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Glandeuse Pinéale
a friend of a friend of mine recently got a hold of some shrooms and he is going to have a chance to use them tomorrow. are there any suggestions for this? his only previous experiences are cebil and dxm a couple of times.
Enjoi it, and find a nice peacefull place to trip. So the center of Amsterdam p.a. would be a no-go
Thanks for the replies. What about smoking cannabis before during or after? he will definitely be smoking before hand, but how will this affect the experience?
Better to dive in sober, especially the first time (imagine some weedparanoia multiplied by 100 :shock:). Unless you are a very experienced smoker and have somewhat of a tolerance, I would advice against.

During the peak you would probably not think of smoking weed, but it might be nice to smoke some when the effects start to fade, so you have a soft and comfortable landing. Don't overdo it.
I would abstain from smoking before, if it is your first time. Personally I find that Cannabis does nothing during the height of a Mushrooms experience. On the comedown it is very nice to smoke one for a gentle landing, just as Fork said. All in All, just be an observer on a ride, don't attach to any of the good, and therefor bad feelings and you will be fine. Have a good experience!!

peace & love :heart:
he is a very experienced smoker, a chronic one. he is going to get the shrooms sometime within the next five hours, and in about eight hours from now he will be eating them. I will post again when he has a trip report ready.
As it turns out, when he went to get the shrooms, they were all gone. so now a new question: He's looking at a couple of websites that that sell various mushroom supplies, how can he tell which one can get the spores and substrate to him without having any eyebrows raised here at him?
the harder the website was to find, the better.

also look for one with discreet packaging, and order the entirety of supplies from multiple sites (if you don't mind paying for the shipping)
I think he's going to use autoclavable spawn bags, and he will choose the species when he fully trusts a site. He wants to know if rice alone is acceptible substrate and should B+ be fairly easy for first time grower? what are other options, he would rather buy as much as possible locally.
His shroom trip turned out to be a dxm trip. nothing special happened during the trip.
why don't u check the web for free spore ring in europe and after few attempts and good results buy syringe or print.That way u wont be angry if u screw your first culture.A lot of growers suggest to start with the simple mind techs like Pf and jars.
Pretty much the easiest way to grow u're own mushies is to spend a little extra money and pay for the pro's to do most of the work for you.

Google grow bags, buy a grain growbag, find a spore seller from shroomery's vendor links. Follow the websites video guide to inoculate your bag w/ the purchased spore syringe. Place in an area to colonized. Then you can transfer the grain to a casing tray, (i've heard people use tupperware containers), follow a shroomery casing guide, and you have mushies growing.


Order some PF Tek Jars from ebay, order spores from an online vendor, inoculate, colonize, transfer to a grow chamber (check erowid or shroomery for how to build a simple one and they are cheap to make) mist and provide air exchange (fan) and you should have some good mushies for minimum risk/effort but more money spent.
UTHTURN a dit:
It may not help much but "my friend" found a site once in the US that sends spore prints for 1$ but I cannot find the link also "my friend" found this video and others like it useful
http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=g ... =en&emb=0#
That site is called free spore ring Canada and it is closed for now because of lack of donation.The one in Europe is in the Netherlands in Wijchen and you send them 1 eu,1 envelope and the print you want.I want tell you the site because i don't know if it is against the rules,just search for free spore ring in Europe.I am not a fan of these grow boxes because it isn't that fun.Building you own grow box,finding a way to keep you humidity with simple air pump,aquarium heater and hermetic box,preparing your own spawn substrate,fruiting substrate,that's really fun i suggest you to try,just clean everything with alcohol,sterilize everything you use and you will get nice results at low cost
Your correct Trustafari
It is a shame they closed it was a righteous endeavor
If he gets the prestirilized grow bag and a syringe, will it be conspicuous to have it sent to a PO box? he has found a few sites with the bags, but they are mostly very large. he has only seen 3 pound bags. where can he get smaller ones?
nevermind about the smaller bags, but can he get the bag or drying powder locally? what type of store should he look for?
Theres no point in a PO box as you have to register it in your name and you have to pick the goods up .

Those bags are only available from mushroom growing firms and lab supplys . Look for a firm that grows / sells edible mushrooms . You should be able to get bags there with no problems ...... as long as you dont tell them what for.......

What do you mean by drying agent ? If you mean to dry wet mushrooms forget it . Air drying is the best , easyest , cheapest and quickest .
the PO is box due to family obligations. all his packages and mail goes to his parents house because he lives on their property and doesnt technically have an address. should he worry about having the bags or the syringes sent to a PO box?

With air drying, how should this be done? a food dehydrator with no heat comes to mind.