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Do you dream when you smoke or not?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DaZeD
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Ok, if I knew how to make a poll I'd make one, it would be a lot easier, but I can't find the option anywhere....

I see that many people feel the need to quit smoking cannabis in order to have their dreams again, it doesn't work for me that way, I smoke everyday +- 1 gram a day, pure, and I allways dream very vivid, every single day, I often think that it's because I smoke too much, but my girlfriend has quit smoking weed and she still dreams like before when she still smoked, so it's very different for many people....

If you'd be so kind, I'd like to hear who smokes and still dreams surreal vivid dreams, and who needs to quit in order to dream again.
I belong to those who have to quit, and if i do, the dreams get extremely intense.
Check out the thread entitled "Dreams & Cannabis"
i have intense dreams when i have periods of non smoking cannabis. also my sleeping time drops to about 5-6 hours. not good.
i didnt dream when i smoked, i dont smoke now and get vivid dreams almost nightly
yeah i hardly ever dream when i smoke, almost never
and then when i stop for a week or so i dream every night and often quite lucidly
Wow, this is so weird, it's rght the opposite for me, I have vivid dreams every morning, it's strange that most people dream when they quit...
There must be a connection between THC and melatonin then.
I only smoke pure though, I don't know if there is a difference?
im quite a hardcore weedsmoker and that causes me to forget my dreams..when i stop smoking weed i remember my dreams better and they seem to go deeper
I also think it's a memory thing. I notice I sometimes dream very vivid even if I smoked a joint before going to bed, but only remembering my dreams for the first 2 minutes of being awake.
I dream just as much as if I don't smoke but if I don't smoke, the dreams tend to be more intense and more to the surface of my memory in the morning when I get up.

When you smoke a big one, or two, or three at the end of the day, or whenever, it's not uncommon to get into a semi-transish contemplating state. Very often my entire day will play back in my mind while stoned at night, kind of reliving it. I make piece with things, plan ahead, rethink stuff etc...mostly unconsciously and I bet if I don't smoke, most of that emotional/relational/professional garbage get's presented in dreaming at night because it needs resolving anyhow. Terence Mckenna once commented 'when I smoke Cannabis at the end of the day, I realize the hidden meanings between the words of people I had interaction with that day.'.
The single-most important factor determining my recall of dreams is how I wake up. If a pigeon or church bell or full bladder wakes me up several times before I decide to get out of bed, I always remember lots of dream fragments, or even long dream sequences.

But if I wake up because of the alarm clock, or because I woke up having slept enough, I do not remember anything.

Cannabis may have an effect on the way one wakes up, and thus give the impression that one doesn't dream. However, even after much smoking at night, I've had mornings (away from home) where pigeons, sparrows or cars woke me up prematurely, and I'd remember lots of dreams the next morning.
i believe i dream when i smoke but dont remember it in the morning
I'm in the same boat as you DaZeD, smoking cannabis does not prevent me from dreaming. When I first started smoking, cannabis only intensified my dreams. And over time some of the dream re-call I had as a child returned. In fact I credit cannabis with saving my dreams from entering an oblivion many older people eventually enter sometimes.

Now a days while cannabis doesn't intensify my dreams, it doesn't inhibit it in any way. I do see how some people can interpret no dreaming to cannabis....sometimes it's harder to remember or think about dreaming....but dreaming certainly is still there. You just have to focus more.

I should also say that while my dreams have always been wacky and wild, after I first started smoking cannabis my dreams have been even more surreal.....perhaps there isn't much intensifying effects now because the new dream insight has already occurred.
Great, so there are still people who dream just as much, glad to heat that!

But after reading what Getafix said I realize something, I NEVER wake up by the alarmclock, I allways wake an hour or two before it goes off, then I go back to sleep, and that's when the dreaming starts, sometimes so vivid and surreal that I allmost feel it as if it was a second life, like a parallel life.

So I might have to refine my question here, for the dreamers; do you wake up before you are supposed to and catch sleep again after you woke up?Cause I think that's the reason I allways dream, I wake up, fall back in dreamstate, and that's when I can dream pretty lucid at times, sometimes I'm allmost able to have some control over what I do in my dreams, I mean, the scenario is there, I can't change that, but sometimes I do have some control over what happens during the dream.

I guess if I'd sleep and get out of bed the moment I wake up I wouldn't dream anymore, (well, I wouldn't remeber it, I guess), but I don't, I wake up, watch the clock and see that I have still some sleeping time left, get back to "sleep" and dream, wich allways results in me having a bad temper in the morning, cause dreams sure as hell take energy, no doubt about that.
I think you dream so deeply in REM sleep while on Cannabis that you end up forgetting your dream when you wake up.

I've never remembered a dream when I toke. I usually do when I'm sober though.
I also find that I don't remember as many dreams during the times that I use cannabis. But, I'm curious...

How many of you drink alcohol on the days that you abstain from cannabis? I wish I could say that my only reason for vaporizing is due to my psychonautic tendencies, but I seem to require a bit of a buzz after a long day as well. So, if it's a day when I am taking a break from cannabis, I usually have a few beers (terrible habit compared to vaporizing cannabis, I know... I really should quit drinking).

Anyway, thinking back to my college days, I seem to remember that I had pretty vivid dreams at night after I would stay up late drinking. However, having said all that... I tend to believe that the melatonin production that occurs in the brain during cannabis usage results in a decrease in production of melatonin when we are asleep, affecting (at least our perception of) the amount of dreaming that occurs.
Hmmm, I must say that I hounestly can't remember the last time when I abstained from cannabis, it must be a very long time, certainly over a year or so, but I understand why you feel the need to drink though, it might just be the need for a buzz probably. :D

When I drank a lot the night before I wake up too early and can't sleep anymore, no matter how hard I try to sleep, it won't work, and then I don't think I dream so vivid, although I can't remember the last time that I drank too much either.

I only remember the dreams that I have in the morning, no other dream I recall, only when I wake and sleep again, I guess if I'd get out of bed from the moment I "wake" I wouldn't remember any of my dreams, but then again, waking up is a hard thing to do for a cannabis user :lol: , so I choose to turn around and go back to dreamland and wander around in the depths of my imagination for a little while longer instead of waking up.

My dreams seem to get more surreal by the years too, lately it's like watching a movie with very detailed script, so detailed that I could never imagine it when I'd be awake.
mysticwarrior a dit:
I belong to those who have to quit, and if i do, the dreams get extremely intense.

Me to.
I still dream from time to time, but if i stay away from cannabis for only few days my dreams get very intens and lucid.
DaZeD a dit:
When I drank a lot the night before I wake up too early and can't sleep anymore, no matter how hard I try to sleep, it won't work, and then I don't think I dream so vivid, although I can't remember the last time that I drank too much either.

I wish I was like that... if I drink too much the night before, I will sleep through alarms, and when I do finally wake up, I feel like crap and want to go back to bed.

The morning after cannabis, I feel like a zillion bucks... very clear head, and ready to start the day. I also feel very sharp... my brain tends to work better than normal. Funny, but I am actually MORE productive at work because I enjoyed cannabis the night before. It's like an inverse hangover.
I find that while I took a 40 day tolerance break, I was coming close to lucid dreaming and had a full dream plot to write down the next morning.