Fascist politics: In jail because of Salvia (& more)

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
"They want you to take their pharmaceuticals, but if you want to take an herbal remedy, they want to throw you in prison.

North Dakota Man Facing Years in Prison After Buying Salvia Divinorum on eBay

By Phillip S. Smith, Drug War Chronicle. Posted May 1, 2008.

A North Dakota man with an interest in herbalism and spirituality faces years in prison for $32 worth of salvia leaves he bought on eBay.

In what is likely the first arrest for possession of salvia divinorum anywhere in the nation -- and definitely a first in North Dakota -- a Bismarck man now faces years in prison after he bought a few ounces of leaves on eBay. Kenneth Rau, a bottling plant worker with an interest in herbalism, altered states, and religion and spirituality, was arrested by Bismarck police on April 9 when they searched his home looking for his adult son, who was on probation for drug charges.

Police found a marijuana pipe, eight ounces of salvia leaf, a quantity of amanita muscaria mushrooms, and a number of other herbal products. Rau now faces multiple charges, said Burleigh County States Attorney Cynthia Feland.

"He is being charged with possession of salvia with intent to deliver, as well as possession of psilocybin with intent, and possession of marijuana," she said. Although Rau told the Chronicle he thought he would be charged with a school zone violation as well, which would have made his intent offenses Class A felonies punishable by up to 20 years in prison, that is not the case, said Feland. "He is not being charged with a school zone violation," she affirmed.

(The psilocybin charges could go up in smoke. The amanita muscaria mushrooms that he possessed are not controlled substances under federal law and, while hallucinogenic, do not contain psilocybin. The active ingredient in amanita muscaria mushrooms is muscimole.)

Rau was being charged with possession with intent because of the weight of the leaves, she said. "We look at the typical use quantity," she said, "and it is similar to marijuana, with a typical use dose of .25 grams to .5 grams, and he had significantly more than that," she said.

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Even though I don't care for Salvia, I think this is about a load of bullshit.....

The worst thing this guy should be charged with is simple posession.

But here's the core:

All the outrage is coming from you guys in Europe.

No one here CARES enough to get off that ass and complain.....we'll eagerly send our sons off to die in a war that was started by some REAL drug dealers, then turn our heads and look the other way when unjust policies are enforced here in America.

This country will one day serve as an example of what happens when government is allowed to run unchecked.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
We must get involved in the politics we (atleast I) hate and despise. If my state bans Salvia before a federal ban, I will definitely be there trying to testify to the REAL facts of Salvia.
I am quite new here to this forum but recently, there are a lot of news here about ridiculous bans or news like this etc. !! Is this a worldwide wave of bans/ offensive against drugs or are such news *normal* ?
It was never really normal to begin with, but it's getting more ridiculous every year.