The only time you might see visuals develop is to stare into clouds in the sky or stare into a video of the world from outer space...look into the cloud cover and you should seen the clouds start to form highly develop detailed images of ancient civilizations, castles, people, you name it...but that only really happens on higher doses only. You're better off taking acid or mescaline for visuals as you would have to take too much E to start to see things, and even then, images will only form when staring into say cloud covers. Try not to ever take any more than 300mg in a night...for example: 120 for the 1st dose, then 1.5 hour later only 70 to 90mg or less, then the last dose should be only 70 to 90mg or not take a 4rth dose, stop at the 3rd dose. Would be much better off not even taking a 3rd dose. Take a 500mg of vitamin C ester about 45 minutes after your 1st dose, it has been shown in animal studies to break down all of the free radicals which are produced in the brain, and there is quite a bit of free radical production, that is the only thing you need to concentrate on, as far as extra supplements to take....also take another 500mg of vitamin C ester pill before going to bed, take it along with about 6 to 8 prunes at the same time before going to sleep, prunes are the fruit which contain more natural anti-oxidants than any other fruit, so load up on anything with lots of natural anti-oxidants before sleeping. You will feel considerably better the following day by taking two vitamin c pills the night before and a bunch of prunes.
Free radicals are not good to have hanging around in the brain, so take supplements and food which have been shown in studies to completely wipe them out. The next day, a really great supplement to drink immediately upon waking up is Twinlab's choline cocktail, it contains (per 4 tablespoons of the powder mixed in juice): vitamin A 1100 iu, vitamin C 1000mg, vitamin E 500 iu, vitamin B6 25mg, folic acid 800 mcg, vitamin B12 1000 mcg, pantothenic acid 100mg, choline 500mg, phosphatidylserine complex, guarana seed extract, DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol bitrate) 100mg, L-caritine 100mg, ginkgo biloba leaf extract 60mg, CoQ10 15mg, huperzine A 25mcg. That will really help nurse your brain back to complete health, blood-flow, and alertness. Also drink lots of tea the next day instead of soda, as tea is very high in anti-oxidants too. It all has to do with upping the levels of anti-oxidants in the brain, the difference you feel the next day is like night and day, it makes a huge difference, so keep your brain and body healthy. There's more to life than taking E so get out in the sunshine and enjoy life during the day and by sunset by taking trips to nearby parks, recreation centers, go swimming alot (the best job I ever had was being a lifeguard, now that I'm all grown up I really miss it)....and/or you could just plain walk from one end of a shopping mall to the other end, but not taking any breaks to eat food, workout and exercise/run to feel good naturally. If you look good you feel good inside, it helps. Also don't forget to feed the spiritual side of yourself, read and meditate/pray, we are all here for only one purpose, and that is to glorify and serve the one who created you (you're real Father in Heaven)...that is what the meaning of life do have a purpose here, and to love those around us like we love ourself. If you have lost your spiritual way, then taking a psychoactive sacrament such as mescaline will show you how to feel and be like a kid again and enjoy nature and get in touch with your spiritual side, this often then leads to reading and meditation and prayer. Life is going to throw you lots of curveballs, myself I've lived thru 2 natural disasters, lost a loved one, injured myself several times, and lost everything I owned to floods and fires twice while having no insurance either time. It's not what you own that matters, it's what's in your heart.
If you don't allready have a pet, then get one, walking and/or running a dog is great exercise, not only do you loose weight and stay fit by playing and running with your dog, but dog owners have been shown to be generally healthier and have less stress than non-pet owners. They bring a lot of joy to your life.