Eating meat is the same as drug adiction

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Red Meat Attacks the Heart - More than 2 servings daily, connected to metabolic syndrome

People eating two or more servings of red meat daily are much more vulnerable to heart disease and diabetes. This is the result of a research published in the journal "Circulation," which connected this diet habit with a 25% higher risk of experiencing a group of conditions called metabolic syndrome , compared to people who had only two servings of meat weekly.

The metabolic syndrome refers to interconnected conditions like high accumulation of visceral fat, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, atherosclerosis and hypertension. The research also confirmed previous findings that connected diet soda consumption to a boost in the rate of heart disease and diabetes.

"When we found that diet soda promoted risk we were surprised. But then we thought about other behavior patterns. It may be associated with compensating for eating higher calorie food. People may say: 'I can eat this cookie because I am drinking this diet soda," co-author Dr. Lyn Steffen, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, told

"Lots of meat, fried foods and diet soda add up to heart disease and the conclusions add to a swelling body of evidence linking fast food with unhealthy lifestyles," wrote the authors.

The researchers investigated the diets of 9,514 subjects, aged 45 to 64, looking at precise details of their food habits. Questionnaires assessed the consume frequency for 66 food items, and the subjects were assigned to 2 categories: those following a western diet, rich on processed meat, fried foods and red meat; and a diet comprising fruit and vegetables, with small quantities of fish and poultry.

"After 9 years, nearly 40% of those following a western diet developed three or more of the factors linked to metabolic syndrome," wrote the authors, who showed the results stood even when smoking and exercise were took into account.

Eating meat has a physiological/drug effect , and very many people show physical signs of meat abuse , and some have withdrawl symptoms exactly like a junkie when they cant get any anymore . A good sign of someones maturity is in how they react to hearing truthes about the abuse of animals . Just like pedophiles used to say - "but its good for kids , they like it" !!!!! Its a little like tabaco wankers moaning and whining when they are told that they are worse than heroin adicts , because heroin adicts dont make other poeople ill or stink like dustbins . Its a sign of im/maturity . Then they come with idiotic arguments like you kill millions of germs and bacteria with every step you take , untill you stop i will continue to murder animals and inflict them with my inferiority complex
DUDE SERIOUSLY! We all hate the fucking war on drugs because we think people can decide for themselves what's best for them right? and because you can't prohibit things that grow naturally.

Well if you do share this, then quit fucking hating smokers... I am not condoning smoking(it sucks, it's bad, no positive effects whatsoever), but if I wan't to smoke cigs anyway then fucking let me.

And not that it matters but I don't think nicotine-addicts are worse than heroine-addicts, as most serious heroin-addicts fail to live a 'normal' life, while for smokers it's no problem at all. Plus we don't get the shits and stuff when we go cold turkey.

Smoking sucks, but respect the fact that some people might want to smoke. Just like with Christianity, it sucks, but I'm definately against prohibiting it.


btw: sorry for going off-topic, it's just I haven't had a cig in like an hour... :roll: (sarcasm)
VerusDeus a dit:
And not that it matters but I don't think nicotine-addicts are worse than heroine-addicts,

A close friend of mine who stopped heroïn after a 5 year addiction told me that every heroïn junk knows that cigarettes are more addictive...

as most serious heroin-addicts fail to live a 'normal' life, while for smokers it's no problem at all.

Smokers stink :lol:

PS: Smoking right now :roll:
Its another open door in my experience:

I try never to bring up the fact in conversation that I am enjoying a vegan diet, others often will. The reaction of meat eaters to scientific facts (when asked), is like an average smoker, outright hostile.

Just don't ask, then ;)

There are many other implications with eating meat besides the apparent health issues. You need for example three fields of grain to grow on field of meat to maturity. Also, for example, in the Netherlands more shit, literally, is going into the ground from pigs compared to humans. It's crazy really.

A lot of problems in the world could be solved if more people stopped eating meat. Like the doubled fuel prices for planes in the past year has a very real impact on the food prices worldwide, especially in the poorest countries. It's really unbelievable when you realize that we are using a factor 3 -4 more fuel in our food transport, just because our appetite for meat.
yeah i read that its somethin like 4 or 5 times (animals used for food need to eat before they can be eaten) the energy needed for creating meat-food than creating plant-food. also more pesticides are needed and therefore more oil because of the big use of monocultures for the food of the animals.

also in my experience well-prepared food of both categories doesn't have big differences in the quality of taste.

also i disagree that smoking has no benefits. it can contribute to relaxation.;)
but well if one smokes too much it can contribute to death too. ;)

Smoking solely has short-term benefits, indeed smoking is relaxing, but half an hour later you'll be stressed because you need another...

"like the reaction of a smoker, outright hostile"
At heartcore: I hope your not implying that my reaction was hostile, because I really tried to remain zen.

