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DXM + guaifenesin


I just found in my house a bottle of 40 Mucinex DM pills with 30mg DXM and 600mg Guaifenesin in each. I know that that is a huge amount of guaifenesin to use them recreationally, but does anyone know any ways to extract the DXM? Or how many i can safely take without puking myself inside out? will it be enough for a good trip?

Are these absolutely useless? I'm jonsin pretty hard for a trip and can't get anything else at the moment

any help would be appreciated
If i were you i would have patience . I think if a person cant wait maybe they have something to learn and maybe they are going to learn it .

I`m not saying anything against DXM , allthough i wouldnt touch it with a barge pole , i`m saying uncontrolled urgancy / rushing into things is not a good idea .
The Gaufistan is usually the problem with an a/b extraction. Furthermore, it is harder to perform an extraction on the pills, opposed to the 1 liquid brand that has no gauf/etc.

If you do a Google search you can get the info you need, but your going to have to probably lose a bit of the DXM unless you want to wait for days for the gauf to settle. (It will form a bubble layer, but will go down after time.
I take mucinex all the time,you could take 20 to 40 pills and just focus out the sick feeling,Ive been doing research with dxm for 6 years.In other words I started doing it every day since I was 14 with no ill effects.Weather its Coricidin Cough and Cold,Zicam Max(nighttime is the strongest) or Delsym or Mucinex.But the reccomended dose for a strong DXM trip is about 500 mg.If youre a bigger person,if this amount doesnt do much,step up the dose by 100mg until youre satisfied.The lethal dose of DXM is like 2800mgs in a 24 hour period,and ive passed the toxic level only one time,i took3900mgs in 2 hrs and i want to go back to the reality i achieved,(not recommended,at least untill you gradually stepup doses and explore,still not infering)but there you go .Have questions,im an expert on side effects of the altered states,me and a fellow tripper constructed many of the realities you will go through,so let me know.Mucinex should be used with caution because it can make your sinuses feel like they are moving(trying to rid out mucus)and your lungs will feel good,but hollow or stiff,but you breathe very well.You will notice an increase in all of your senses,during the come on.If you smoke you will taste all the chemicals,ammonia is the strongest.Let me know.
Also with any pill poppin drink some milk with it because it will help coat your stomach without dulling the effect.Just a caution,when poppin pills you may feel like you have to shit,do so gently,pushing or straining could blow out your colon or give you a heart attack,not saying it will but those are possibilities.Coricidin is very bad for your body,and makes you feel old after a while,so use caution with it,it is a very intense trip though.
Whats the kick in abusing drugs , abusing your body and drug adiction ?
from erowid.org -

High doses of Guaifenesin can cause severe nausea and vomiting.
from drugs.com -

• No serious side effects are expected from guaifenesin therapy. Stop taking guaifenesin and seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives).
• Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take guaifenesin and talk to your doctor if you experience
· dizziness or headache,
· a rash, or
· nausea, vomiting, or stomach upset.
• Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersom
From what I see your from the USA so just go to any pharmacy and buy some Robitussin Long-Acting. Check the active ingredients on the back and make sure only Dextromethorphan is listed. Where I live they put guaifenesin in all DXM containing cough supressants to stop its abuse. Go buy some DXM only product cuz guaifenesin is just gonna make u puke and feel horrible so dont even bother with that shit.
Happy tripping
^âgreed... get something with DXM as the only active ingrediant, I believe in the USA theres Robotussin... anything else in large quanteties will make you nautious and ruin your trip... i would reccommend anywhere between 500 and 1000mg, to truly experience the DXM trip... if you like ketamine, you'll like DXM... if you like DXM, you'll love ketamine...
*cough* Vicks 66 *cough*