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Extracting Cocaine (Look If You Know How)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion floppybait
  • Date de début Date de début


Found a source which I can get coca leaves direct from peru. Read you can chew them to get effects of cocaine alkaloid - but this is only 0.1-0.8% of each leaf.

How can I extract the cocaine from the leaves safely? I have 10lbs of leaves.

I also have something called "coca leaf extract", which is a bottle of liquid extract from coca leaves. Apparently everything in the leaf is in this liquid. Can I extract the cocaine from this liquid easier?

This would be for my own personal use only, for your reference.
Just do an base / acid extraction . The same as you do with other plant extraction teks . Powder it , soak it in a base water solution ( you will have to find out what PH it should be , i cant remember, i just know that it does not have to be a high PH ) mix with benzin or similar , let it stand / swirl it for a few days , separate it , keep the benzine , evaporate the benzine and you will have a freebase mixture , or mix the benzin with a hcl acid / water mix , you need to know the amount of coke in the mixture so that the end product crystals have 12% hcl in them and heat the benzine off and then evaporate the water and have cocain hcl . Or just make a tea with water and evaporate the water off to get a base mix . That was all said very easily , but thats how it works .

You said you already have a liquid extract , just evaporate the liquid off . or drink it if its in alcohol . I used to mix my coke with vodka and drink it .

If i were you i would just make a tee from the leaves , reduce the volume and drink it . Forget all that shit with snifing it . Who cares if it comes on in a few seconds or a few minutes ?
GOD a dit:
Just do an base / acid extraction ...

Well, that would work but you would get many other impurities, not mostly cocaine alone, you'd need to oxidize the hcl-cocaine solution to do that. ANd even then, evaporating the water wouldn't give you very nice results. Oxidize. Free base, Dissolve the freebase in acetone and then salt it out with HCL acid and ethanol