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Dugouts and their uses.

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Matrice Périnatale
I'm planning on buying a dugout the next time I swing by a headshop in town. It'd be much more useful and durable to take with me than my pipe, and much more discreet as well.

I have a question though; When putting weed into the storage area of the dugout, do you grind it or just leave it looseleaf?
Whats a dugout ?
I thought he might be refering to you when you have had to much stella....
Er... A dugout? It's like...

Well, here's a picture:

It's basically a small pipe that you can dip into a storage area in the wooden case, get a small bit of herb or marijuana in it, and smoke it for a hit or two. It looks like a cigarette, which makes it less obvious.
Have you got a link to more information please ?
Thanks that explains exactly what i wanted to know . From the picture it wasnt possible to see how it works .
mine has a screen in it so i always grind my pot up pretty fine before i put it in
I personally don't care for these. I'm happy with my pipes.

I knew a few people who love the hell out of 'em. They're not really my thing. Try it out for yourself. (: