

Jeffrey R. Ketcham
February 8 2010
The theory of L.S.D, Meditation and synaptogenesis.

We know that synaptogenesis occurs in excessive rates in and up to a crucial point (peak) in early development, then declines and stabilizes with synaptic pruning. This is According to what seems to be a sub conscious selections; Predetermine partly by inherent base controls of environmental reactions (act accordingly) established by parents and there experience. The fathers mostly if male = son and assuming the mother if daughter. Then as we live the actions and reactions to stimuli during the crucial points in development becomes the base actions and reactions in behavior patterns. For most people, but if we could change our base actions should we, I believe we can with meditation and more importantly L.S.D along with some other powerfully hallucinogens that do just that. Furthermore this will also prove the missing link theory with evolution. These discoveries will also catalyst other discovery’s.

This will hopefully explain this understanding and knowledge I have come across. This is what we do, so do to the whole time factor with these bodies of ours, a short cut to this understanding is suffice and necessary in critical situations. First my experience with L.S.D is extensive, In regard to the way you hit your high moment of understanding (moment of clairvoyance) and every time you go back there the revelation is always bliss every time.

This is how I theories this wonder drug works, when ingested it causes a reaction that I believe restarts the synaptogenesis and accelerated neuron production that occurs in development but this process is speed up tenfold. So L.S.D must trigger the initial mechanism that is triggered in the beging stages of brain development. On top of reproduction of synaptogenesis the neurons, synapse, and neurotransmitters already there make for a cause and need for the extreme accelerated production of myelin. This increase is so much that time perception on a molecular level is speed up so much. That this is what and how we can explain the length of a (trip) L.S.D induced experience. The nature of a trip can also be explained in regards to the extreme production of myelin, if the neurotransmitters are firing at such an accurate rate there’s bound to be collisions and slipping of neuropaths crossing into other neuropaths. That’s why sense perception can melt together and thought perceptions can infuse in the peak. Then synaptic pruning and eventually fine tuning takes place, this is why at first we forget most our trips.

The mind of ours and yours is always thinking always having thoughts of memoirs, problem, choices, why to want to not understand, you know all those kinds of thoughts, random thoughts you get from them and the connections to stimuli observation and according actions and reactions. With that being said we can theories quite accurately that synaptogenesis is always taking place reforming according to importance of understanding, connection, and knowledge, even as we sleep well synaptic pruning is taken place. We are still keeping our selves busy with R.E.M sleep/ dreams and a random thoughts show. These often get pruned away Shorty after we wake, for many do not understand them there for, find no significance to create schema. We have some preprogrammed understanding just waiting for the connection and we can learn other understanding though the process of observation both retrospectively and through internal and external views and general cause and effect play. That’s how we truly most efficiently learn.
We do that quite well without even thinking about it to a point; I bet your thinking about it now and yes there is a point there’s always a point. So when were young our minds filters bad and good not understanding bad helps that’s why we have a healthy social understanding to bite our lip around younglings or at least we should and enforce manners in a subtle way. Parent should know best and instill understanding and knowledge, sometimes they say stuff you don’t understand and by the tone of their voice you think it might be a good idea to lessen well you might want to entertain that instinct and when were young we do. Then we get to that point and realize we can entertain other thoughts so we do and we have fun. Always choices to be made we don’t think we do, cause and effect and fun, we fall, get back up sometimes we put a brick in the wall sometimes we take a few down. Cool right and once we relies what is happen we shall rise once again on the social stage to groovy.

