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Enough LSD To Trip?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion WakoTako
  • Date de début Date de début


I have tripped two times on lsd both times i took one hit and never visually saw anything. If i take two hits will it do the trick?
educate yourself.

1. nobody knows how much was on your first two blotters.
2. nobody knows how much is on the blotters you have now.

this from the fact that there can be a huge difference between two blotters, sometimes even in the same batch. Good manufacturers make a good product, but you don't know who made it, right?
It is the same stuff as the last time which got my really hyper but very little visual and i would really like to see more visual. my friends took it with me and had the same affects. were taking it again tomorrow and its been about three weeks. 2 hits each this time
It could go either way.

Visuals are nice, but they aren't the be all and end all of a good trip. As said before, we cannot judge how much is on your blotter and how you react to it. The only way to find out is to labtest the blotters and test them on yourself and see how you react to the substance given your specific set and setting. Or you could just take two blotters and find out.
WakoTako a dit:
It is the same stuff as the last time which got my really hyper but very little visual and i would really like to see more visual. my friends took it with me and had the same affects.

Could it be that it doesn't contain LSD but but a diferent chemical? Acid doesn't really induce a state of hyperness at a low dose, of course the definition of getting hyper is a subjective matter...
subjective indeed... i would definitely qualify as hyper all that time from the come up until that sort of plateau one gets were one feels super relaxed and clear headed.
I would take 2 and go from there. Sometimes 2 is a great trip, sometimes it takes 3 or 4 for a full-blown trip, and there were some "red hyros" going round about 7 years ago that only took 1 hit to trip HARD. How did 2 hits go?
Well, I enjoy a single hit of LSD. Rather pleasant, to be honest. LSD isn't particularly visual for me at any rate, even at higher doses(1mg+) I can usually make out what I'm looking at if I focus enough.

If I'm looking for mind expansion I won't go under five tabs unless they're ridiculously (ie: >200ug) strong. I don't advise that if you're looking for recreational purposes though, two to three seems to be the sweet spot with most blotter. Two if it's liquid. If you're looking for outrageous visuals, keep in mind that by the time you get there usually you're so mind-fucked you probably won't be paying to much attention to the aesthetics of your surroundings. At least, I've found it to be that way.

As for LSD not making you hyper at low doses... I've used single tabs as an improvised stimulant before, I feel speedy as hell at any kind of recreational dose unless I'm smoking a lot of buds.
I would take 2 and go from there. Sometimes 2 is a great trip, sometimes it takes 3 or 4 for a full-blown trip, and there were some "red hyros" going round about 7 years ago that only took 1 hit to trip HARD. How did 2 hits go?

Maybe seven years ago was your first trips, and now you used to, so you need to eat more to get a real trip. Maybe Im wrong.
But I really dont think the blotters quality changed that much in 7 years, even if a lot thinks that.

It is the same for me, my first times were quite strong, but now my body is able to get much more....

Well, I enjoy a single hit of LSD. Rather pleasant, to be honest. LSD isn't particularly visual for me at any rate, even at higher doses(1mg+) I can usually make out what I'm looking at if I focus enough.

What the fuck ? Did you really try mg ??
But Im a bit like you, LSD is not that visual with me too. I found 2c-b much more.
LSD? I get it just to trip, to chill, not really for party as 2c-b...