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First time with Lucy...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PsycheSmirk
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So, tomorrow, I'm going to the park with my friend, and we're going to drop two blotters. Supposedly the acid is "good." I don't know what's considered good or bad acid, considering I've never done it before, but from what I've read, people say that two is a good beginner-amount. For some reason I'm very concerned about having a bad trip, yet I've done Salvia about 20 times, and shrooms 10 times. I've been able to handle every trip pretty much perfectly - nothing ever got out of hand. I've never had a "bad trip," really, because I have such an optimistic outlook on psychedelics. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, but... I can't shake the feeling of something bad happening to me while on acid. What also scares the shit out of me is the things I hear about when people DO have bad acid trips, i.e. their personality changing for the worse, being perma-fried, trying to kill themselves while tripping... it just sounds awful.

Another thing I would like to know is if acid produces a feeling of euphoria or not. Shrooms do this to me sometimes, but I'm not sure if acid does that to people or not. Is there a body high? If so, what's it like (in general - I know it's different for everyone.)
First about bad trips, don't worry, really. It doesn't matter how bad it gets, all feelings are just enhanced, and you may learn some things that seem negative, or get lost in the neck of the woods where things are against you. What you describe as what people do when they have "bad trips" is basically a perfect description of what happened to me. In the end it was for the better... really. It changed me forever, but it took me a long while to realize it was in a positive way. Psychodelics have a good way to trick you into believing things that aren't negative are negative.

Secondly, focus on happiness, focus on euphoria, imagine love, that all-embrassing motherly hug from gaia (if you want to get hippyish). Seek and you shall recieve. Be real with yourself, if you've done shrooms 10x and been fine you are going to be ok, really.

2 hits won't make you lost in the park, the trees may bend, even whisper to you, but depending on how good it is, you're not going to be too deep.

Overall, relax man. Go with the flow, explore the grass, the plants, lay in the sun if it's sunny. Listen to some jams, talk about what you wanna do in your future, just have a good day. :D

Acid cannot "fry" you.
It was amazing :)
I do find it sad that there are these such negative connotations with LSD.

LSD, originally created by Albert Hoffman, was originally administered to Psychiatrists, with a leaflet explaining that the Psychiatrist should take it themselves first before giving it to any patients.

There obviously were some tragic LSD cases from the Sixties, so you get all the same stories in every town, I knew someone who ate a mircrodot, lost their mind then ended up in a mental home forever.... same old shit.

Like with any profound experience , you should try to be in nature, it's all these idiots that think it's some kind of recreational party drug, that end up going nuts.

In my experience the people that just can't handle LSD are either control freaks, and can't go with the loss of control, or people who went in to it with a negative attitude, aside from all the other reasons of course.

It sounds like you know what to expect if you have had shrooms a lot, though I would say in my experience, you can control your shroom trip much more than an LSD trip. Once your up, that's it.

Personally I love LSD, in fact the very first time I took it, I cried and cried when I started coming down,because I didn't want to stop tripping. It was like real living, better than reality.

I always say to people that LSD is like a holiday for your Brain, though I think that's its just my own idea of a good holiday and not everyone's. I love the visuals most, but listening to music is also wonderful, needless to say being outside, at twilight is probably the best :)

Good Luck and try to over ride that fear element because it's only a little voice coming from all this crap that our society & culture believe about LSD.