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Documenting a trip

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Hey guy's I'm new here, seems like a very interesting community!

I was just wondering if someone could give me a basic outline of how they document their trip?

Well, I've never written a trip report before.. but I've read alot.

And usually, you state the substances involved, quantity, and times taken. Set and setting..etc
And then, you describe your experience, and effects starting from start to end, at various points of time T=0, T=+1hour ..etc
And, maybe add some comments on what you thought of the experience.
Advantages of writing while tripping (low dose or after peak of course), is that you can write whatever you feel is the most important aspect of the experience at that moment, going more into detail while directly influenced.
But I think writing in retrospect after the experience holds more value as to what it DID for you.

I don't think it's necessary to write about an trip but that it can help integrate the experience.
I summited a report here and to Erowid, but neither has done anything with them as of yet.

I Usually use a timeline if I can while i'm tripping if I want to document it. If you can't use a keyboard, the tape recorder is a the classic recording tool.

I find it most useful to fully transcript your trip the same day or the day after the event so you don't lose any detail, or certain thoughts/ideas you may have had.

DXM here is a good case, you'll often forget the revelations you've had on it as soon as you come down.
Just write down whatever you feel, simple as that.

Unless you're unable to write of course. In that case you should write it down afterwards. :P
Meduzz a dit:
Advantages of writing while tripping (low dose or after peak of course), is that you can write whatever you feel is the most important aspect of the experience at that moment, going more into detail while directly influenced.

+1, I so recommend trying that now and then. When I write down my insights or thoughts while tripping, I've externalized the idea in physical text. And if I spend the time to look at it and think about it I start seeing it from new/different perspectives. Since I started doing this I'm finding that I'm more critical of my trip insights (in a good way). I start editing them, refining them, and they end up so much clearer when I read them the next day. I'm saying "that's interesting, that's a neat metaphor" and much less of "wow I discovered the obvious"
I usually put cameras in all corners of the room i'm in and put a sound recorder on my chest. I have pen and paper ready for when I get ideas. Then, when it all starts to work I just trip and forget about it.
I once wasted half of a trip because I was trying to find words to write down. I will never do that again! I completely missed all the cosmic fun and psychological insights.

I usually write a report the next morning. Works for me!
ive written one so far, its on here somewhere

i found once you start writing the morning/afternoon after it all flows out pretty easily

can be kind of hard to do it if youre not at home and with people or whatever though i think...was a bit gutted i never got the chance to properly write about my acid trip while it was still fresh in my mind

still, dosen't detract from the experience itself :D
RushNerd a dit:
DXM here is a good case, you'll often forget the revelations you've had on it as soon as you come down.

I hate that. Every time I have a "eureka" moment on DXM I try to write it down but the right words don't come out of the pen. Like I ended up with "desert teacher" and "nice mom" WTF? Never makes sense when I'm sober.
Write first down how much you've taken, at what time and how.

Then, for the trip, I raccomend NOT writing down, but using a vocal recorder... it is following your thoughts much better, don't need concentration to use it, then you'll trascribe everything later =)

continue writing the time of onset, peak, down, and the after effects.

I do like this, usually, when I feel I need it =)


DXM here is a good case, you'll often forget the revelations you've had on it as soon as you come down.

LOL, when I was under DXM once i've done 2 hours of vocal recording =D
Really nice to hear