yeah why get into politics?? we need to show them that it is indeed our religion to smoke this herb... maybe they will understand our ritualistic approach towards ourselves we practice with the help of the "sacred" THC of this "sacred plant" """designed""" (it is there so why not use it if it can be of good use kind of argument) to alter our "sacred brains"! and also maybe tell them that our attitude towards the plant and its spirit is one of utmost respect and that it's sacred mind-altering substance should not be abused but if needed could indeed be used to alter/expand consciousness (imagination etc.) or other beneficial physical effects like relaxation, pain relief (well-being, health) .
apart of that we could make governments aware of why this amazing plant got "demonized" and marginalized by certain companies and interest groups and how that could/should also bring more economic fairness and less destruction of nature (cutting down trees etc etc, more rebuilding mentality with trees,landscapes), exploitation of natural ressources (trees, etc.)
or maybe it would be enough if the politicians couldn't disprove cannabis as a plant of the garden of eden so you'd only have to find that passage show it to them and then wait for them to disprove it or give up their argument.
peace :weedman: