Energy Drinks Bubble Up

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Alpiniste Kundalini
Energy-Beverage Market Booms Thanks To Consumers And Huge Profits

They promise to "let your man out," enable you to "party like a rock star," and help you "when slowing down isn't an option."

Energy drinks, chock full of sugar and caffeine and with names like Monster, No Fear, and Gorilla Juice, first appeared six years ago in dance clubs in New York City and Los Angeles.

Today the $3.5 billion energy-beverage market is 6 percent of the nonalcoholic beverage industry, which includes soft drinks. That's up 75 percent since last year and is expected to top $10 billion by 2010, thanks to peppy consumer demand and profit margins that are three times that of soda.

Promoted by pro wrestlers and extreme-sport athletes, energy drinks are appearing in office cubicles and at youth soccer matches. Teens guzzle them at school. Truck drivers and computer programmers may tap them when working late at night.

What appears to be a new trend is actually a throwback to the early days of carbonated beverages, notes John Craven, editor of the beverage website BevNET. At the turn of the last century, sodas were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes.

Though clearly not medicine, some of today's energy-drinks carry lofty messages that deal with performance enhancement, added vitality, and even weight loss. Those claims, targeted mostly at teenage and 20-something males, irk health professionals. Advertising for energy drinks can be misleading, particularly when they "are used as a substitute for proper rest, nutrition, and exercise," says Roberta Anding, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. (ADA) "They're really stimulant drinks."

The US Food and Drug Administration recommends that beverages contain less than 65 milligrams of caffeine per 12 ounces of liquid. Yet, because caffeine has the FDA's GRAS ("Generally Regarded as Safe") status, the agency does not provide a daily recommended allowance. Nor does the FDA make any special recommendations for kids, though some studies show that kids react differently to caffeine than adults.

Colas, such as Coke and Pepsi, both of which contain about 40 milligrams of caffeine per serving, fall within FDA guidelines. A 12-ounce cup of brewed coffee, however, has about 200 milligrams.

Most industry-leading energy drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar contain between 105 and 120 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce serving. It's less caffeine per ounce than coffee and some teas, but many energy drinks add energy-touting cocktails of herbal extracts and dietary supplements ranging from ginseng and ephedrine (an herbal extract) to taurine (an amino) and horny goat weed.

"It's not meant to be a health drink," says Chris Kennedy of Wet Planet Beverages, the maker of Jolt Cola. Jolt was introduced in 1985 as one of the first "caffeine enhanced" soft drinks. "We're not recommending 19 Jolts," Mr. Kennedy says. "What we're saying is one or two ... or three." Three would be the equivalent of 216 milligrams of caffeine.

People don't drink them for the taste, says Jon Marlow, manager of the Toledo Lounge in Washington, D.C. The most popular energy-drink mix his bar serves, a Red Bull-Vodka, is $9. "People do it because they can order something that's got caffeine that isn't hot like coffee."

Red Bull, headquartered in Austria, sold about 1 billion cans worldwide last year. That got the attention of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, both of which are eagerly joining the energy drink market. Since last year, the beverage giants have been pulling less profitable soft drinks off store shelves to make room for more caffeine-potent options.

And what about all that caffeine?

"Caffeine isn't innocuous," says Roland Griffiths of the department of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. "It's important to recognize that it's a drug. But there's no hard-and-fast rule for how much is problematic."

How much caffeine is problematic depends on the individual, doctors say. "People have different sensitivity levels" to caffeine, says Bruce Goldberger, director of toxicology at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Gainesville.

An energy drink affects a 300-pound man differently from a 45-pound 5-year-old, says the ADA's Ms. Anding. Although caffeine is a mild diuretic (causing frequent urination), may block calcium absorption in women, and could prove harmful to pregnant women, not everyone is persuaded that it's dangerous.

"I don't object to people using it," Anding says, "but if you believe that this can be a substitute for a good diet, there's a disconnect."

Daily consumption of caffeine can lead to mild addiction at a threshold of about 100 milligrams per day, says Dr. Griffiths. In such cases, when caffeine consumption stops, withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and sleepiness may occur. It's for this reason that some energy drinks, Red Bull, in particular, are banned in France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and Norway.

A 2002 European Union directive states that all drinks containing more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per liter be labeled as such. Teas and coffees are exempt from "high caffeine content" labeling.

