Easy way to extract mescal?


Elfe Mécanique
Ive read a few methods of extracting mescaline from san pedro but they all require chemicals like xylene and i was wondering if anyone had a solid easy way to extract mescaline with just household chemicals and if not are there any methods of ingesting san pedro (tea, soup etc.) that you're familiar with and have had good experiences with?
Mescaline extraction is fairly simple but where an acid/base axtraction on mimosa to obtain DMT can be completed in just 3 quick, back-to-back pulls; mescaline may take 7-10 to get everything. Also, with DMT the non-polar solvent (naptha) separates from the mimosa/ base slurry in 10-15 minutes, xylene takes a good 24 hours to separate from the cactus slurry. So obviously a mescaline extraction is pretty time consuming. I've done it twice, each with a kilo of dried peruvian and I've still got the jugs full of cactus/ xylene from the last one because I got sick of fucking with the chemicals. Xylene fucking stinks.

However, it is a common household chemical. It's paint thinner. If you have Lowe's, Ace, Home Depot or any other hardware store in Canada then it will be at the end of the paint aisle. You'll also need pure NaOH (sodium hydroxide) a drain cleaner, sometimes referred to as lye but it cannot contain anything but NaOH. Check the ingredients.

The last thing you'll need is sulfuric or muriatic acid in order to convert the mesc into salt form. Sulfuric is preferred but I haven't been able to find any pure so I use muriatic which works just fine and is usually located right next to the xylene.

None of this should be hard to find but after having done it myself, I'd recommend just boiling a cactus a slurping it down like the crazy Canadian you are.
hahaha thanks man thats a huge help just one more thing woudl you say that going through the process of extracting is worth it in the end? is the trip a lot better after extracting the mescaline??
Actually, I think eating condensed cactus juice from boiling gives a beter trip than eating pure mescaline. There's other alkaloids and goodies that I think contribute to the whole experience. However, I've spent quite a few years on the road touring concerts, gatherings and festivals and have never been offered pure mescaline so it was worth it to me to make a little for myself, friends and neighbors.

Unless you're down with injecting pure mescaline into your vein ( :shock: :D :bear: :drool: :thumbsup: ) , I don't think it's worth the time, money and effort when you can just consume cactus the old fashioned way.
right on thanks for the help man maybe ill pick up a stalk this weekend now i just have to decide between san pedro and hawaiian baby woodrose seeds
Brewmaster a dit:
Unless you're down with injecting pure mescaline into your vein ( :shock: :D :bear: :drool: :thumbsup: ) , I don't think it's worth the time, money and effort when you can just consume cactus the old fashioned way.

Hahaha, that's Brewmaster's way of saying: Go find yourself a needle and have a blast :mrgreen:!!
Well, I don't recommend that anyone just go sticking pointy things in their arms.
I had never shot up any drug before so I got a doctor to do it.
Brewmaster a dit:
I had never shot up any drug before so I got a doctor to do it.

Really? You've injected mescaline in your vein? :mrgreen:

I'm not a big fan of needles, but if a docter would like to take the time to inject some mescaline: ... Hell YEAH 8) !
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
Man I was in early days shot in my vein Polish smack. That was harkiri shooting :!: :roll: :wink: 8)

Fuck smack :twisted:, we're talking about mescaline man, have some respect :wink: :mrgreen:
Oh haha, I was thinking of heroin :lol:
Yeah, I ate 200mg of "sanchez" (less than pure mescaline, the tan/brownish stuff). Then I took 100mg of pure, white crystals and had my cousin (a doctor) mix it into a solution and stick it in my arm. My only experience with needles comes from donating blood and tattoos so I didn't hardly trust myself to find a vein. Having him there made me feel a lot safer.

Right after injecting I could feel my body start to heat up. Even my eyes. I told my wife that my eyes felt funny and asked if she would take out my contact lenses. That's love- when you trust someone to poke you in the eyes to get your contacts out while you're tripping.

Within 15 minutes there was an explosion of color. Nothing like what mescaline has ever done for me. I rarely get any impressive visuals but this was like a dmt trip, only I was still in my body. Everywhere I looked I saw things that resembled Alex G. paintings. This was at my house in the city and I hate tripping inside but I wanted to be there to fuck with the needle and what-not. After I felt like I had control of the situation, my cousin left and I had wifey drive me to the river.

To get to my spot on the river (a place called "Dead Rock" because each year we paint a Grateful Dead logo on the rock) we had to walk over a suspension bridge about 40 feet over the rushing river. This was the only point where I freaked out a little because it seemed like the bridge was only a few inches wide so I practically crawled all the way across. People on bikes, mom's with children and kids walking dogs all hurried past the stumbling weirdo. I felt a little embarassed but once I got to my spot and put my toes in the water, I was fine.

I laid there for a good 4 hours and got a terrible sunburn. My wife left for a few minutes to go to the store and buy wine. While she was gone, some guys dog came up and started licking my face. For some reason it felt great. I don't know, maybe I thought it was one of my puppies but several people started laughing at me. I screamed "Leave me alone! I'm drunk!" which was a lie. They continued to laugh and then I started laughing too.

My wife came back and poured me a small glass of wine.
"Whoa" said the guy with the dog,"don't you think he's had enough to drink? That guys been staring at the sun for an hour."
I sat up and said "I'm not drunk! I'm on heroine!"

For some reason, I had the idea in my head that I had injected heroine. I felt totally calm and euphoric; it was a very different mescaline trip and I figured this is what heroine must be like. So that's what I told everyone.

I kept tripping well into the night and stayed up all alone in the backyard, staring at the stars, and watching the film playing in my head. It really was one of the most colorful trips I've had in a long, long time but I doubt I'll be doing it again any time soon. All I have left is sanchez.
I believe and think that yours experience can be in some way seen as heroin first time using(without puking). Case you XP euphoric post-injection-rush(like PTSD-LOL) And this is sooo similar to the opiate users, meaning syringe,needle,shooting,ect and what it gives. This can't be religion, visionary, ecstatic high witch gives cacti when you are taking it in little(or big) ceremony. Isn't it? :) 8) :wink: