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Ever felt distant?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
This might be just something im going through.....
But this is slowly growing inside of me....
This, distance from the world...and events.
Sometimes, the world doesnt even seem real.
Only place i find myself, is within Nature.
When i walk around in soceity, i feel distant from it.
Guess i need more love in my life, but still......its like a monster.

ive had this for many years, but like i said...its like a monster, it comes and goes.
Just never had a cure, just normally waited it out.
yeah mate i can relate to that... it's an awful feeling, but sometimes it seems that many places and people in the environments in this world become corrupted in some sort of way and if your eyes are open and you listen to your feelings, you are aware of it, instead of simply ignoring...

sometimes ignorance is bliss, isn't it???

i think it is scary that when you start to ignore this in a way, then the corruption or something could take you over, if you aren't centered in yourself and stuff.... thats what i think at least..

I can agree on that, but can you ignore pain if somebody breaks your leg?
If this is awareness related, then....how does one turn it off? :P Or turn down the volume....
i think to a certain extent it really is, because you can decide how much to let you bother by it, except of course you are directly affected, like somebody is disturbing you in a not nice way all the time or somethin like that.... then it gets a bit more complicated.

but even then, i think you do have the power to make a difference and do what you think is right and act like with the idea of trusting in yourself and think positively....

however it appears that the influence of like these corruptions or what we wanna call em, can hinder you from doing things the way you want to do them... i don't know some people get easily confused and then they aren't very centered and will just accept everything that's told to them... then they will be acting not out of their own will, but out of something that they think is their will and that's a problem...

i don't want to say, that you can make everything disappear like that just with your awareness or somthin like that, though i don't really know ... well it's more like that awareness indeed appears to be an influence in this subjective perception of your environments and yourself, obviously... and therefore changing awareness can change your perception of things and the context that you put everything in, that might be negative...

of course the world around you or your environment might be negative, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be, or your perspective on this environment. it's just more likely that it's like that, and that's why most often that's the case for such circumstances.

so what i wanna say is that maybe broadening your awareness could bring you other things to look at and then you don't have to look at the things that have constantly been dragging you down the way you had looked at them before, maybe in a negative way ....

so maybe distraction can be a key if you're stuck in such a situation or so, and maybe it is a bit connected to the term of broadening awareness too.

anyways my opinion is that society is often sick these days, so the feelings you are sensing might be your true feeling about it. it could be that you are telling yourself in your mind something wrong about these feelings instead of truly listening to it though, because of fearing something... but i don't know.
anyways i mean really mankind has gotten far away from it's nature... or at least that's my impression and hence feelings of separation or weirdness can be explained as a natural reaction to the altered types of environment in a negative way???

just speculating though... :P i hope i did make some sense and you get my point... :mrgreen:

i don't know the sickness... it's a bad sickness and for many people i see it that they lose their enjoyment of life day by day constantly.... i think this is actually a big threat for humanity and peace and stuff, though i can't really describe it specifically, because it's more like a general feeling i have of all this...

ok enough for now!!...

peace :weedman:

edit p.s. : sorry i didn't really answer to your question with the pain in the leg. yes you can, but you'd need an extraordinary good control over your mind and body, obviously. :D i think veeeeeery few people can do that, though it's often like people with a broken leg or somethin get drugged by their brain not letting them feel the pain, however i don't know how it works and when this effect occurs.. :D

p.s. 2: ok one more... :D you said you felt distant to events and reality seems unreal.... i think i know that feeling very well... i had it, and have it still sometimes and i think it is something like trapped life energy or so in yourself.... or maybe a suppressed thought that makes you unhappy, but you don't know about it, because it's like in your unconsciousness...
like you need to resolve something in your mind and get clear with it or simply accept it in a way...
it's hard to tell really, yet this is what is my thoughts and bits of conclusions about maybe a similar experience to yours.
in other words, it might be thoughts that reflect unhappiness about yourself, but then the key would be to find out, why you are unhappy and find a way to the happiness and a clear mind.
also maybe just accepting unhappiness might accelerate this, instead of fighting or resisting it, if you know what i mean....
Yeah man, thanks for a good reply.
I Certainly know what you mean, the trick here is always depending on how u look at it.
The thing is, that im very sensetive of the energy of other people.
And I certainly dont have good balance in my chi system.
If im at a psy Rave, I really pick up on the vibe and feel good.
For an example.
Im a scorpio in nature actually, the typical description of one fits me pretty well...not that im much for this zodiac shit.
Its just like, alot of people seem to be stuck in some sort of strange reality.
Always afraid of it getting invaded.
And you do invade it by looking people in thier eyes.
But yeah, its just an annoying feeling really.
I honestly dont know why I do this to myself.
Embrace it.

