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Drinking while eating browinies?

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Ok so im going to be partying in about 3 weeks and i was woundering... since my friend [who im partying ats house] cant have anyone smoke there but we WILL be drinking, would it be anything like smoking and drinking?

Or should the people that eat them not drink and vise versa?
if you wanna drink while eating mary jane, wait until it's kicked in before going for it. And drink only a little. The effect of mj will be a bit stronger i think so wait until it kicks in before you start drinking, if you drink at all which is imo not needed.
If you drink alcohol first and then eat or smoke cannabis you will probably be sick .
Yea eat them about 1-2 hours before you expect to be drinking. (2 hours is the safest since some people take longer) I personally don't like mixing the two and thats just with smoking. Eating makes weed so much stronger in my opinion.
As for eating hash, I don't know much, but if you just drink and then smoke, I 'm not sure you'll be that ill.
I always drink and smoke at parties and I've never been ill. I think that smoking after having had a few drinks ('til you're slightly drunk) is like la cerise sur le gâteau (the icing on the cake) !

Yet, be careful of what you drink. Once, I drank beer and different kinds of cheapo wine and then smoked a big hash spliff and yep it sent me to the outer space but after a while, I almost threw up...and next day, arf,
a f***ing hangover.

good night and enjoy your party :wink:
ya weve decided that the people who dont want to eat brownies just will drink and vise versa, [some of them dont do any drugs so] but ill just eat brownies because i would choose marry jane over beer anyday.
Aaaah, hahaha, I didn't get it.

Whats harmfull about drinking (some fluid like milk or water) when eating (plain) brownies.

Didn't see it was in the cannabis topic :mrgreen:

But yeah, I've seen people sooooo wasted because they thought that since the space-cake wasn't working, why not drink some beers?
Beer then bong, you've got it wrong; bong then beer, you’re in the clear!

I still remember that retarded rhyme from way back; drinking and smoking only work together (to a limited extent) at very low doses, especially with alcohol.
Usually you have to smoke first, or its goodbye to your lunch!

I’m happy you’re just planning to get high with Mary instead of recklessly overindulging in poisonous beverages.

Have fun man!
"Beer then bong, you've got it wrong; bong then beer, you’re in the clear!"

A nice piece of poetry , and exactly my point of view , and the bit about "poisonous beverages" . Alk kills your brain and makes your dick shrink .
I got wasted on my birthday when a friend presented me with a space-cake, so i mixed up with alcooholbecause i was also thinking that it wouldn't make any effect! I was totally wrong.
I got sick the other day, fever and all the shit!!

Never again... :lol: