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Easiest way to grow mushrooms ?

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I decided to start growing my own mushrooms as it seems I won't be able to buy them of the web in a few months...

I've been looking on the web for a while, and I'm kinda confused, hencefore my question :

What, in your opinion/experience, is the easiest way for a beginner to grow his own mushroom (without buying a growkit, of course) ?

And I also have two questions regarding this matter :

1) Are Hawaaians really *that* hard to grow compared to the Cubensis ?
2) Is it better to buy a sporeprint and then put it in a srynge, or is it better to buy the srynge off the website directly ? And how long would this srynge stay viable to start a culture ?

Thanks !
If you want to grow cubensis PF Tek is incredibly easy. Once you get your first bloom you can make another print and keep going. I would imagine it would be easiest to order them off the internet in syringe, for ease.
what exactly is PF TEC? where can they be purchased?
PF TEK is a way to cultivate your shrooms.
You can find info on this forum or you can just google it.
Thanks for your answers !

Btw, I found a variation of this method, which is supposed to be easier/better :


Does anyone recommend it over the original method ? ( http://www.fungifun.org/fanaticus/pf-tek.htm )

Thanks ! :D

EDIT : Oh yeah, and what kind of strain would you recommend for a beginner ? I heard B+ is a good choice...

EDIT2 : How long does a syringe stay viable ? I'm considering buying several of those in case I f*** things up the first times ! And if someone could send me via PM the name of a good & trustworthy shop, I'd be really grateful !
Tiax a dit:
what kind of strain would you recommend for a beginner ? I heard B+ is a good choice...

Most cubensis strains, not realy important

Tiax a dit:
How long does a syringe stay viable ? I'm considering buying several of those in case I f*** things up the first times !

I heared a syringe stays viable for over a year. I've had one in the fridge for 3 months and it still worked perfectly. You shouldn't buy more syringes. You can inoculate about 5 250mL jars with one 10mL syringe. I have found it is best to start with 1 or 2 jars.

You'll be amazed how easy mushroom growing actually is :wink:
Thanks for your answers Meduzz, I'll keep with the Equadorian syringe I've bought then ;)
Good luck!

I'm planning on growing Equadorians in some weeks. It's been a while since I had some nice mushrooms growing in my room :D
One last thing : Are spores legal in most european countries ? I thought they were, but a friend of mine is unsure, now I'm doubting aswell :s
They don't contain psilocybin/psilocin and in most countries they are legal "for microscopic use only"...

Not sure what countries though
"What, in your opinion/experience, is the easiest way for a beginner to grow his own mushroom "


"Are Hawaaians really *that* hard to grow compared to the Cubensis ? "

NO .

"Is it better to buy a sporeprint and then put it in a srynge, or is it better to buy the srynge"

If the site makes good syrynges a syrynge is better . The spores are the weakest part of the growth chain because its next to imposible to make a clean spore print . Spores keep longer than spore syrynges . I have had syrynges for more than 6 months and they were still viable , probably HeartCore or Caduceus can tell you more about that .

"I found a variation of this method, which is supposed to be easier/better"

I see no diference to PF tek . GOD TEK is better and easyer .

"what kind of strain would you recommend for a beginner ?"

Any P.Cubensis sort .

"in most countries they are legal "for microscopic use only""

In theory , IF you have a real reason for having them , being a hippy is not a reason that judges acept .