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DxM 2nd experience. Magical?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Yeah, I totally apologize in advance for the size of this.. I figured it would be this long.. Lol but its good to me.. And please enjoy it :)

Okay, so now for the second time, I am gonna type this without hitting backspace and it reloading the last page I was on... -.- So, me and a friend, we went to qt because we were just completely fried.. JUST FRIED.. Anyways we saw DxM, so me and his high dumbasses were DXM! So we got 8 bottles... This was the most obvious reason why they probably knew we were high.. When we bought it, the woman at the counter was like "Hmmm... 8 bottles?" (It was Delsym.. The big bottles...) And we go, "Yes ma'am 8 bottles please" In the mean time of saying that we gace each other this gay high five and then did it again behind our backs.. Haha.. So we got the delsym (Oh yea and he is 18 so he can buy it. However.. I am not..) and we took it back to his place... And our blown asses.. Used the tablespoon measure instead of the teaspoon.. So when we thought that we put 600mg into our two sodas.. (We should have known by then when we had to use 2 sodas...) we actually without knowing it put 2,400mg of DxM into our sodas... So we said "Bottoms up" And drank those entirely overdosed, poisoned sodas...

Now, for the trip.. And oh my god was it beautiful.. First let me explain how I felt... I felt drunk.. Almost similar to alcohol poisoning.. But way way worse.. I didn't feel sick at all.. Don't get me wrong.. But I definitely felt so dizzy I couldn't walk.. And I didn't try too, until like 4 hours into the trip.. I actually felt amazing.. My whole body was completely numb.. Kind of like the numb when you get the shot at the dentist in your mouth.. But everywhere.. I didn't see this as negative either at the time.. So anyways I pretty much felt so so dizzy and couldn't walk.. However not really dizzy because I wasn't nautilus at all.. I don't know what I was.. All I know is that I was not controlling my own body, and I saw myself in 3rd person... 3RD PERSON. NO not in 1st person like normal.. I actually saw myself from above myself.. Imagine walking like that.. It was literally to the point where if I walked I had to hold onto something.. If I didn't I would just fall over.. And probably just lie on the ground not moving...

Alright now.. My hallucinations.. I already explained the 3rd person sight.. But anyways my first hallucination was when me and my friend Miles could actually speak... I closed my eyes.. I already lost my sense in time.. So don't even ask about that.. I didn't even look at a clock the entire time.. Anyways, I closed my eyes and saw these two little tiny aliens.. They were green with big eyes.. And were floating on these silver things.. They weren't big.. More like if you saw a fly buzzing right in your face.. Kinda like that.. But one came up and studied me, and then the other came and looked, then they zoomed away.. So then came tons of hallucinations.. Mostly open eyes.. I barely blinked, this was so interesting.. So, first I heard noises... Everything was annoying and depressing... And I started to cry.. By this time, Miles was crying too.. We were both in his room with all the lights off and he was on the floor and I was on his bed.. With the computer lights on.. This had much to do with it... So anyways, Every noise that I heard was depressing and annoying and just sad.. And I was crying.. I don't know miles' reasoning, but he was too. I will have to ask him now that I think about it again.. So I started to see this faint like almost sketched.. Like with a pencil, this environment around me.. And I saw it almost perfect after awhile.. And I saw my dad with a broken back, which makes since because his back is broken.. But anyways.. He was crying.. My mom was crying.. Everyone in my family was crying.. And they were all around me.. And even Miles' parents were crying.. And his siblings.. Then I saw my coffin.. It was wooden with a stained finish.. It was being lowered into my grave.. This of course scared the fuck out of me.. But I realized since my entire body was numb and I couldn't talk/walk. That I was dead... I knew that I was dead.. I was crying and crying.. And I kind of just got out of it.. (Kind of how when you feel yourself conscientiously drifting into a dream, and you accidentally shake yourself awake) So then, I saw everything how it was.. I decided I had to go to the restroom. So I crept down the hall to the bathroom which was hard since I was in 3rd person and I could barely walk.. And since I was numb.. my legs collapsed.. I fell and had to crawl.. By then I though I was in heaven.. All the noises I heard where beautiful.. It seemed like I was in a super bright room. But I knew where I was going.. Anyways so when I get to the bathroom I realized oh shit.. I gotta pee.. I had already forgotten, and got so dragged into dying again it went away... So I stared at the mirror which was also the shower door.. And I saw myself.. Then as weird as it sounds.. The mirror shattered.. right in front of me.. Then I saw my mom giving birth to me.. Then I quickly snapped out of this one.. I don't know why. So I left the bathroom, and crawled into my friends room again.. He was on the computer, and asked "What the hell where you doing in there? Beating it?" And I laughed uncontrollably.. So did he.. While we still had tears down our faces.. We laughed.. And then Somehow we understood each other and he typed the youtube video that I wanted to watch... Anyways I was on his bed, and it took him over 5 minutes to type it in I swear.. It felt like forever.. But we watched it.. And I'll post a link to it as a comment.. It made us scream.. So then in fear of his mom walking in, we dove onto his bed.. The video was over.. And she never came in thank god.. But then as we slowly gained our talking abilities.. We talked alot.. Or tried.. I couldn't even talk when he asked me if I was beating.. Anyways we just yea.. Laid there talking.. And then our conversation shifted to how we loved everybody.. And our experiences.. I don't recall any of the conversation word for word, except for. "Dude I fucking love everyone.. There is not one person that I hate" Lol But yea... It was crazy.. Then the whole time we were walking, I looked at the pc lights, and started making them dance so that they weren't spiraling around me any more.. And it turned into a gesture type thing dancing about.. And he saw it too when I mentioned it.. But then we talked more.. Also, we listened to sweet "Animal Collective" The cd "Sung tongs" Like a trillion times, and the cd "Oracular Spectacular" By "MGMT" and fell asleep cold..

