First off, I've experimented with everything from marijuana to datura to sleep deprivation to nutmeg just to explore the mind and to be put into another reality. A few months ago, I got caught with an eighth of marijuana, and now on a court diversion program, being drug tested and what not. I guess you can say I am overall happier with my natural self now that I dont need to put substances in my body, but I STILL love to explore my mind.
I experienced Sleep Paralysis first when I was in 6th grade. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, not opening my eyes at all because I was scared (for no apparent reason 'yet') and frozen solid. I heard this voice i couldn't make out whisper to me, then another one joined it. More and more voices joined in until I felt like i was in some recreational event and all these voices became louder, and this is when I felt myself lift off of my mattress and depart from my body and hover over my bed. The next thing I know, I fall back into my body and its all over. I told everyone at school what happened the next day (not knowing what I experienced) and everyone laughed. This never happened again until after experience with drugs. It could be very well the psychedelic drugs did cause these to reoccur (My next S.P. experience was MUCH MUCH scarier, seeing a shadow figure come towards me and actually grab me) but its been a while since I've done any drugs and I still get S.P. once in a while.
I use to hate sleep paralysis so much, until my first positive experience. I woke up one morning and I cracked my eyes open slowly and everything was spinning clockwise as if someone took a picture of what I would see laying down, and spun the picture. I was freaked out a bit but I liked it . My next experience was even more vivid (Best experience seem to happen when its not dark). I was trying to take a nap and I started hallucinating I was in my classroom, last period before the bell rings, and everything was fucked up reality, like I was super trippin'. The bell rings and the next thing I know I'm outside my class and I see everyone walking by as I an staring at the sidewalk, talking to my two friends. I remember talking slllooww and saying "Holy F*, I can't go home man, I cant even walk [Sleep PARALYSIS, couldn't move], I cant even look around, how am I suppose to go home man...I'm so f* up right now.." and then all of a sudden, My hallucinations fades out, and I can see my friends White tee I was seeing was actually my pillow, and the concrete was my blankets. It was CRAZY FUN. I just read something about Hypnagogia Hallucinations, and this probably falls under that rather than sleep paralysis, I don't know.
Now here's the main reason for my topic. I want to learn how to induce Sleep Paralysis or induce natural hallucinations like this, I love this feeling! OR even Hypnagogia hallucinations, or anything! Thanks for listening!