Enslaved by K

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
"The K-hole has been described as an endless dimension to explore, and that's exactly what it is. Space, time and language either have no meaning or become ridiculously distorted. It can seem as if you are travelling through time or seeing into the future, as if you are living multiple lives or not living at all. And you feel something coming, something huge with you at the centre, because there is a massive messiah complex in there as well."

From: The Guardian, Enslaved by K

I have been at one with the cosmos, communicated with the universal forces that are our true gods, and been told that death should be embraced as the next level of everything. All complete bollocks, of course, but I never got that from a wrap of coke.

The rest of the article is no better.

What a total fuckhead. I no longer get angry reading articles like it, but the amazement remains.
Heavy stuff, I'm sure it's very addicting when you're constantly wanting to know how "the story" ends...
Well, this article makes truly sense but should be placed in the right context, only a very small amount of K users experience this utter form of use.

Rather than mentioning the risks of addiction it'd be much better to spread info about the approach to Ket.

When starting with K, one should be aware that he's always submisse in this universe, and always will be. Ket is your safe host, with lodging, safety, serenity and peace. Ket takes responsibility for all your care, well-being and help. But Ket never discloses it's own true identity. Before the end and during the K-hole, Ket may make sense, but after, it's neutral.

Simply accept that you never can give it a placed place in your consciousness because you ain't getting to see everything. And neither receiving the finishing touch that should lead to a full understanding with the entire circle of enlightment after.

But it DOES have heavenly moments that may enlight many aspects of life you've to deal with, you may get fully rewarded for some things in life. Just without any full understanding or definition, but instictively.

It just doesn't happen in the K universe itself. So no one should search there after the open end. ;)

Despite all the warmth, Ket is distanted from yourself, and always will be. Unlike shrooms/LSD/mesca/aya who are harmonisated and 'in you'. While Ket isn't anything/anyone/anywhere.

The pictures of Caduceus say a lot, they're are feared in life, but not so dramatically in the K-hole. ;)
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Heavy stuff, I'm sure it's very addicting when you're constantly wanting to know how "the story" ends...

Gerben Hellinga and Hans Plomp swear that this doesn't happen with Ketamine if administrated IV/IM.
When and where did they swore, Fork? Uitjebol? 'Cause in 1994 some things weren't known when that book was written.




Search for John Lilly and see how it ended up. It can alter your whole concept of existance. Search on drugs boards and see what K fanatics are.

IM might be less addictive than snorting, but certainly NOT non-addictive.

The story still applies to who who shoot. More K-holes a day isn't an exception for some dissociative freaks.
Forkbender a dit:
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Heavy stuff, I'm sure it's very addicting when you're constantly wanting to know how "the story" ends...

Gerben Hellinga and Hans Plomp swear that this doesn't happen with Ketamine if administrated IV/IM.

Well the only thing I'd ever let me be administered that way is 99% pure DMT ^^

Perfect description of what a disassociation trip can be. Is it real? Who knows... but this is what keeps me using DXM, though I tend to keep it to once every two to four weeks.

All you people put disassociatives down, but in my use, they can bring a wider and greater range of experience than regular psychedelics.

Indeed, I did at some point almost fall for an addiction. It is indeed very easy, cheap, and it doesn't get boring. But that does not mean the drug is bad, it just means that people should be better educated on the matter, as with all drugs.
Great article until the part where he got so addicted to it he was sniffing like 5 grams a day. Ketamine is forsure on my 'to do' list eventually, but I am going to wait till I'm a lot older, so the same thing doesn't happen to me as it did to that guy in the article. The effects seem very interesting.

i found k to be an amazing experience, i was in the mountains and i became a unniverse unto the unisverse, a black hole of everything and nothing and i have no earthly idea how to describe it except to close my eyes and let that be your interpretation. i didnt find it to be addicting, even tho i think thats just how i did it and who i am, idk man, id suggest dancing with ketamine if your in the right space and do it for spiritual exploration, recreational k use is crazy, or idk that seems like it could really mess with you
Brugmansia a dit:
When and where did they swore, Fork? Uitjebol? 'Cause in 1994 some things weren't known when that book was written.

In a public lecture in Amsterdam in November 2007. They were only speaking from personal experience of course, but they had taken it IM and did not feel an urge to do it again afterwards. When they tried snorting it, they did feel the urge, because the story wasn't finished yet.
Forkbender a dit:
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Heavy stuff, I'm sure it's very addicting when you're constantly wanting to know how "the story" ends...

Gerben Hellinga and Hans Plomp swear that this doesn't happen with Ketamine if administrated IV/IM.

