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Encore la cocaine !

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nirvanana
  • Date de début Date de début


Glandeuse Pinéale
hi there, Sorry... But as you were kind enough to answer my question in the previous subject, this is another topic on it.

At the moment, I am really wondering about the C I use. Usually, I take it dissolved into morphine in injection. It was alright, and I had many marvellous nights buisy with the stuff !

But at the moment, I get a product that does NOT bring me as high as before, and has many little differences that make me wondering about its purity versus the products I had before.

In first, a kind of ether taste, that normally spreads into the body during the flash, is now missing.

Then, it is fairly "flowered", and I can no more dissolve the whole of a kick into the liquid morphine as before, a lot of white mess remains after I pump the mix.

Even the smell seems different to me. Not as acid as before, but more bitter... Hard to tell really.

Finally, I am completely unsatisfied and needs to use as many as 1 g at a time to feel something that looks like from far to what I felt before.

You will say : this is simply NO C OR NO GOOD C you stupid girl !!!

Welll, and here I am more confused than ever, I bought some tests to check it, specially since I inject it, but the damn test is not really accurate in the measurement of the tested quantity of dope, you need to cover a sort of thick line and this should do ! Doing that, I got an excellent rate with this damn C...

Besides, I had once to mix it with heroïn instead of morphine and wonder whether someones would have noticed an influence on the result, as I did not feel anything special ?

At the end, I am very much surprised having no more big flashes. Would this mean I am yet so used to it that I will never more have flash ? Could I be "immunised" due to the injection ? This would then also clearly mean to me that this is time for me to quit !!!

And to try DXM instead ! I am very much interested in it ...

Also, if I suffer scarving ("manque" in french) (both from cocain and from morphine), would this be reasonable to take DXM meantime ? Would this risks a bad trip ? Are there bad trips with DXM (none reported in the subect below in the forum) ? What about Salvia ? Amanite ? Hawaian seeds ? - any bad trip possible (I am tripping alone but belonging to a family who ignores this pecular behavior...) ? Bad trip caused by "manque" (dont know the english word for it) with these products ?

Someone advises me to use Ritalin (med. on prescription) which is supposed to
If you have experiment, what would you say ? That before was not good C (although from varied sources), and now the good (from a unique source since some times, which is the reason why I try to avoid this situation via the previous Cocain subject on this forum) ?

Your opinion is much appreciated ! (no blame please ! I know what I do, and am old enough to decide of my way...)

Tschuss everybody !
I think it is time for you to quit, and you might start feeling the craving (=manque)

good luck and take care
hi, i dont know if the coke is just bad or that you have more tolerance..couse most tests you can buy on the internet and stuf, wil only say if it contains coke or not, i believe they don't tell you if it's pure or not...but i'm not totally sure about it.
anyways, it's allways good to stop using coke much. using it much might turn you into an asshole. and i can't believe it's good for your health either..it's expansive too :wink:
I don't know much about testing, but i too heard that most tests tell you about the presence of cocaine or not. That might explain the results of the tests. If you feel some difference then it is certainly a different type of purity and/or its mixed with something else...
Another thing, i don't wanna be a bummer or be annoying but be VERY careful with the intravenal method of taking cocaine because it makes you crave VERY BADLY. I'm not speaking from experiences here (so i can't say how much valid my info is) but i read a massive passage that Freud wrote about the coca plant and the dangers of taking it intravenally (he speaks about this bloke who started doing it under Freud's suggestion to fight his morphine addiction... His name is Ernst von Fleischl or something lilke that, look it up on the net if you're interested).
I suggest to at least try to quit or using it snorting way (NO SMOKING it, that is very unhealthy for your lungs) instead of intravenally, and slowly decrease or use something else that's similar like the before cited Ritalin. About not feeling the effects as before may be that you're building up tolerance and quickly (you build up tolerance with coke, right?)
You seem like a reasonable person (the way you write gave me this impression), so try now.
Anyway the effects of coke aren't even that interesting (i sometimes do it snorting) for the price in my opinion, i think that psychedelics have much more interesting effects and cost much less; plus most of them are very less dangerous, don't make you addicted and give you much more insights (i'm speaking mostly about shrooms).

I noticed i said very average info so if someone wants to support or correct my post with clearer info, he's welcome.

