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DXM Side Effects

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I've done DXM probably about 30 times and it is kinda fun and pretty good for passing away some time but sometimes the side effects are horrible.
I'm not sure what the exact name of these side effect would be called but the symptoms are:
short term memory loss
walking becomes really "robotic"
everything i see just looks ugly, like i can find the flaw in EVERYTHING
hard to fall asleep
mind feels really confused and clouded
and just a basic feeling of insanity
i sat upside down on the couch staring at the fan listening to a song on repeat from 2a.m. to 6a.m.
just because i couldn't really do anything else since i couldn't concentrate on anything and the normal anixetys and problems in everyday life seem to become magnified and i'm afraid all my fears will come true and ill keep all my problems forever even though thats not true

would this be psychosis?
and any suggestions on how to get rid of side effects?
I've done DXM nearly a 100 times, I'd say. While the "robotic" walking is a common effect while intoxicated, it is hardly bothersome. The other symptoms you talk about - basically a severe dysphoria - I've never, ever had. Its funny because I recently posted a thread where I explained that DXM intoxication was the only hallucinatory experience where I didn't feel the dysphoria you complain of. That see-the-flaws-of-everything-and-it-makes-me-utterly-depressed feeling is precisely what I got from taking Acid.

I guess everyone is wired differently. I read stories of people taking 5 hits of acid, and shudder in fear of how I would most definitely go bonkers in the worst way if I were to do such a thing.
Take my advice and run the other direction from this stuff if thats the effects your getting. It may get to the point where the side effects dont go away, and let me tell ya you do not want that!
Yeah I was talking to a friend and she said she actually gets a nice "afterglow" from DXM. Well, at least I don't get this from shrooms, except for a little burnt feeling.
Yeh I was introduced to what was called 'robes' a while back and first few times where fun but out of no ware the feeling just became down right shitty, I remeber one of the last times Laying there in bed and looking down on my 'dead body' for weeks after I would just not be right and honestly I feel the mental nit picky thought process never really leaves, It was good for research because it was as though information just flooded my brain with so many rapid thoughts but became a bit annoying when trying to socialise.

Every person is differnt but i just feel this isnt a very forgiving substance, If you really need a reason to avoid this stuff keep in mind that NMDA antagonist like this are the few known substances that cause irreversable brain damage in the form of olney lesions. Scary to think that in theory crack will do less damage to your brain the DXM.

All this is still kindof being debated but still... would you want to be the one to find out the hard way they are right?
Actually, it doesn't cause brain lesions.
One, it was only proved in rats given strong doses of strong dissociatives (MK-801) and two, neuropathologic changes don't occur with oral doses of DXM.
So dex away!