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fly agaric

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Alpiniste Kundalini
i picked some amanitas last week and felt bad picking them?
they were all fully open so i didnt know why.
i tried to dry them slow, and today they were covered with maggots, a waste i feel bad they were large fully shaped ones.
two i think are sweet so in oven now.
would that happen to them in the wild anyway get eaten by flys if not picked.
The Universe wastes nothing, it is simply transformed.

im yet to try them. soon. But from what iv'e read, well they put you in a trance pretty much aye
Now you know!!!

I thought you could just put them in the oven right away? Low heat for a bit, maybe 30 mins then put it up to a normal oven temp?
The myceliums already done what it was there to do and the spores have already spread from the fruit, which is what they're there to do. The fruits will grow back next year. Some people engage in 'flick and pick', flicking the caps before picking them to make sure some of the spores have spread. Good hearted but kind of pointless in most cases.

As soon as the fruit appears out of the ground, flies lay eggs on it, they hatch into maggots and grow inside it. That's why they've been given the common name Fly Agaric. Maggots are just part of the process. They're not going to kill you if eat them (particularly once they've been baked dry), it's just disgusting to think about.

Oddly enough, I had a reoccurring dream involving next doors cats ending up in my bedrooms covered in maggots, just a few hours ago. And then there weird, fluffy black and orange scorpion like spiders wandering around. I tried killing one by grabbing it tightly in my hand and then my hand started hurting like a mother and I woke up.

I know you're supposed to dry them gently so's to avoid breaking anything interesting down in them. But ibotenic acid actually seems remarkably stable when it's own, and the decarboxylation to muscimol seems pH dependant when there are no enzymes around. I also think people may be drying them so gently so the maggots escape and aren't in their dinner. I imagine quite a few of the people eating these are vegetarians or vegans.


Muscaria haven't done anything to me. Pantherina is were it's at if you're after a strong experience.
lol they smell like Cake when they are dry and ready.

any one heard about not eating the gills and stem?

what are some doses you have tried with muscaria?
Shamanita a dit:
sidefx a dit:
any one heard about not eating the gills and stem?

u only need the red skin

It's a shame because they actually don't taste too bad, which seems to be a rarity for drugs. Chuck a stock cube in and you have some tasty soup. I took 17 / 18g of them and didn't even have a stomach twitch. Ask Erowid for your dose recommendation. Again, unlike Muscaria, one Pantharina was enough to seriously twist up my mind for a good three or four hours. But don't go picking those, they can look like death caps (amanita phalloides). :P
peach a dit:
It's a shame because they actually don't taste too bad, which seems to be a rarity for drugs. Chuck a stock cube in and you have some tasty soup. I took 17 / 18g of them and didn't even have a stomach twitch. Ask Erowid for your dose recommendation. Again, unlike Muscaria, one Pantharina was enough to seriously twist up my mind for a good three or four hours. But don't go picking those, they can look like death caps (amanita phalloides). :P

mm, i think it's quiet easy to destinguish between phalloides and pantherina..
Phalloides more looks like some edible shrooms though (Agaricus species or example)