In the US, mandatory labeling of carbonated drinks hasn't materialized, although many health experts, including Griffiths and Dr. Goldberger, recommend warning labels.

By Steven Ellis - CBS News
So what do we think of energy drinks...Can't-do-without? Or do we stick to good oldfashioned coffee/tea/coke??

I prefer a good cuppa coffee now and then, but can't say the caffeine works for me actually :?
I would go for the cup of coffee to.

I think Red Bull or all other energizers taste like shit, it's to sweat, and it smells horrible.
Very good info.

No wonder why so many Americans need ambien and all these other sleep medications.

I dont drink those things but understand consuming them mid-day can leave you still amped at midnight and beyond................which means you wake up tired again, drink another and start the cycle all over again.????

Half a cup of coffee in the morning is all I need to take off that edge.

And for the FDA, doesnt surprise me. Once you understand how the FDA really works you see it is comprised of ex-industry executives that regulate these things in favor of industry.

Just like they have known for 16 years that benzene derrivatives in certain sodas cause cancer and havent done anything about it. They all share the same bed. Everyone in the FDA seems to be influenced by power, money or political favors.

Foreign nations do a much better job at protecting their citizens which is exactly the reason they have said no to this issue you are talking about and Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone in the dairy industry, which Canada and the E.U. both said NO WAY because they read the "rat report", or test results on this substance and the multitude of diseases and cancers it causes, yet millions of Americans are unknowningly consuming this in their milk. Thats the FDA for ya, bought off by the corporate powerhouse, Monsanto.

Good article though.
I dont drink them, i think Taurine comes from animal parts and i like animals not chopped into peices better than the dead ones..can anyone verify is taurine actually comes from liver extracts? possible to spread viruses through things like that like mad cow disease and such? i miss drinking them though, id drink 2 rock stars every day before i found out : (
i don't really like redbull but i think guarana is pretty good
Taurine is an amino acid and is not made from animal products that is a urban legend ! There is no actual bull in redbull.

I am an addict to redbull but only light and maximum 3 a day, but try to keep it down to 1 or 2, sometimes its just a bit too much. I do not drink coffee or tea though.
For me no stimulants like caffeine and such. Don't like the rushy feeling and I know that if need be I can come up with the energy myself, without other substances.
I think that stuff tastes so bad :S
and I agree with fork on this.. I don't like that rushy feeling either..
I pretty much never use caffeine.. only sometimes when its in herbal xtc or so
Rutger a dit:
I am an addict to redbull but only light and maximum 3 a day, but try to keep it down to 1 or 2, sometimes its just a bit too much.

Unfortunatly I share the same addiction :(
Except that I cant stand light -> tastes like bull *g* sh*t ;)
Also trying to keep a maximum of 3 per day ... usually 1-2

wah, hope to get rid of it one day ...

how long are you addicted to rb ?
I'm lightly addicted to caffeine (when I don't consume any caffeine I "crash" at two or three o'clock p.m., which means I get really really tired).

However, what I like most is green tea. It has lots of caffeine, but it doesn't give you the rush of coffee. I like good coffee in small amounts for the taste, but when I drink more I start sweating and shivering.
Red Bull and other energy drinks are ok when I can't have green tea, but they are too expensive and don't taste that well.
What I like better as a substitute for real tea or coffee is nescafe express. It is as handy as energy drinks (comes in cans), tastes like iced coffee and contains 140mg of caffeine per serving. However I think they are gradually reducing the amount of caffeine because a new flavor only had 85mg and on the newest cans there's no special warning at all (just says "contains coffee" - don't know how much caffeine that would be then)
I drink about 2 litre's of caffein free coffee, because too much caffein makes me restless and aggressive. But sometimes I take one little red-bull to stay awake at work. And only light red-bull, because the other one is too sweet !

@sigaralik: Don't believe everything they say, they are no animals involved in making red-bull. Maybe it will taste better :) , but the synthesized taurine is far more cheaper.
woah, I never had any effect from coffee or tea, I can drink a few cups of it and then go to sleep with no problem =P but as i don't like it much I almost never drink those...
but red bull is nice combined with vodka and really gets me started for a party!

hah this reminded me of a teacher I had, she got addicted to coca-cola, she couldn't do a day without, so caffeine must be the reason, never thought of it lol, I remember she had a really hard time back then...damn that goes back a long time ago (end of the 80's!)