I don't know about you but for me personally it's simply impossible to hold this toxic devestating fume into my lungs any longer then 5 or 6 seconds, after that I just burst out to see a fat cloud of precious DMT smoke dissolve into thin air before my eye's, resulting into only short, pure visual experiences, but nothing really deep.I can't really use the word meaningless here, but not far away from meaningless though...
(It's very strange that I allways see the same patterns again, on other psychedelics it is allways more or less fresh, something new.
But on DMT I allways - (well, allways....It's the 4th time I do it) - come back in the same atmosphere, build up in the same visual style, in the same geometric theme.)
I'd really like to have some advice from someone who had the same problem, and found a solution, or just has some good advice or a good way to prevent you from bursting out, and being able to hold it in longer...
Also, after I bursted it out, I light the remains again to take another toke, but most of it is gone allready by that time!
I'm shure there was enough DMT in the pipe, but I guess I allways took too huge tokes that I can't control to hold in...
So any smoking advice would be so welcome, you have no idea, cause I desperately want to go beyond this visual thing, and go into the next "zone".
Ps; How long do you need to waith for another try, I heard an hour?

I don't know about you but for me personally it's simply impossible to hold this toxic devestating fume into my lungs any longer then 5 or 6 seconds, after that I just burst out to see a fat cloud of precious DMT smoke dissolve into thin air before my eye's, resulting into only short, pure visual experiences, but nothing really deep.I can't really use the word meaningless here, but not far away from meaningless though...
(It's very strange that I allways see the same patterns again, on other psychedelics it is allways more or less fresh, something new.
But on DMT I allways - (well, allways....It's the 4th time I do it) - come back in the same atmosphere, build up in the same visual style, in the same geometric theme.)
I'd really like to have some advice from someone who had the same problem, and found a solution, or just has some good advice or a good way to prevent you from bursting out, and being able to hold it in longer...
Also, after I bursted it out, I light the remains again to take another toke, but most of it is gone allready by that time!
I'm shure there was enough DMT in the pipe, but I guess I allways took too huge tokes that I can't control to hold in...
So any smoking advice would be so welcome, you have no idea, cause I desperately want to go beyond this visual thing, and go into the next "zone".

Ps; How long do you need to waith for another try, I heard an hour?