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Fav things to do while high.

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Sale drogué·e
Here's a list of some things I enjoy doing while I'm really high with friends:

-Go to the mall and ride a merry-go-round.
-Draw pictures of human body parts while making goat noises
-Watch Japanese people argue
-Walk around
-Play trippy games like 'The Box,' or 'Force-field'
-Walk up to a group of strangers and scream 'I'M SHY!' and walk away.
-Get kicked out of a mall
-See a movie (srsly.)
-Listen to music
-Ride, or drive a car
-Smoke more
-Have intercourse
-Restyle your hair (Gel feels so weird in your hair)
-Play music, or make up a song
-Ask out a girl (It's odd when you're nervous and high)
-Tell a girl (if you're single and have a crush on someone) that you like them
-Smoke more again
-Walk around the cool spots in your town, and go into stores and look at random stuff
-GO INTO A TOY STORE! (srsly. it's awesome)
-Play video games with your friends (Halo 3, or F.E.A.R (: )
-Write a list of what you like to do while high (haha. this was actually fun).


When I'm alone:

watch tv, play video games, meditate, fall asleep, play music, write poetry, take photos of nature.

And yea. Post your guys' fav stuff to do while high.
I might try some of it.
will be making a list later when im high :lol: 8)
Ghost-riding is definitely one of my favorite passtimes.
Haha Caduceus :lol: :D

I found writing and drawing to be a really nice thing to do while high. :)
Lets see.

Usually I like to watch Anime or a good documentary.

I also like reading a lot as well when I'm high, about philosophy and spirituality mostly. When I want to retain most of the knowledge I read I do take 5HTP before I smoke. It really provides me with delightful reading sessions.

Occassionally I get some webdesigning done, but I do most of that at work so at home I tend to explore other interests. Being high does stimulate my creativity in this area though.
whats a merry-go-around?
My fav thing by far is to drop some acid.
touch anything
like silk or skin, it feels really good haha

umm watch reallyyyy weird movies

study, actually hah.

take walkssssss on sunny/windy dayss

dance around in my room however I wanna to some good music haha

write [anything! whether it be poetry or a letter or a report or just thoughts]

talk on the phone [I normally dont enjoy the phone much]

I like being around my dog- maybe thats weird but I can feel his energy alot and its nice- he's like pure love and stuff

listen to music that I really enjoyyyyy duhduhhhh

I'll make a better list some other time

daydream sometimes, I can get really vibrant great scenes in my head really easily- idk if that's what is considered a CEV or not.
Watching speaking people on TV
Be among people in real-life, catch their micro facial expressions
Have sex
Dancing/moving the way you literally feel
Watching commercials on TV
Check heart pulse and detect physical sensations, a preventative diagnosis can be made
Plan your forthcoming schedule, be honest and firm with the commitments you have and then drop the subject, do not write it down, learn to recall the exact moment when you're sober a day later
Eat fruits
Prepare a nice bed with frseh and soft sheets and a nice cold pillow prior to sleep
A cold pillow... Let me try that. :D
Deep/mind bending conversations
Drink (Beer, water, juice..etc..)
Watch some movies or series
Youtube :P
Listen to some music
Walk in the forest
meditate in the forest
be in the forest
Try to understand animals mind
hug people
Take a walk outside and enjoy the atmosphere
Enjoy art
Cuddling with a cute girl

uhm not much more that i can think of atm!
Brugmansia a dit:
Be among people in real-life, catch their micro facial expressions

I do this a lot. I don't think it's intentional, but I'm always fascinated with studying my friends behavior and speech patterns too. Sometimes I'll suddenly realise that I spent an entire conversation psychoanalyzing somebody. If I'm smoking with somebody, I will occasionally warn them about it if they begin to catch onto it (most don't) and tell them that they are more then welcome to slap me silly for it! :D
Music of any kind
Self reflection
Wrestle with the dogs
Driving fast
Half assed yoga

#1 thing to do, sit back accept my surroundings and adabt with Serius radio (channel *Chill*)
Helps with my hypocrisy, due to many experiences with entheogens