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DXM, 1068 mgs barely feeling ANYTHING.

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Matrice Périnatale
I have A LOT of experience with dextromethorphan. I started at one box, stopping at two, after hardly feeling the effects of it last night. I 'bought' two bottles from a grocery store near my house and took them after showering when I was home. About two hours after drinking them the only thing I could feel was itchyness, everywhere, and my head felt very heavy and stiff, for some reason I would imagine myself looking like a homeless crackhead? Just VERY stiff and heavy/itchy. It actually felt as though I could feel my brain frying. With the previous experiences of using two boxes of the same brand with dextromethorphan in it, I had experienced visuals, the usual dissociated state and euphoria. But this time I was very confused and wanting to know what was going on with my body, why I was feeling so stiff and heavy. My brain felt like it was tightening and this feeling didn't go away even when I felt entirely sober, until I woke up the next day.

I will admit that I've binged on this exact dosage before, probably 2-3 times in a row in one week, every two weeks for a while? and I had stopped for about a month before doing it again last night. I'm just curious to know if anyone has had a similar experience of a tightening feeling in their head or feeling like they're frying. Every time I've had a 'bad' trip on dxm I've felt similar to this, but last night wasn't all that bad. I spent most of my time watching a Woody Allen movie and talking to my boyfriend on the phone, or listening to music, which was still pleasant.

Prior to this experience with dxm I had taken around 8 mgs of klonopin with my sister while we were visiting her friend in a different state, and when I was hope experienced sleep paralysis, which was very interesting/scary. Don't know why I'm adding this. I just woke up and decided to leave a post before I carry on with my day. :bear: :bear:

to trick- I don't experience with 'interesting' drugs very often. Mostly it's pot, aside from that it would be klonopin. I just like reading on this forum and if I have an experience or input on anything it will be added, but so far nothing, just feeding an interest. =]
ive done all of this.
i used to do dxm too much.

im sure if you do a search you can turn up some embarasing dxm postes in the dusty area of the forum.

dxm is horrible and wounderfull at the same time.
i wish you would post more here, you leave these little baits and cliffhangers then are never to be heard from again, come join us! :)
Not entirely sure how you ended up taking a gram and then not getting much of an effect from it. Took DXM last week, a gram of, in a little bit of water. Oh my god it tastes absolutely vile!!! It was almost enough to make me throw up. Neverless about 40-50 minutes later I did throw up. Have been told that this is very common. Felt a burning sensation across parts of my skin and then starting coming up. Very similar to being wonky ie. on a fairly high dose of ketamine but it was very clear headed and despite the world being under-balanced I could formulate ideas in my head and I knew exactly where and what I was doing. Eventually ended up on my arse cotched in a friends bedroom as I could not handle too much standing! Lasted a fair while (maybe 5-6 hours proper), although I had taken a dose of MDVP a little bit before hand. This just kept me up though and I doubt added to the experience. Not quite clear to me why exactly everyone believes DXM to be dirty or nasty.... I thought it was good though I wouldnt use it often.
People say dextromethorphan is dirty/nasty? I've only heard that it's stupid. But of course if it was never in cough syrup I think that belief wouldn't exist. How similar is ketamine to dxm? A lot of people I know who have tried ketamine say the experience isn't one they'd like to repeat.
DXM is mad, just in general.

i guess it can be liked at certain doses, but other doses its a completly diffrent drug and you just kinda have to 'let go' so to say, and see where it take you. it can be somewhat of an uncomphortable drug to me, thats why i dont like it anymore. and it takes me to places mentally that i shouldnt go. DXM just isnt the drug for me. i need REAL psychedelics, like LSD, and mushrooms. those are my ideal substances.