Well, I enjoy a single hit of LSD. Rather pleasant, to be honest. LSD isn't particularly visual for me at any rate, even at higher doses(1mg+) I can usually make out what I'm looking at if I focus enough.
If I'm looking for mind expansion I won't go under five tabs unless they're ridiculously (ie: >200ug) strong. I don't advise that if you're looking for recreational purposes though, two to three seems to be the sweet spot with most blotter. Two if it's liquid. If you're looking for outrageous visuals, keep in mind that by the time you get there usually you're so mind-fucked you probably won't be paying to much attention to the aesthetics of your surroundings. At least, I've found it to be that way.
As for LSD not making you hyper at low doses... I've used single tabs as an improvised stimulant before, I feel speedy as hell at any kind of recreational dose unless I'm smoking a lot of buds.