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Do you ever get tired of "drugs"?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DaZeD
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Wow Allusion, we are on the same lane i think.

Only not the caffeine part, i now started to drink coffee, but also in a calculated way, and this calculated way you speak of is just the perfect way to do about anything, especially eating, cause it is really important what the specific abilities of vegetables and food in general are.

And indeed the respect for psychedelics, i used to take them for fun as i mentioned, then i learned how to use them, and my last trips where a bit hedonistic, and i felt kinda guilty afterwards, i love my new approach, i'm always glad when i tripped or smoked some weed, cause it's on a specificly chosen moment, at the right time.

2 days ago i smoked DMT again, and i could smoke it again now, but i'll just wait untill that urge comes again, that feeling when you just know it's gonna be perfect.
ararat a dit:
I'm getting tired of it as well, in fact I'm thinking of stopping all drugs. caffeine will be the hardest part. and not taking LSD anymore feels like leaving an old friend, but I can't go on like this. it's for health reasons very few people have to cope with, I won't go into details but if I regularly take substances that constrict blood vessels I might end up paralyzed, which is not my desire.
I'm thinking of doing one last trip however, to close the chapter. when, what, how much, no idea. I'm in Goa with two blotters of the LSD that gave me the most beautiful experience I've had, and I'm tempted, or rather torn apart. maybe I'll better just wait a few years and see how things work out.

i dare you to try to wash them down the toilet.. I've been there done that with the one last time thing.. either be done or you won't.. i cope with your experiences you already know what will what happen with the trip, whats the point?
Most of the people i know who take natural psychedelics such as mushrooms do not take them that often. They go years without taking psychedelics or they only do them once or twice a year. I also know people who take them more regulary, but they seem to be a minority.
Generaly speaking people do not get addicted to psychedelics.
Most of the people i know who take natural psychedelics such as mushrooms do not take them that often.
Eheh, simply because most of natural psychedelics' molecule doesn't generate any addiction (DMT, psilocybin,...), and you don't have craving saying to your ear : "take a little of me again" like with stims or opiates. After a trip, you need time to think about what is this demential thing you've just live. And the desire to go back to the wonderland became only when you let enough time to forget how he really is. ;)

Generaly speaking people do not get addicted to psychedelics.
I don't think so... See RCs and dissociative drugs, it's more vicious than it looks. Speaking people can fall as easily, drugs transform you litlle by little.

Sorry for my (maybe) bad english, wish it's understandable.

To return to the first plot, drugs in general doesn't ever tired me but some of them gradually. Pot has tired me for a period when i was smoking every days. I decided to smoke just in social context and I took the opportunity to eradicate my nicotine dependence (which has REALLY tired me !). Results were better than I imagined !
Other naturals, not yet ;) And stims never catch me, straw is not for me haha
That's actually very common. I just read a research paper about the general way people experience drug use here in Finland. Most of them "fall in love" in the beginning and use a lot. Then at some point they "become adults" and it doesn't interest them so much anymore... And they quit or just don't do it so much anymore. I guess that's the most common thing that happens for almost all the drug users. It's the same with alcohol.

Of course it doesn't happen to everyone.

I had a period like that 3 years ago. I didn't use anything for 1,5 years. Now I'm using again but not very often. I trip couple of times in a year and that's it mostly. Last time I did drugs was when I was travelling a month ago and smoked weed and did MDMA in a party once, but I don't really do MDMA back at home, only when I go to the Netherlands... Because I know it's better and safer there.

So basically I'd say I do MDMA 1-3 times a year, psychedelics 3-6 times a year, sometimes drink, maybe once in every 2 weeks but not till I'm drunk, just a little bit.

I used to do psychedelics like 5 times a week. I also used to smoke pot every day. But it's not for me anymore.

I also know what's my thing. I don't have to try everything anymore. I know the RC psychedelics are not for me, I like LSD the best. So why even bother to try the new ones?
some people get tired of Drugs maybe because they are not really addicted to it. because most people who have drug addiction needs to go to Rehabilitation to undergo some treatment for them to get clean and stop their addiction and also they need to attend meetings like NA or AA Etc. But some people can beat addiction By doing self help program and their will to be recover. it's up to us on how we will fight addiction but one thing is for sure if you let your self get addicted to drugs it is hard to stop.
This is a decent thread. Lately I have been thinking as well about being 'normal'. Just because the altered thought processes of psychedelics and cannabis didn't unfold anything new the last four years. I do believe in absolute enlightment and I think I have come to that point where anything I have gained doesn't need any maintenance through tripping. I don't think I can ever quit caffeine and don't think I ever will. I also realised when I had never ever tried any psychoactives yet, life was as lucid as it is now, but when I got a glitch I wanted more... but ignorance was as much as a bliss as life with entheogens. But once they are there... you've just got much more to deal with. :yawinkle:
The good thing about psychedelics is you reach a natural stopping point. Eventually enough becomes enough and you just want to stay in this world for awhile.
Reminds me of the story with the boat by Buddha : you use the boat to cross the river, but once you cross it, you leave it there. The only thing is that i consider this simply put and not the case with psychedelics. There are moments when you need to step back and digest the experience, allow it to be imbued in you. Checking the germinating seeds may hurt them, so I consider the case here. The positive side is that you felt this, while it may not be a general situation, other people pushing the limits of their mind.

I spend some time understanding the experience and then embrace another trip. It may be a few months before i embark again.
someone (i don,t remember who) once said, when you have got the message hang up the Phone.
personally i prefere to keep the lines open. People (me included) tend to forget the message.
I love the growing and using of psychedelic plants and fungi (as well as non psychedelic plants), they are natures treasures.
the field of psychoactive plants and ethnobotany and botany is so facinating you could spend years learning about it.
Finarfin a dit:
someone (i don,t remember who) once said, when you have got the message hang up the Phone.
Allan Watts said this and he was amazed by psychedelics.

Have to agree the message tends to be forgotten, but we have other methods of remembering. I for example have started meditating, yoga, some tai chi, qi gong.
I grew tired of cannabis at the age of 21, stayed off all drugs until about ten years ago when I started medicating with weed and that is now how I treat chronic pain. After reading up on cannabis I directed my attention towards hallucinogenics and DMT/ayahuasca drew my attention! Spent two weeks last year at a retreat in Peru (aya/huachuma) and this awakened my interst for psilocybin! Didn´t like acid in the 70´s. So I´ve gone full swing and I´m happy I did. Aya has brought me some peace of mind, huachuma gave me insight and now I hope shrooms will bring me a step further down the path. Anyone tried microdosing?