Good luck with everything!
SeTyR a dit:
I think it is time for you to quit, and you might start feeling the craving (=manque)

good luck and take care

Too late ! Craving is obviously there ! I am fighting from monthes loosing every fight - if not the war YET !
SeTyR a dit:
I think it is time for you to quit, and you might start feeling the craving (=manque)

good luck and take care

Too late ! Craving is obviously there ! I am fighting from monthes loosing every fight - if not the war YET !
florus a dit:
hi, i dont know if the coke is just bad or that you have more tolerance..couse most tests you can buy on the internet and stuf, wil only say if it contains coke or not, i believe they don't tell you if it's pure or not...but i'm not totally sure about it.
anyways, it's allways good to stop using coke much. using it much might turn you into an asshole. and i can't believe it's good for your health either..it's expansive too :wink:

You probably wight... Thanks indeed...
JohnP. a dit:
I don't know much about testing, but i too heard that most tests tell you about the presence of cocaine or not. That might explain the results of the tests. If you feel some difference then it is certainly a different type of purity and/or its mixed with something else...
Another thing, i don't wanna be a bummer or be annoying but be VERY careful with the intravenal method of taking cocaine because it makes you crave VERY BADLY. I'm not speaking from experiences here (so i can't say how much valid my info is) but i read a massive passage that Freud wrote about the coca plant and the dangers of taking it intravenally (he speaks about this bloke who started doing it under Freud's suggestion to fight his morphine addiction... His name is Ernst von Fleischl or something lilke that, look it up on the net if you're interested).
I suggest to at least try to quit or using it snorting way (NO SMOKING it, that is very unhealthy for your lungs) instead of intravenally, and slowly decrease or use something else that's similar like the before cited Ritalin. About not feeling the effects as before may be that you're building up tolerance and quickly (you build up tolerance with coke, right?)
You seem like a reasonable person (the way you write gave me this impression), so try now.
Anyway the effects of coke aren't even that interesting (i sometimes do it snorting) for the price in my opinion, i think that psychedelics have much more interesting effects and cost much less; plus most of them are very less dangerous, don't make you addicted and give you much more insights (i'm speaking mostly about shrooms).

I noticed i said very average info so if someone wants to support or correct my post with clearer info, he's welcome.

Good luck with everything!

About Ritaline : it seems almost impossible to get it out of a complex medical process - including hospital annual initial presciption ! Can develop according Vidal (Frnce) if any interest for anyone. Or for advice if any.

And YES, it is much expansive - literrally RUINING I would say. But I have not yet already spent ALL availble resources !!!

Anyway... I am probably not so reasonable I try to appear ! I would not have get that much addict...

But thanks for your help !
Nirvanana a dit:
hi there, Sorry... But as you were kind enough to answer my question in the previous subject, this is another topic on it.

At the moment, I am really wondering about the C I use. Usually, I take it dissolved into morphine in injection. It was alright, and I had many marvellous nights buisy with the stuff !

But at the moment, I get a product that does NOT bring me as high as before, and has many little differences that make me wondering about its purity versus the products I had before.

In first, a kind of ether taste, that normally spreads into the body during the flash, is now missing.

Then, it is fairly "flowered", and I can no more dissolve the whole of a kick into the liquid morphine as before, a lot of white mess remains after I pump the mix.

Even the smell seems different to me. Not as acid as before, but more bitter... Hard to tell really.

Finally, I am completely unsatisfied and needs to use as many as 1 g at a time to feel something that looks like from far to what I felt before.

You will say : this is simply NO C OR NO GOOD C you stupid girl !!!

Welll, and here I am more confused than ever, I bought some tests to check it, specially since I inject it, but the damn test is not really accurate in the measurement of the tested quantity of dope, you need to cover a sort of thick line and this should do ! Doing that, I got an excellent rate with this damn C...

Besides, I had once to mix it with heroïn instead of morphine and wonder whether someones would have noticed an influence on the result, as I did not feel anything special ?

At the end, I am very much surprised having no more big flashes. Would this mean I am yet so used to it that I will never more have flash ? Could I be "immunised" due to the injection ? This would then also clearly mean to me that this is time for me to quit !!!

And to try DXM instead ! I am very much interested in it ...

Also, if I suffer scarving ("manque" in french) (both from cocain and from morphine), would this be reasonable to take DXM meantime ? Would this risks a bad trip ? Are there bad trips with DXM (none reported in the subect below in the forum) ? What about Salvia ? Amanite ? Hawaian seeds ? - any bad trip possible (I am tripping alone but belonging to a family who ignores this pecular behavior...) ? Bad trip caused by "manque" (dont know the english word for it) with these products ?

