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Extracting From Fresh Mexican Mimosa Tenuiflora Rootbark

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I live in Mexico and I have been getting huge yields of 10-12 grams from 500 grams of fresh mimosa hostilis (mimosa tenuiflora) rootbark from a local distributor in Oaxaca. I am wondering if this may be because I am getting very fresh and very potent rootbark from older trees.

I take the freshly powdered roobark home and use a tek which is just a culmination of teks I have read in the forums and come to know as very effective through personal experience. I use a ratio of 1 gram of NaOH and 1 ml of naptha per one gram of rootbark.

If I mix it all up and let it set for at least 4 hours and then pour off the naptha and let it dry, I have at least 4 grams of spice. I do this at least 2 more times so I am using at least 1.5 liters of naptha total to pull, but I always have at least 10 grams of spice, usually 12 or even a little more.

After re-crystallizing, I have at least 7-8 grams of white crystal powder from 500 grams.

This a tek that takes under 24 hours as I only leave the re-crystallization in the fridge for about 12 hours.

I am finding that if I will just buy more naptha, I can continue to pull over and over and over for days from the very same mix of 500 grams of lye and 500 grams of powdered rootbark. I got over 23 grams out of the last batch with 3 liters of naptha. Each pull used 500 ml of naptha waiting at least 4 hours and I did 6 pulls total with the following diminishing yields:

1. 5 grams (4 hours)
2. 4.5 grams (8 hours)
3. 4 grams (12 hours)
4. 3.5 grams (24 hours)
5. 4.5 grams (24 hours)
6. 2 grams (36 hours)

Total 23.5 grams in 108 hours. After cleaning it up I had 12 grams pure white crystal powder from re-crystallization with heptane.

Would be great to hear from some of the experienced tekkies if this could be due to the high potency of fresh rootbark which I know for a fact is mimosa tenuiflora rootbark aka real true mimosa hostilis rootbark (not stembark). I am asking because these seem like very high yields using naptha and heptane from all I have read previously.
I am not really experienced but when I bought the cheapest sort of my supplier I had a yield of 0.9%. So with extra attention and better bark I should get more. I've read that some people got 2% yields but that more like an exeception. I've read that 0.7-0.9 % is common. So you are lucky I guess to get such a potent bark.

I used acid-base extraction, but I understand you do some sort of straight to base extraction. I hear different things on these two methods and everyone seems to have his favorite. I got a lot of info on dmt.nexus.com.

For what I know 100 mL naphta (just below 60 0C) could 1 g dmt.

Good luck!
Hi I'm from Mexico, too. I was wondering: could you describe with precision the way in which you extracted the DMT from the root bark. Which ingredients did you use?
Yeve456 a dit:
Hi I'm from Mexico, too. I was wondering: could you describe with precision the way in which you extracted the DMT from the root bark. Which ingredients did you use?

To separate the DMT from root bark, pulverized to a fine powder in a blender. First place the grass clippings in the freezer over night. Remove them and place the frozen clippings into a blender. Try and liquefy the clippings as much as possible while they are frozen.

Pour the contents of the crystallization jar through a funnel with a pipe screen or coffee filter. Allow the extracted DMT to dry for ten hours. It will dry into powdery crystal or a waxy consistency based on the purity of the extraction.