use and those self-appointed experts at the DEA...

The DEA has been losing the battle slowly but steadily with their draconian, out of date and out of touch anti-mj laws, and are evidently getting desperate.

I really hope that Canadians in general won't stand for this. I would just blame Harper and co. but the Liberals are equally to blame as well.
this just shows how the US is trying to take over.... everything.
if all the people in the world who want MJ legal or that use MJ, in any way, were to get down in the streets and suddently all together started breaking the law (i.e. use MJ)in a huge sit in session, then the thing would be SO HUGE that the government will have to take act, you can't kill or beat up or jail ALL those people. the problem is that the majority of those people are cowards and won+t go on the street for a just cause. (i've organised a couple of MJ marches and of all those supposed to show up only 50% did and none of them had a dentist appointment)
Dantediv86, you hit the nail on the head. In Canada supposedly 17% of our population smokes the grass. That's one in 6 people. In the 'states it is like what, 1 in 8 people? If we really wanted marijuana to be legal, it would be.

There is nothing more to blame.. other than our own apathy.
Plan it and let me know, I'll be there!
whoever said 1 in 8 people smoke weed in the us is wrong. because thats just the people admitting to smoking weed.
Dante- Yes, its called 'Civil Disobiedience'.

In the 60's and 70's this was actually implemented in the United States. I can remember seeing on television as a youngster the images of what was called 'smoke-ins' where thousands of people met and did jusy what you were talking about. EVERYONE was burning ganja, and there were too many to arrest, too many to beat, too many to do anything with.

Take this in context, however....those folks back then had some qualities that are sadly, sorely lacking in most people today; they HAD
an actual 'line in the sand' that they weren't willing to compromise....
they had the desire to stand up to oppression, and the big machine hadn't sown so much distrust in the ranks at that point in time.

In short, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

It is the PREROGATIVE of the people to assert their WILL upon the governmet.

God Damn it, THIS IS WHAT the founding fathers meant when they wrote the framework that became the constitution.

I can understand a love of peace, and an orderly existence, I want that as much as anyone else, but at some point, oppression must be met with resolve, and will.

People have too many cattle like qualities, taken as a whole, to allow the course of these kinds of things to be dictated by some archaic 'majority-rule' mentality. The minority must TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES to assert the definition of what is 'just' and what is 'tyranny'.

History teaches that governments must be bridled by ACTIVE, interested citizens, and that the exercise of the voice of the common man can only be heard by governments when it is amplified by commonality and unification.

If I was Marc Emery, and Greg, and Michelle, I would go underground, move up to about the 59th paralell in extreme Northern BC, and tell uncle sam

'fuck ya' :evil: