Ecstasy and LSD Should Be Demoted to Class B, Says Adviser

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dr. Leospace
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Dr. Leospace

Alpiniste Kundalini
Ecstasy and LSD Should Be Demoted to Class B, Says Adviser

The drugs Ecstasy and LSD should be downgraded from Class A to Class B, according to a scientist who advises the Government on drugs law.

Professor David Nutt, chairman of the technical committee of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs ( ACMD ), said that Ecstasy's presence in the same category as heroin and cocaine was an anomaly that should change.

He told MPs yesterday: "I think MDA, LSD and Ecstasy problems shouldn't be Class A." MDA, also known as the love drug or the hug drug, is a mind-altering drug similar to Ecstasy.

Mr Nutt said, however, that there was a possibility that barbiturates could move up to the Class A category.

Professor Sir Michael Rawlins, the chairman of the ACMD, confirmed that a review of Ecstasy's legal status was under way. It would include a close look at whether more could be done to reduce the harmful effects of the dance drug, which is taken by an estimated 500,000 people a week.

Vernon Coaker, the Drugs Minister, told the all-party Science and Technology Committee that the Government would examine any recommendations from the ACMD. He refused, however, to guarantee that he would act on any suggested reclassification.

Mr Coaker said: "If the ACMD look at a drug and come to us with a recommendation, of course we will look at it. Whether we then act on it will be a matter of political judgment."

Source: Times, The (UK)
Author: Richard Ford, Home Correspondent
Thanks for the graph, I was looking for something like this for a long time !

I think that seeing those psychoactives drop into class B is still a nice dream ATM...

As if the drug world was logically handled anyway :(
Yes it an nice graph. But btw, actually it belongs to another (very interesing) news article from the BBC:

I'm quite positive about the drug laws. At the moment there is a lot of discussion in countries like Canada and the UK about the drug war and it's disastrous consequences. In my opinion more people -also politicians, law-makers and enforcers- advocate a more scientific approach.

Let's only hope it doesn't take 20 more years before this bullshit ends...
Where's that graph from? I would like to know what the "independent experts" mean with "harm rating".. Is it the addiction risk, the damage it does to your body? Or all this things combined? Because I don't think ketamine should be ranked that high.
Anyhow, a change of the drug laws is needed. No arguing required. Nice to read stuff like this. On to a better world!
Spidi a dit:
Where's that graph from? I would like to know what the "independent experts" mean with "harm rating"..

Just follow the link above and you can download the full report from the Science and Technology Committee. The harm rating is based on three principals: addiction/depence, physical harm and social harm.