Fear, Ego, Dishonesty, Vanity is a result of not being in able to let ourselve fall and admit softness as the most pleasant and true ground to stand on during our life time. There is no doubt that being soft enhances all senses in every positive way. The nowadays world is just harsh, and life is drinked with numbed antenna's by many who have no idea.
Fear = Fearing the stronger, harder and numbed aspects/beings of life. Which can result in pain.
Ego = A state in order to envelop autonomous sensory. If displayed, feeling vulnerable and ashamed may be the outcome. For what? The reflecting system decreases self-value otherwise.
Dishonesty = Acting in order to manipulate and claim certain profits by the individual while he knows that he in fact should abstain from what he wants. First solving his integrity instead of proceeding with greed.
Vanity = Believing that one is more worth and gifted and therefore, feels he has the right to control others and make up phrases as good and bad, projecting it on many as a target to achieve.
There is no seperation between body and mind, everything goes through the body from tone to head in fact.
I have by the way closed this world, but no one will really notice. Neither I really worry, since it's simply not believed. Took me a lot of aliened trips, integrations and phases of being lost. But not really because of myself, but more like because I couldn't give my delicacy a place in the only world I knew till then. Later on, when I found out that entire cultures lived life the way I wanted, I could push myself through.
Now I'm here, and do not doubt, that this is the proper natural way to live.
Alcohol, nicotine and cocaine is our world. But the ancient times were cannabis, mescaline and psilo. Somehow we closed this sensivity and choosed to numb our bodies and proceed as reflecting minds. Hence Fear, Ego, Dishonesty, Vanity.