By salting meth do you mean converting it from freebase to the Hcl form? If so I'm not sure if you're asking the right question since you can't recrystallize freebase meth as it is an oil.
For a dual recrystallization, one would use dry acetone (dried using epsom salts and decanted and filtered using a fine filter paper (NOT A COFFEE FILTER, as these are too coarse)) and an alcohol. Denatured alcohol works OK, I think the best would be methanol, which is sold in very pure form as antifreeze under the brand Heet in a yellow bottle.
There are other solvents that can be used as well... MEK can be used in place of Acetone, but the smell is horrible, and it is toxic, not to mention that you can use nothing but glass utensils when using MEK.
There are many videos on 2 solvent recrystallization. I am not sure the hassle of using two solvents is worth it in the case of meth, though, as methanol and slow cooling (in a sealed erlenmeyer) with a 2 hours stay in the freezer usually does the trick.
The recrystallization method works OK for meth, and it will get rid of a lot of impurities like dust, fibers, some ghetto cuts, etc. but some of the more "elaborate" cuts will cocrystallize with the meth and therefore cannot be removed that way. Also, some cuts like MSM might form as separate crystals, but then you will still need to sort through the crystals one by one to separate the MSM ones.... tedious.
I believe an Acid/Base extraction might be more effective, but I don't know anything about how that works. Regardless.... recrystallization will cause substantial product loss, and is a complete waste unless working with at least 1/8 of an ounce. It has a lot of educational/fun value though.