Someone advises me to use Ritalin (med. on prescription) which is supposed to
If you have experiment, what would you say ? That before was not good C (although from varied sources), and now the good (from a unique source since some times, which is the reason why I try to avoid this situation via the previous Cocain subject on this forum) ?

Your opinion is much appreciated ! (no blame please ! I know what I do, and am old enough to decide of my way...)

Tschuss everybody !

En Français et après réflexion :

- Ma question était mal formulée, je n'ai pas suffisement réfléchi - EXCUSES A TOUS.

- Premièrement : y a-t-il qqun ici dans le mm cas que moi : speedball MORPHINE-cocaine (y a-t-il un nom pour ça ?) en injection. Les autres ne peuvent pas vraiment comprendre (sans prétention, au sens de "connaitre").

- OUBLIEZ le reste. C'est ingérable sur un forum. Le mieux serait de faire analyser la substance, mais vu son prix déjà prohibitif, on confine au délire.

- OUI je pense décrocher pour un tas de raisons, mais malheureusement pas un motivation réelle, car si j'étais libre d'en décider, je continuerais d'user en essayant de ne pas abuser !

- Pour le DXM je vais aller dans le sujet.

- Pour le Ritaline, aussi.

Voila. Merci à vous tous qui avez pris la peine d'essayer de me comprendre et me reépondre.

Injecting coke and morphine is probably the most dangerous and addictive drug habit you can have, so STOP IT!

If you're open for psychedelics you could try to break your habits with some good trips. Ayahuasca seems to have a potential (William Burroughs fought his heroine addiction with a trip to the jungle where shamans gave him ayahuasca).
Shrooms are also a good means - they can heal your mind plus give you the most beautiful flashes without negative after-effects.
tryptonaut a dit:
Injecting coke and morphine is probably the most dangerous and addictive drug habit you can have, so STOP IT!

If you're open for psychedelics you could try to break your habits with some good trips. Ayahuasca seems to have a potential (William Burroughs fought his heroine addiction with a trip to the jungle where shamans gave him ayahuasca).
Shrooms are also a good means - they can heal your mind plus give you the most beautiful flashes without negative after-effects.

You're probably right... Dangerous because too good ! Seriously, I am completely OK with stopping addiction, addiction being basically the reverse of my quest !

Already cocaine abstinent for a week, no probs apart from seeking around as a mad girl ! But still holding the challenge at the moment... As for morphine, it is not so easy, so I just slow down substituting oral to IV.

And as a matter of fact, as you suggest, I was wondering about DXM ability to help "forgetting" the desirable mix... I also have Salvia which I did not taste yet, Hawaian, Ephedra seed, and Amanita.

Don't know Ayahuasca ? shall inquire !

What do you think about the above I have in stock ? Also, what about tripping while craving ?

Not sure to be as wise as you ! When this is too late, not easy to go back... At the moment I do not really feel coke craving, but suffering from unusual physical reactions (sudden high fever with terrible trembling also in the teeth, enormous sleep need, belly's difficulties...), but not as specific as with opiates... Opiates another fight !

I'm not really an expert, I have used coke only a few times in my life (only snorted). A few years ago I had been on the edge of getting addicted to mdma and speed but I was able to stop when I realized it got too much.
So, I can't really give you any good advice...

I never had DXM, can't say anything about it. I have tried Salvia 5x extract a couple of times and I didn't like it. The trip is weird and leaves me kind of "hollow". Nothing I'd want to do again. Hawaian Baby Woodrose I tried a few times and every time had to throw up very violently - I'd rather eat psilocybe shrooms, you can get better trips without the sickness. Ephedra extract (Ephedra Super Caps) has helped me a lot when I feel down and tired, it's a good energizer (but it obviously won't give you the same kick as illegal energizers).
Amanita seems nice - I just tried it this weekend in smaller amounts (3-5g), and it is a good energizer in very small doses, I get kind of stoned from small doses. Haven't yet tried higher, psychedelic, amounts of Amanita.

Also, what about tripping while craving ?
I don't know, but it sounds like a bad idea. Set and setting have to be good for good trips, so if you feel bad then the trip might easily be a disaster :(