K never appealed to me. Firstly because way back when I was a 14 year old kid and smoked my first joint, I made a very serious promise to myself to never ever, administer any drug by using a needle. Secondly, the author of a book that I enjoyed a lot when I first 'discovered' psychedelics: 'the essential psychedelic guide' by D.M. Turner (what's in a name..), supposedly drowned in his bathtub after injecting K.

What I heard and read about K is that it's maybe the only psychedelic that can be really addictive and that it's more like an ego-trip as opposed to 'traditional' trips and this does not really attract me.

Of course I don't know for sure since i never tried (and never wil ) ;)
After hearing some stories by people who have used it IM, I'm very interested in it to try it once. I'm not afraid of addiction, not that I claim to be stronger than it, but I don't see myself chasing after people who can supply me with Ketamine, or moving to India and buying it in the shops. That's just not me. :roll:
That's just not me.

Power to you. Seriously. Personally, I remember saying something like you said myself once in relation to cocaine. The way that ended though, tells me I should be very cautious.

It's not that I'm not curious, I would be a liar if I would say that. But I'm also curious about Datura which I probably also won't try ever :D
^ I know you can never be 100% sure about something like this. But I think in the end my curiosity will win from my hesitance.
HeartCore a dit:
What I heard and read about K is that it's maybe the only psychedelic that can be really addictive and that it's more like an ego-trip as opposed to 'traditional' trips and this does not really attract me.

There's something egocentric about it for sure. Not the trip itself, but the way it intergrates within your inner life, and stays there.

On the contrary with what I thought in first instance, I'm just as much affected by K as psychedelics. While psychedelics are a clear messenger that leave their message of spreading love in you right after the experience, K infiltrates gradually, invisible and unnoticed. I estimate some K users don't even realise they're altered in their relation and attitude with others.

I think Ket has given me a stronger relation with life but didn't contributed anything to my attitude towards others, probably even made it more distanted like a cold observer.

Ahem, if you're totally into tryptamines, K might interfene somehow with the 'love, peace & happiness' perspective.

Btw, did you ended up with snorting cocaine for once, HC?
Mmmh, then maybe i won't do K after all, I'm already distant enough from other : /

I'll think about it...
Ahem, if you're totally into tryptamines, K might interfene somehow with the 'love, peace & happiness' perspective.

That's offtopic though very interesting you mention this.

Love & hapiness are not part of the tryptamine experience persé in my experience but a consequence of well declared intent. I can imagine what you mean would be true, if I would switch from tryptamines to K only. I can't really imagine shooting 'something' in my arm and go into the experience with the same mindset as I have when doing mushrooms so I can also imagine that the experiences would differ greatly for me on K as compared to mushrooms or other tryptamines.

With mushrooms and also DMT, I have a feeling/mood as if I am part of a tradition that is much older than me and my culture. Somehow this evaluates the experience for me as being authentic. Probably related to my interest in all forms of shaman ism for the past twenty years.

It's like nitrous oxide maybe (NOT comparing that to K btw :)), a good year ago on a psychonaut meeting there was nitrous oxide around which I had never taken till that day. I had the same mindset towards it as I had/have towards K: probably interesting but missing the point (for me, my goals etc). I tried n.o. anyway just to experience it once and it was exactly as I imagined it: Interesting, somehow far out but lacking content.

But it's all personal and choice I guess and not set in stone ;)
^Good point there, HC.

I guess the tradition of the use of 'classic' entheogens helps streamline the experience. Taking this entheogen is somehow connected to the wisdom available in the collective unconscious about it. So if I take mushrooms, there is already tons of material there waiting for me, and I am not in unknown places. A 'new' psychedelic needs time and experience before it can be used shamanically, before we know what its use and misuse is and before we can truly use it as a mirror in which we can see our true self. Although uncharted territories can be very illuminating, they can also be very dangerous. The canonization of certain entheogens will shape all future experiences.
ive also tried datura, and like ketamine (though a very differetn experience) would totally suggest it, but only as a spiritual exploration, and only if your in a vrey focused mindset. i also said that in relation to coke and heroin, i used to be of the mentality that i should try everything and make my own judgements about everything and becuase its a new experience, so i tried everything, and while i felt addicted to coke and heroin, i didnt let that over power me, and im dirtpoor so i couldnt even support an addiction. before i did any drugs i did an 11 day fast to show myself that i had the self restraint to not get addicted (for a 9 year old this was sooper hard, food is like my god lol) anyways, id deffo recomend k, but only if you vibe well with it and are doing it for the right reasons peace love and beautiful naure vibes everybody!