There is no other way.
Well I have the same thing.
I also pick up the vibe and feel of people around me very much and it determines for a great deal how I feel myself.
It is also a good and inspiring thing.
I am now going to move away from society, or at least away from the city and find likeminded people to hang out with.
Everything's different..
Of course I will still see my old friends, but I may outgrow them as well.. It's hard..
I used to (distant past) not be able to deal with people with whoms lifestyle I didn't agree, being the vast majority, at all.
There would always be this tension between me and these people.
Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially people who can't even monitor the most basic of their own behaviour.
I can now deal with most of these people better and more in a mutually accepting way, even though things keep coming up.
When they do I still can't deal with these people and I am constantly reminded how I am different.
I realize their intentions are often good, they just don't know any better! Their own behaviour, they don't know what they are doing at all!
They're just doing what feels good according to the way they've been raised and the value and belief systems that we're inserted in their minds.
'Established' minds.
Now I realize most of these people are in fact ignorant, and as BrainEater states, ignorance is bliss.
This truely is the case, I used to be very happy, but quite a manipulative asshole now that I look back.
Thing is I didn't even realize what I was doing.
This also bothers me, for it makes me wonder if I have the right to take this away by informing people about the truth.
I am now finding happiness in a new way though, but I have had to leave/ am leaving everything behind, wich was and still is difficult for me.
It's not something that is easy and may in fact not be something that anyone can do.
Or it may take long years of suffering.
It also greatly depends on your current social environment including your family I think.
Psyolopher a dit:
This might be just something im going through.....
But this is slowly growing inside of me....
This, distance from the world...and events.
Sometimes, the world doesnt even seem real.
Only place i find myself, is within Nature.
When i walk around in soceity, i feel distant from it.
Guess i need more love in my life, but still......its like a monster.

ive had this for many years, but like i said...its like a monster, it comes and goes.
Just never had a cure, just normally waited it out.

I know exactly what you mean, I'm living with the same 'problem'. Btw, if I'm in nature to find some inner rest, I'm still bothered by annoying leftovers from our society like car noise or rubbish. It's also the place where I miss friends at most. I wish ppl from my age would hang out in nature to, but they prefer the cement ambiance of skate parks. Not really a place where i feel comfortable, too.

More love in live, yes. But what if, whatever the circumstances are, a heart is broken or never learned to interpret love correctly? I made following conclusions for my self: One must love his self before he is able to feel love for others. As soon as you feel different it can be a burden, a mental suffering which make it harder to love oneself and it makes it harder to recognize the love other ppl sharing with one. As soon as you can't respond to the love of others they soon wont like you because of that coldness the distance brings about. It's like living in a evil love machine instead of living in a natural cycle.

One has to find his ways living with this. For me I'm sure that less uppers would bring significant upturn in this question. Better effect would bring a general shut down of the machine for some rearrangements with lesser cars, lesser traffic in general, lesser factories, lesser consumption and lesser wars but therefore more freedom, more drugs, more party, more nature and more love :)
reality_wars a dit:
One must love his self before he is able to feel love for others

amen. this is an axiom. i found that empirically (the hard way). people who don't love themselves are indeed incapable of loving others.
ARgh, i was writing ashitlong repsonse....and it went all away magicly....so im gonna do it tomorrow!
First I have a funny mystery id like to explain.
Have you ever felt like nobody really sees you for the person who you are?
Thats a normal feeling....
But, heres the thing....as insane as it sounds, i can!
I say this in full honesty, this is seriously possible.
but before i go deeper into this......
This understanding, alienates you.
Because not many do the same in return.
It cannot be explained, since i just sound like a nut anyway.
I may not understand it, but its there.

just wanted to share this....
You cannot bring yourself out of it, but don't worry it never lasts forever.

Smile, dumb yourself down, and think slowly. Don't examine, and try to relate. Imagine everyone talking, rather than walking. Imagine them talking and conversing, everybody connected.

Losing connectedness makes for many interesting topics...

one with nature, one with ones self, one with ones imagination.

The last two usually have some stigma, and can be accompanied by negative effects, if one starts them with a negative attitude.
I wonder if this is partially an age-related thing that a lot of us go through. I used to feel this way when I was younger, quite strongly. the feelings slowly just ebbed away as I got to know myself and love myself better, and hence learned how I project onto others, and learned to understand and accept others, and to open up my own personal tastes (to a degree anyway, nobody's 'perfect')