The Pond
The mind is like a big duffle bag full of thoughts sitting in a pond. As you grow it rains on the pond and ripple’s the water, you gain understanding through those ripples and they go into the bag as it zippers up a little. However it never fully zips so you can get at the bag it is your bag in your pond just depends on how muddy your pond is. You can unzip and understand and understanding can and often dose catalyst a revelation but there’s always distractions when we do not understand an understanding we get tripped up in it. So we do not accept it and that slows the whole learning process which ripples all the way through to your reaction timing. (That Karma is a bitch if you look at her that way. The new connections of old connections are always being made according to the personality of the situation. But the shit in the bag is getting blocked from the light by all the mud oh well we once thought but if we had time to filter all the mud it would be a beautiful clear pond and we can see the bag and pull it up if we want. But time is of an essence and every time we start to filter something happens and after a few tries we say forget it. We need some kind of super filter.
Meditation is like swimming in from the ocean up a river to a stream and finding the source then coming out another source into forming a pond. Furthermore there are so many rivers that feed into the ocean, even more streams into those rivers and even more possible sources that only the holy few have enough patients to take the swim. Most, that do find a river to what they want and not what they need or even more important what we all need someone to want.
With meditation you learn patients through patients understanding through not understanding and anything from nothing and nothing that never was is always there for our understanding. Through clearing our minds with patients we learn to swim, when we find goggles to see the connections we can learn to understand why we have a revelation, a revelation that catalyst a chain reaction which can change a base thought according to the revelation and choices you have just become aware of. Mediation is also about understanding control of the uncontrollable, so you make connections through disconnecting all connections then you see and chose a connection and refine that connection.
What I theories about meditation is that we have the ability to make synaptogenesis happen but to make a new connection we must understand it. So we must first establish a reason to understand, then learn the understanding then we can have a revelation, and make a connection, according to choices you make. But of course your brain is smarter then you so in critical situations you make choices for you without your knowledge or understanding especially in critical situations and Survivalism. We can make synaptogenesis happen to gain understanding but with synaptic pruning we forget the understanding unless we deemed it necessary to keep the connection and since we often don’t understand the understanding we can’t deem it necessary and distractions get in the way like what we want and what we think we need. No sense in feeding the ego with a fractal there’s no end but the end with that.
Meditation is to understand that is to gain awareness that is to gain knowledge and knowledge is to gain personal contentment. There is a full spectrum of controls within our mind we can learn to understand and become aware of. This is to say we must grasp the understanding of the mind= body-body= mind connection. The way of meditation is to be still in mind, body, balance, and soul. The way to do this is to be still enough to align these in harmony, though this we create the fifth element which is an enlightened sense. We must become more aware of understanding our thoughts but not distracted by them.

Jeffrey R Ketcham
April 26, 2010

The Enlightenment Theory.

We know that meditation and L.S.D works on the synaptogenesis level, Basically you can gain synaptogenesis control through practicing meditation, this takes a lot of time and skilled practice and meditation concentration. This theory explains how L.S.D cause a full on synaptogenesis process which is life and death of the mind, soul, consciousness trinity and meditation can take you through this process as well.
When you drop L.S.D (ingest) it goes to the cerebral cortex and causes a reaction this reaction I believe is what I will call “a Devine gift from the gods, it should never be questioned only accepted” or “the Devine” reaction for short. I believe this is the same reaction that happens around the 18th day of development in the womb; the synaptogenesis process starts, you are getting pulled back through all mindful interactions back to the depths of nothing. This takes an hour or up to three hours from the internal reaction that first started the onset of the synaptogenesis regeneration process. On a conscious’s level it’s an “experience” this is how it happens. The synaptogenesis process creates synaptic connection (IE) more synapse (IE) more room for thoughts (IE) more consciousness. This is in fact a consciousness expansion chemical; (the hippies would have been proud and they knew.) What’s going to fill that new room made by creation of more synapses, but of course copy’s of your thoughts already there and copy’s of those copy’s times seven. On a conscious level you go through those copy’s and relive and reevaluate our lives as for the years we have not lived we get improvisation of thought to fill in as well as imagination.
When the process of coming up reaches its peak as I have described we peak (we die) we walk through the door into our selves. Reality is whatever we perceive it as complete with hallucination, sensory mix up, and crisscross in every aspect. This is due to the extreme amount of myelin being produced because of all the synaptogenesis that is happening. Myelin is like oil so when there’s that much oil in a fine tuned contraption with really fine tuned moving parts, this being the brain. Of course these moving parts slip and crisscross and collide with other moving parts, being uptake receptors. That causes hallucinations with the crisscross of and imaginative thought and interpretations. Also the heightened sensory awareness and sensory mix up feeds into the hallucination when you peak for a few hours then you get reborn.
I consider the peak to be a full on synaptogenes cycle; synaptogenes is complete understanding and control but if you don’t know how to confuse the controls to control the controls of course you’re going to be confused; that’s why you need a navigator of some sort. The setting of your settings sets the course if you don’t know what you’re doing. I believe this is also enlightenment However with L.S.D your thrown though the door onto the stage of enlightenment and you don’t know what to do with it or how to use it. With meditation it takes a very long time to reach enlightenment even for a few seconds and it’s a more refined process therefore much better.
This means you have to go backwards through all thoughts, and then you can go forward and meditate on one thought at a time. You can only go through one thought at a time when you’re going backwards also. This process is done with L.S.D but is sped up to a ludicrous speed. So if the user doesn’t know what he’s doing then it’s easy to get lost in a thought and set the mindset for the rest of the night of the process and if it’s a bad thought you get lost in, then watch out you’re in for a hell of a bumpy ride. (Watch out for that swamp and quick sand).
Back to meditation, you learn the base of understanding through connections and then eventually better control of something. Full on enlightenment is full understanding of controls and how they work, sensory control, and situational awareness of the sets of controls, full understanding of interpretation of signals, language, and behavior. Let’s get back to the synaptogenes process with L.S.D, you live, you die, you go to heaven or hell depending on your set and setting, you get reborn, and when you get reborn you start the pruning and the refining process. You step back outside the door, you start coming down and when using L.S.D with meditation you can retain and keep more synapse. Most of them are pruned away with L.S.D. that’s why most people don’t really retain memories at first. This might be due to the fact that with L.S.D your thrown into enlightenment.
With meditation you must first establish a base for the understanding of a connection in order for it to be formed. With L.S.D you don’t have this base of understanding and I think you can’t retain thoughts or create sufficient schema without the base. So in tell you create the base for the connection it’s hard to create reason to retain thoughts and memories. When you have a revelation and come to some understanding of understanding then you can retain more of the experience, the more you retain the better you understand. The base revelation makes a difference in the outlook you gain and if the revelation was negative or positive determents the aspect of outlook on thoughts, reality, and situational awareness.

