IJesusChrist a dit:
Is the duality of trips an illusion, or are there two ways of viewing the world, reality?
i see duality in everything i look at. in fact, each thing is infinitely multifaceted as well.
this is something that's only been amplified to me with things like mushrooms and weed and lsd. but only amplified, not created, as in it was there all along. the substances were only acting like "catalysts" i guess you could say.
_Avatar_ a dit:
A healthy and balanced human being looks both outside and within, never confusing the two.
IJesusChrist a dit:
I believe quite differently, a healthy and balanced human being sees the inside & outside as one.
i would say "looks outside and in, never confusing the two, and also realizes the inside and out are one"
i dont see why they cant both apply. yes, the "interactive continuum" if you gotta label it.
_Avatar_ a dit:
Yes, it is a feedback mechanism, the external conditioning the internal, and the internal directing the external.
mmm, feedback loops...
i think it's pointless to attempt to determine which came first when neither can exist without one another. they are simultaneous; interdependent on one another. one requires the others assistance to move in any way, especially considering that they are
subjective points of view
IJesusChrist a dit:
The entire outside world is inside your head, so I guess it would all be internal than wouldn't it. Yet your brain is within the outside. Sometimes I wish I wasn't human.
why let a notion like that bother you, the entire world is the crux of all paradoxes.
darkwolfunseen a dit:
I got to agree with Avatar on this one. I use to take that whole "my mind has created all of this" but try this: Put your hand through a wall, just move the wall with your mind.
A) You can't = you are not creating your environment with your mind
B) You can = you would be moving the object with your mind, not reversing it's manifestation.
you are trying to defeat a law that you already know to be true. if you created the wall, then you also created it's limitations that make it "a wall" by your definition. if you could put your hand through it, you wouldn't just call it a wall, that's for sure. you'd probably call it a "hole" or "ruined" :lol: . no, but seriously. your testing this hypothesis in the wrong method, the wrong aspect of the scenario. time cannot be defeated (if you remember my other statements, i explained time as a fundamental aspect of space and matter, they are interchangeable) of course you cannot put your hand through a wall. there
are constants that have to be obeyed.
so what are you left with? you
manipulate time, not create it. you do control it, but it was still
given to you. that is what's implied here. i cannot directly manipulate those things like in a movie or some bullshit. you cannot make things appear and dissapear, and i think that's what alot of people misunderstand. you can, however, create the time for certain things to appear for you, via thinking about them, and wishing for them to come into your life, not like praying, in the sense of
asking for bullshit, but by constantly having certain things, or goals on your mind, so when your out and an opportunity presents itself,
you realize it, because that's where your mind was anyways, and so you capitalize on moving towards it. the same goes for avoiding things. you cant be like "oh man i hate this, but its bound to happen" because you've taken an apathetic stance and you've fucked yourself before it even happened. you have to actively be careful and mindful to avoid something. (eliminating the x factor :wink: . its a constant conscious effort.) this is YOU acting on the world, aka if you want it bad enough, fucking go get it, bring it to you.
the world doesn't have to be fake to be an illusion. the illusion means that it cannot be "
understood" (as in known in an
active sense). in purposefully releasing that
attemptive grip of so desperately trying to understand, you've understood it perfectly. it becomes extremely evident once you do and therefore can be nothing less than effortless. that's where you have control. make things work for you, make them come to you. there are rules to playing the game so play it by them and reap
Shamanomenon a dit:
I don't know enough about computer programming to know how one would even begin to go about such a project, if possible, but I was thinking about this concept earlier today. I think it would be cool to create such a program for trip experiences. All of the data could be cross-referenced to search for commonalities from different independent sources. Sort of like attempting to build a psycedelic consensus reality.
we already have one, it's called erowid :lol: no but seriously, we (humans) are developing some pretty amazing algorithms for processing information that could possibly be applied here..
_Avatar_ a dit:
Because even if you are God, you're just a piece of God, one particular experience or vantage point of God. Or in biological terms: you're just one strand of DNA out of many.
yes, and so you are god. you become no less powerful than it because you are it. yes, a piece of it. you are it. time is infinite at the
speed of light, even if you only had a piece of that light, it'd still be infinite.
:idea: on synchronism and causality.. ill save it for later, or maybe a pm sometime. whooole nother topic... im getting tired again, sorry for the mile post, i think i covered just about everything, and i edited for a good minute so piss off on my spelling errors :wink: im off to bed. duality, yeah! nothing but.