Drug dog dies of cancer

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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[quote:37j5s24l]Drug-detecting police dog dies of nose cancer from sniffing out cocaine

He knew the perils of police work, but kept on sniffing until the end.

Max, a drug-detecting dog in England, has died of a rare form of nose cancer which likely developed during his years sniffing out cocaine in the line of duty, his owner said.

"It is ironic the wonderful organ that made him successful in his work has been his demise,
Nice story , but it sounds like propoganda crap to me . The dog had been sniffing the air and particles in it in suspicious houses / places . Who knows what he had taken in through his nose ? Floor polish ? Nikotine from smokers ? Foreign virii from peoples lugage / post ?

If coke caused cancer i and millions of others would have died of cancer years ago . We actualy snorted it , he only smelt it .
true. but can we be sure that cocaine doesn't cause cancer to dogs? at the same time we must think of the SHIT cocaine is cut with, and here is the flaw in the article, it could be the cocaine, BUT you must aknowledge that cocaine is often cut with real bad substances, that might not be so harmful to mankind, but might heavily poison a dog...take choccolate for example, dogs can't metabolise it properly like we do....or give an aspirin (or LSD....) to a cat and see what happens...
again...overbreeding to get dogs with good noses could lead to a species that is sensitive to chemicals and leads to nose cancer, GOD knows what could have made the poor dog get nose cancer....
if he snorted he would have destroyed his sense of smell and wouldn't have been able to find the coke...that's the first rule if you need a drug-sniffing-dog giving it access to the drug will make it less efficient...it's like a sommelier who must not drink wine...
The storys about sniffer dogs are mostly hype . They cant all smell the same drugs . They get trained for different ones . A dog can only be used a few times a day and then it has to rest . After each time it doesnt find anything it gets given a reward to keep it motivated and the reward is the bait it is trained with . Thats usualy a rag with a bit of the drug in that it specialises in .