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first time ket user

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion horsethefan
  • Date de début Date de début


About to get the ket in about 10 minutes time... how ever i cant find any dosage guides online? anyone know how much i should take?
first time?
chop it up like you chop coke or speed.
take a line of 1 cm long, .2 wide. carefull dosing! dunno how strong ur K is.
As far as you want to go, if you snort a line, chances are that you're getting the urge to sit down.

Note that you're safe if losing consciousness (won't happen that fast with snorting), but remember that walking can get you very desorientated and coordination is shot to pieces. May result in throwing up, although there is no physical reason to feel sick. It's more like similar as throwing up in a rollercoaster due to desorientation.

Kick off with snorting a few dots on a key. It's almost purely mental, and it's relatively a very safe substance to use if choosing safe surroundings.
Horse, you really should get a milligram scale. There pretty cheap.
Horse, you really should get a milligram scale. There pretty cheap.
www.dealextreme.com got mine there for I think 25 dollars or sth (use paypal). Shipping is free, there's no catch. (I thought this is too cheap so I did some research before ordering, turned out it was all good)
Can anyone suggest mg/kg needed on average to reach a profound "K-Hole"?
from 200mg of pure K will get me k-holing... i used to have a pretty insane tolerance.. it mainly depends on your tolerance.. i had a pretty insane tolerance at one point, but now i only go "explorin" very rarely so i need less...

acording to erowid the insufflated K-hole dose is 1mg/lb, oral and rectal doses are 3 to 4mg/lb, and the IM dose is 0.75mg/lb

erowid doesn't mention IV but the K-hole dose is very low, and you should be sitting down, cause people report starting to k-hole when they still haven't emptied their rig... in fact its very dangerous, not many engage in this ROA