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expectation in trips

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Wondering whether you have seen in retrospect that certain expectations you had before tripping have influenced a trip of yours significantly and in what way???

i noticed my psyche would try to cling to certain expectations i can't pin down now and in such a subtle manner that i thought it would be almost impossible for me to become aware of them...

that's why i think a certain open-mindedness is almost essential when using psychadelics, but that is probably written on another page...

what you think???

peace :weedman:
when I go with >expectations< into trips, I am always (most of the times..) shown that it's not about expectations but about the moment, to be open for the now. it's about stopping to press your idea of yourself/anything else or emotions into boxes.

ok there are some things that you can expect ;) some heavy ups and downs maybe, some hallucinations, but not even that.
I expect my trips to far exceed my expectations... And fireworks :D
Yup, expectations drive my trip, seemed to be my curse back in the day.
yeah yeah i agree ... when i remember trips i experienced and think about em i can recognize elements of my own or other peoples' expectations which did shape the course or direction the experience was "illustrating".

so maybe expectations you have will form psychadelic experiences you could experience in different environments like a humans' mind with a pencil could give form to an image on a paper???

or maybe not??? but is it possible to enter a psychadelic experience with little or no expectations ??? or the right expectations??? to what extent is it reasonable to have expectations???

maybe it is more important to focus on how you are feeling good to enter such an experience and not about how the experience should be like. so that this pressing yourself into a feeling of "having to experience" something specific can stop and you can enter the psychadelic experience naturally and not with a "forced" feeling to it.
Expectations means barriers.

maybe it is more important to focus on how you are feeling good to enter such an experience and not about how the experience should be like.


Instead of trying to forecast how the trip will be, which you will inevitably fail, think about your mental condition, and your reasons for tripping.
Are you really ready for such an experience? Are you ready for hell? Cause one of the worse expectations one can have before a trip is that everything is going to be cool and easy.

Before eating shrooms, my only expectation now is that I'm going to trip.
that's a good approach psychoid!! and i think expectation drives the brain in just the way that its own chemicals are the fuel and well to drive the analogy a little further maybe our brains can be a timetravel device by that! think about it! light is relative to mass and energy and mass AND light AND energy are relative to time, which obviously is related to consciousness, whose domain is obviously such things like a brain... consciousness is subjective so is time perception and we DO travel in time with our brains as we DO age, but well maybe the virtuality of reality would be too much so to travel with all the body in time we probably needed to be higher dimensional beings and be advanced enough in things like spirituality etc.... if you're not into that i suggest to just ignore my possibly crazy theories!!!

peace :weedman:
Definitely agree with Psychoid. The trip is the trip. Adding expectations just puts unwanted pressure on something that is a stand-alone experience. That's why I don't bother anymore. I'm excited to trip, but I don't ever give a reason why anymore. Just the experience is enough for me now.
Psychedelics are unpredictable.
however there are some general symptoms to expect.
You can use this knowledge to prepare set and setting.
so they are predictable but many factors like SET AND SETTING might not be known as much as they could be and well i tend to agree that there is something unpredictable in a psychadelic experience and that is either something around YOU or it's YOU! i think expectation leads to the separation in the mind which CAN lead to bad or horror trips, but maybe also "shape" a beautiful experience??
expecting the unexpected would be knowing it.........
What you can expect (in most cases) is that when the trip is over you return back to normal. .