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Ever Felt like you were Slipping

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nina_is_alive
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Glandeuse Pinéale
Slipping out of your "self"
I dont mean in a "spiritual traveling" sense

I mean like
"this" is who you are, you know who you are. And sometimes, -even for months on end

you are not balanced, you are not behaving as who you are, but as somone you don't: but perhaps others want you to be.

You don't feel like you are in your element and everyone you meet is not getting the full "you"
ever felt like you were slipping from who you are
and you have to really be able to step back

and become yourself again?
maybe it's just me.
All the time.

peace & love
most of the time it means for me that I need to make some changes or decisions.
Felt like that for a long time, had a way to simple and rubbis job which made me feel bad about my selve which effected a lot of things in my live. One day I felt like fuck it, gave up my job whitout a having new one. A bit risky I know but from risk comes progress. Had a little time off found a new job whit almost endless learning possibilities and now I feel good about my selve for quite some time now.
Very often.
When you realize this that means you have some work to do on yourself.
I've got a lot of hard work to do on myself.
But that's the beauty of life.
Improving yourself.
Day after day.
I know I'm slipping... I know I'm slipping... I know I'm slipping away...

maybe it's just me.
No, it's all of us. We all go through cycles of emotionally and experientially distinct phases, and we seem to be different people in each of these phases. These phases are reflected in astrology as transits, which sometimes take only a few days, but sometimes months or years. But it's all you, even when you don't feel authentic, or not yourself. Whatever you are in the moment, that is who you are.
It arrives and vanishes as the wave of life itself is. Always hard to detect the actual turning points precisely. But trust, focus and willingness within your seat are the buttons for a direction change.
I used to feel like that a lot, but I'm glad I know how to not do that anymore. It still happens sometimes, but I can stop it as soon as I start irritating myself. Try some exercises to centre yourself. Maybe tai chi or qi gong or yoga. Even eating healthy might help.
I wish I could be so confident, Forkbender, any tips on achieving such a state?
. These phases are reflected in astrology as transits, which sometimes take only a few days, but sometimes months or years. But it's all you, even when you don't feel authentic, or not yourself. Whatever you are in the moment, that is who you are.

I had suspicion that astrology has much to do with it, actually: so it strikes me as a significant coincidence that you mention that...

is there any way I can see what recent phases we have shifted in to and how that affects different signs? I wish I could speak to someone who really knew about this sort of thing: but you seem to be a very knowledgable person and I'll trust what you say CM.
Ganesha a dit:
I wish I could be so confident, Forkbender, any tips on achieving such a state?

This is just one of the many ways to explain:
Intention is key. Add perseverance and acceptance and you're almost there. The last bit is faith. Faith in what you are doing, faith in your goodness to yourself.

Another way to explain:
Don't get attached to yourself and your past. Sever the tie to illusory parts of your sense of self.
Nina_is_alive a dit:
is there any way I can see what recent phases we have shifted in to and how that affects different signs?
Your signs cannot be affected, as they are the backdrop, unlike the planets, which represent different aspects of what you are. In transit astrology one looks at the way the current planetary positions relate to the birth chart, and this generates a uniquely personal perspective on each person's life. The most significant transits are those of the slow moving planets, mainly Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Everyone has several of those transits throughout life, sometimes multiple significant transits at once. Such times make you slip out of your old self. It is unavoidable.
FUCK! Thank you, im not alone.
This is a huge fundimental challenge to one self....
And I fucking love mental challenges.
Someday im gonna outsmart God and his pessimist answers for everything(no offence, you're awesome).
I've been feeding my brain with this constantly(instead of WHO THE FUCK AM I, WHERE IS THE ESSENCE OF SELF???!?!?!?!):
I am, what I am....
I am even though I dont know it.
It doesnt really matter, because most people dont know it though they think they do.
And if the self is completely gone, then you have the chance of starting a whole new self.
I think you're just experience an Ego mind fuck.
It makes you stronger, believe me.
even though you feel like you cant get teh answer, it will come eventually.
And the funny part is, it will come when you stopped giving a fuck!
The feeling of Alienation is also really common with us psychonauts, just dont let it eat you up.
its just a state of mind, even though it might be long term!
I've been alien my whole life, looking at things and wondering instead of experiencing them.
That i've learned from, actually when you've faced a shitload of alienation and you got out of it.
Your mind is superior to the avarage.! ;)
Use it wisely....
LIke my insanity is that, i wonder if i ever make any sense. :P
I love you guys! :D