Free Casey William Hardison

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
During the closing ceremony of the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland, writer and Erowid editor Jon Hanna drew our attention to yet another casualty of the War On (certain people who use certain types of) Drugs.

Entheogenic activist Casey William Hardison will be locked up for 20 years...

Casey to the Judge:

"..the so-called 'War on Drugs' is not a war on pills, powder, plants and potions, it is a war on mental states - a war on consciousness itself - how much, what sort we are permitted to experience, and who gets to control it.

A government that is permitted to set punishments for drug 'offences' in which a person has done nothing more than grow, manufacture, distribute, or use, the psychoactive agents which have been denoted as "controlled substances," participates in an even more pernicious form of censorship - a censorship of consciousness itself - by choosing to punish people for no other crime than choosing to experience or enable particular states of mind."

Please go to to read more about Casey, and what you can do to help him.