I do agree with GOD and Heartcore, I just don't like it when people start judging behaviour of others. And with the meat-eaters this doesn't count, because we meat-eaters are utmost egocentric, making the animals suffer for our pleasure... But for smoking... Not every smoker neglects the fact that non-smokers may find the smell annoying or can even suffer physical damage from it. So as dumb as the habbit may be, some smokers can still be smart enough not to be an asshole.

Do not condemn smoking please, for it is the same as prohibiting mushrooms and other drugs.(though mushrooms aren't bad, it is common belief that they are, thus the situation is somewhat comparable to smoking)

It's alright to hate smoking, but it's not okay to hate smokers just for smoking(ignorant smokers who do not care about the health of others is a whole different story though)

smoking is relaxxing because you get relieve from withdrawel symptomes. I quittet from hardcore smoking and after a few months...... i felt relaxxed.. i noticed how much i was THINKING at smoking...
I agree with verusdeus.. The war on cigarettes is not much different than the war on drugs, full of the same kinds of propaganda.. demonizing of smokers much like marijuana smokers were demonized in the 20th century, just because it is the IN thing to do nowadays, attacking others makes you feel good about yourself. It ain't healthy, but its hardly something I would judge others over. It is possibly the most social drug out there.. and was used ritualistically for a reason.

And yeah, mushrooms aren't "bad" per se but lets be honest, all psychedelics have some element of risk to them however small, the bad trip, HPPD, psychosis, and anything illegal and unregluated runs the risk of being impure, poisonous, etc..

In the end it is about PERSONAL choice and what YOU get out of it! If you are a pot user and really get a lot out of it, don't you hate being marginalized by people who don't get it or tried a few puffs and didn't like it? (And that being said, if you want to smoke, keep it away from nonsmokers who don't like it and clean up your butts!)
HeartCore a dit:
It's really unbelievable when you realize that we are using a factor 3 -4 more fuel in our food transport, just because our appetite for meat.

Not so much our appetite, as our addiction. Seriously, how many people do you know who eat astronomical quantities of meat and won't even touch vegetables? I can't count. I'm still an omnivore, but I'm happy to reduce the quantity of meat I eat, and learn the arts of vegetarian and vegan cuisine, which I find I often think tastes better anyway (when done right)

I think though that part of the reason meat eaters get defensive isn't because of calm, clear thinking rational vegans, but of the 22-year-old university student protesters who run around practically assaulting people (physically and verbally) who are just trying to enjoy a hamburger. you don't win arguments or win people over that way.
I try never to bring up the fact in conversation that I am enjoying a vegan diet, others often will. The reaction of meat eaters to scientific facts (when asked), is like an average smoker, outright hostile.

It's quite weird, is it? I'm not even a vegan, I'm only a half-ass vegetarian (trying to cut down on milk products though).
I'm still eating fish because somehow fish doesn't make me feel too bad about it - and most fish live free before they're caught. Don't remind me of industrial fishing, though, or I have to quit the fish too...

Enough said, you see you can't even call me a real vegetarian in the strict sense, and I also keep it to myself - only sometimes you have to bring it up (when in a restaurant for example) and then some people really start going on my nerves indirectly calling me stupid and inconsequent and whatnot. I am really being called inconsequent (because I don't want to take part in the industrial slaughter of pigs and cows and birds, but I do eat fish) by people who mindlessly cram the cheapest sausage and steaks down their throats three times a day.
I actually quit contact with some people who just can't seem to leave me alone about it. I never tried to convince anybody, never talked about my decision unless someone asked me. I figured if they suddenly went kind of hostile on me because I quietly quit eating meat, then they can't be my friends, end of discussion... Sad but true - I don't know what's wrong with some meat addicts (I was never like that when I was still eating meat!)
tryptonaut a dit:
I figured if they suddenly went kind of hostile on me because I quietly quit eating meat, then they can't be my friends, end of discussion... Sad but true - I don't know what's wrong with some meat addicts (I was never like that when I was still eating meat!)

Wow, that is entirely different. I wonder if it is as simple as addiction, or as simple as a "you don't fit in" kind of thing, sort of like if you have dreadlocks in a group of conservatives you can be harassed by people whom it doesn't affect at all but they make it their personal business to be offended that you aren't part of their little group. As food is an incredibly social activity, when you don't share the same ritual as others they feel threatened somehow..

When I started cutting back on dairy I got hassling comments from people that made no sense at all considering it didn't affect them, but they felt that their reality was being threatened somehow.. a religious person would retort "Well god led his people to the land of Milk and honey. see??". But that certainly isn't as big a deal socially as meat I guess. (although some say that milk contains addictive hormones as well)

The same addiction parallels can be made to carbohydrates or any multitude of daily ingestions considered to be normality.