i am writing a book on my experiences that got me here. see i kind of took a bunch of L.S.D and became enlightened every one should buy a copy when you see it. it is called the manuscripts of love and of course i will be posting a full copy up for the evolution and contribution to the knowledge of my fellow psychonauts. happy travels and always support your local travel agent.
wow. thanks for taking the time to post that. i found it very interesting, although i admit it is somewhat difficult to read... keep studying english, i can tell you are very intelligent, so i hope that you take the time to learn, so that you can fully express your ideas, no matter what the language.

hopefully you can spread some of your intelligence to the rest of us natural english speakers. god knows we need it.
Through ego death and dissociation our conscious mind sheds from the subconscious and everything that society has taught us about social norms seem so foreign. Animals (humans) in clothes look dumb, customs and even slang sound other worldly. It's At this time that all the distractions of life, all the bills they say we have to pay. All the things we buy that they say we should want and all the shows they say we should watch on t.v. so they have a chance to sink the subliminal teeth of greedy materialistic capitalism into our psyche.

When we shed our conscious mind and tune in directly to our subconscious. We see the Universe(s) for what it really is and we learn how we should really live and treat every other living thing that we share our existence with. :idea:
thank you for your feed back pass on the knowledge
really how is it not scientific I'm pretty sure it is. and what does the information change or something why should it matter if i wrote it a year ago. stop looking at negativity in things and just understand it might help you someday or not.
by heartcore commenting on it being "scientific", i believe he is wishing you listed the sources of your statements. i agree that it is somewhat old news, but this is relative to us older members, not only of the forum, but of the group "in the know" of this type of info. however, everyday new people are coming into these circles, so i think that it's good and only natural that people keep talking about it. pretty soon NOBODY will be able to deny the certain major aspects of this type of information and this new movement of psychedelics back into the scientific eye.

i say hooray! (especially in regards to being bilingual. bravo) :D
Allusion a dit:
by heartcore commenting on it being "scientific", i believe he is wishing you listed the sources of your statements. i agree that it is somewhat old news, but this is relative to us older members, not only of the forum, but of the group "in the know" of this type of info. however, everyday new people are coming into these circles, so i think that it's good and only natural that people keep talking about it. pretty soon NOBODY will be able to deny the certain major aspects of this type of information and this new movement of psychedelics back into the scientific eye.

i say hooray! (especially in regards to being bilingual. bravo) :D

thank you allusion my sources are my self, no where have i really read about this underline neurological action that may and most likely is how L.S.D works. i was in a class and for homework i read about synaptolgenesis, so i put them together and i came up with this theory. then further down the road i came up with the next one. this is just a matter of connection and if you are as experienced as me with L.S.D or meditation, you can understand how the connections make sense. as for it being old I'm not sure how that really matters. but what do i know im just a kid who ate a bunch of acid, i mean its not like any one won the noble prize with the help of L.S.D or anything :rolleyes:
hmm. i've read studies that would certainly point in this direction. though science is always hesitant on declaring new "facts".

dunno if you've heard of terence mckenna, but you may find this podcast to be a similar flavor to your theory. worth checking out

"...Psychedelic Lectures: Notes from the Psychedelic Salon #254: Terence McKenna, "Psilocybin and the Sands of Time" | Show information: http://www.matrixmasters.net/salon/?p=342

from the post post-41080.html?f=46
of course i have heard of Terence mckenna. food of the gods is a book everyone needs to read. thank you for the link i will check it out. later in my book i discuss the correlation between terence mckenna's theory on how we evolved after we ate psychedelic plants and the possibility that L.S.D is to further our evolution. but thanks for the feed back
what is this about i can see connections between the mind games im talking about and what your getting at but i could us some more elaboration on your part.
The reintegration into the every day life after the trip is a very important part too.