When we woke up the next morning, we couldn't walk like at all.. Until about 1 O'clock. Then his mom came in, and what he said I could tell made absolutely no sense.. So I started giggling into my pillow.. And she said "Wow Ian, your awake? Haha, why are you laughing?" And I said.. "What he just said made no sense" And she was like alright dude.. And she left.. I was scared shitless... Anyways.. We could finally walk.. And we were very happy.. Not energized at all.. We lay around all day long that day.. But then we figured out our accidental overdose, and felt like stupid retards... We appreciated the whole experience though.. And just for the record.. It was not at all a bad trip.. It may have seemed like it.. But I felt amazing.. The tears weren't voluntary, and I just appreciated everything.. And plus since then I have been getting along with EVERYONE so much better.. I think I learned something that day.. about how I should treat people.. But I don't realize what it is right now.. Anyways, don't tell me how retarded this was.. I already know.. But yeah it was very magical if you want to call it that.. I still don't understand the entire thing though.. Very strange.. Use this shit at your own risk though.. Don't overdose yourselves like we did.. It was a complete accident.. But if you wanna commit suicide.. I highly recommend this drug to overdose on ;) Haha Anyways sorry for the longness of this report.. But it was what it was.. Thanks!
hmm, rather amazing that your entirely accidental and heroic dosing of Dxm wound up producing a rather classic "Death & Rebirth" experience, followed by feelings of cosmic love for all mankind...

i guess it just goes to show there's more than one way home. Dxm is a bit rough way to get there, but a friend swore it first helped turn him on to kundalini energy or something (later on the Dxm was no longer needed).
A guess so..
And yea it is rough.. I still have some side effects... I thought my memory was bad before... I don't recommend DxM unless you are really willing.. Its scary shit too mess with.. But still.. I still should have just bought some acid, and had an even better experience.. I'm hopefully getting 3 hits tomorrow.. That will be fun xD.. But what is kundalini?
Yes, a "bit" rough is a vast understatement. I think ketamine is a less harmful way to disassociate fully; i've gone out-of-body on ketamine but never tried with Dxm which made me all itchy at lower doses. both have long-term consequences though- Olney's lesions on yer brain, etc.

Kundalini yoga is "breath of fire" yoga. I once saw someone meditating powerfully at a place where much energy was concentrated, then she start twitching and shaking while unresponsive to the outside world. A bystander informed me that this was a "kundalini awakening". It involves the chi. Maybe it's associated with the Western experience called "quaking".

Acid is like the swiss-army knife of psychedelics. It has it's own character, but it can do all sorts of different things if you know how to operate it.

The safest trip IMHO is mushrooms once you learn what to look for you don't tend to have problems with contaminated sacrament. Worst case scenario is usually that the mushrooms are old and lower in potency. I like to serve mushroom tea with ginger & honey on special occasions like Samhain.
Haha, try a high dosage of about 600mg, and smoke weed at the same time.. You should trip alright.. It is kinda psychadelic, even though people don't think of it to be...

That sounds quite interesting.. Lol I might get into it a little when I get more time on my hands.. I know its obviously summer and all.. But I have alot going on.. When it all settles down, I will try meditation techniques.. It is way easier to get lost in your focus when your loose and not stressed..

I have never done acid personally, yes I know I am missing out, but I will get some tomorrow.. no joke.. Well I guess today.. Because its 2:30AM here.. But yes I am getting some today thank god.. 2 hits for my first time.. And I have alot of close friends that are experienced and will take good care of me :) Haha

I have done mushrooms. Well psylocyben.. Not anything else.. I don;t know what IMHO is, but I'm intrigued I will have too look them up and all that good stuff!
kundalini is the energy that flows up from your root chakra through your sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye, and finally to your crown chakra.
although i think it can come in many different forms. some view it as a fire
some think of it as a snake that travels up your spine.
many different religions refer to kundalini, including almost all forms of buddhism and hinduism

im new to this site - hope i helped
thats interesting that you said some people view it as a snake going up your spine.

A long time ago when I discovered salvia myself and a friend had two bowls packed. She hit hers first, and abruptly stood up and told me I had a snake wriggling up my spine, then proceeded to run into a pool.
haha thats awsome
did the pool save you or was it a water moccasin? lol
Haha you helped dude thanks, and welcome :D but I haven't done salvia either.. I will get around to all these psychedelics someday.. I guess that I just have to wait for them to find me before I find them... Thats just how it is. I will get there someday..
hmm, rather amazing that your entirely accidental and heroic dosing of Dxm wound up producing a rather classic "Death & Rebirth" experience, followed by feelings of cosmic love for all mankind...
Actually, since this was my first big dose of anything that is psychedelic, I think that is why I had that feeling. Because I hear everyone else talk about their experiences like that, and I think my brain was just mimicking their experiences because that is 'what I was supposed to do' But the feeling slowly faded.. I mean I don't have love for all man kind.. But I am rather forgiving.. But I was anyways in the first place.. Weird stuff though..