Hey guys, this is my first post, but I am excited about this community. I just recently began my foray in to the world of psychedelics and entheogens and I have to say, I am turned on in the best way.
About my gf; she is my age (22) and has suffered parental abuse as a child, including some sexual at a very young age. Her parents were and are verbally abusive, derogatory, belittling, angry and oppressive. This has resulted in her having feelings of anger, hate, revenge. Her first instinct with people is to take advantage, her goals in life are completely muddled... when I ask her what she wants to do, where she sees herself in 5 years, what subjects she wants to study, they ALWAYS revolve around gaining power and control over others, which makes total sense; she was robbed of power when she was young(and currently) and it has manifested as the desire to control others. She is a great girl, but she is mentally sick. She has even said she sometimes prevents herself from feeling, that she is emotionless often, and she is afraid it will not come back. She has told me, crying, that she cannot feel things. Again, this makes total sense considering her psychololigcal history and abuse.
I want to help her. My friend, who was somewhat similar to her, albeit more and open minded, had a life changing experience the first time we did acid at a friends cabin a few months ago. The feeling of oneness, connectedness, love as the highest good, etc. I felt it too, but it was not as pronounced as I was already practicing eastern meditations, oneness, yoga, etc.
I think a low dosage (1- 1.5 blotters, or 100-150 micrograms) in a warm, loving and safe environment with me, sober, can be very helpful to her. I will guide her through with total love and openness, with soft music, I want her to understand that hate and deception are not the way, and that love is. It sounds corny, but all of my friends that had their first trip have had their materialist heads blown and are open to the mystical and the divine now.
My question is, what are the risks? I am doing a lot of research, and I have heard that it is dangerous to do if there are underlying mental health issues. I would never forgive myself if I send her in to a spiral of mental health issues that she never recovers from, and she would certainly get her mind blown. She is stricly materialist, cringes at the idea of mysticism and 'new age' ideas, and has a loooot of deep, deep repressed emotions over her history of familly, peer and sibling abuse (some of it sexual). What do you think? Has anyone else tried to help someone they love with LSD or a similar pyschoactive? I also bought a book on MDMA and its theraputic use, and am considering that as well. I am most concerned with NOT CAUSING ANY DAMAGE that could last longer than the trip. I want her to open her eyes, to release that pent up energy, and to see love and forgiveness and in a way, to find "god", however you would describe that entity. I think LSD or MDMA have the serious potential to help her in her normal state, though a part of me is apprehensive about practicing pyschotherapy with powerful drugs on my vulnerable girlfriend(I think it would be worse if I WASNT apprehensive about such an undertaking).
Thanks for taking the time, hope to get some good feedback. Peace and love.
About my gf; she is my age (22) and has suffered parental abuse as a child, including some sexual at a very young age. Her parents were and are verbally abusive, derogatory, belittling, angry and oppressive. This has resulted in her having feelings of anger, hate, revenge. Her first instinct with people is to take advantage, her goals in life are completely muddled... when I ask her what she wants to do, where she sees herself in 5 years, what subjects she wants to study, they ALWAYS revolve around gaining power and control over others, which makes total sense; she was robbed of power when she was young(and currently) and it has manifested as the desire to control others. She is a great girl, but she is mentally sick. She has even said she sometimes prevents herself from feeling, that she is emotionless often, and she is afraid it will not come back. She has told me, crying, that she cannot feel things. Again, this makes total sense considering her psychololigcal history and abuse.
I want to help her. My friend, who was somewhat similar to her, albeit more and open minded, had a life changing experience the first time we did acid at a friends cabin a few months ago. The feeling of oneness, connectedness, love as the highest good, etc. I felt it too, but it was not as pronounced as I was already practicing eastern meditations, oneness, yoga, etc.
I think a low dosage (1- 1.5 blotters, or 100-150 micrograms) in a warm, loving and safe environment with me, sober, can be very helpful to her. I will guide her through with total love and openness, with soft music, I want her to understand that hate and deception are not the way, and that love is. It sounds corny, but all of my friends that had their first trip have had their materialist heads blown and are open to the mystical and the divine now.
My question is, what are the risks? I am doing a lot of research, and I have heard that it is dangerous to do if there are underlying mental health issues. I would never forgive myself if I send her in to a spiral of mental health issues that she never recovers from, and she would certainly get her mind blown. She is stricly materialist, cringes at the idea of mysticism and 'new age' ideas, and has a loooot of deep, deep repressed emotions over her history of familly, peer and sibling abuse (some of it sexual). What do you think? Has anyone else tried to help someone they love with LSD or a similar pyschoactive? I also bought a book on MDMA and its theraputic use, and am considering that as well. I am most concerned with NOT CAUSING ANY DAMAGE that could last longer than the trip. I want her to open her eyes, to release that pent up energy, and to see love and forgiveness and in a way, to find "god", however you would describe that entity. I think LSD or MDMA have the serious potential to help her in her normal state, though a part of me is apprehensive about practicing pyschotherapy with powerful drugs on my vulnerable girlfriend(I think it would be worse if I WASNT apprehensive about such an undertaking).
Thanks for taking the time, hope to get some good feedback. Peace and love.