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DMT - Smoking/Inhaling - Tips-Advice ...need a lil' help...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DaZeD
  • Date de début Date de début


Alpiniste Kundalini
Hi! :)

I don't know about you but for me personally it's simply impossible to hold this toxic devestating fume into my lungs any longer then 5 or 6 seconds, after that I just burst out to see a fat cloud of precious DMT smoke dissolve into thin air before my eye's, resulting into only short, pure visual experiences, but nothing really deep.I can't really use the word meaningless here, but not far away from meaningless though...

(It's very strange that I allways see the same patterns again, on other psychedelics it is allways more or less fresh, something new.
But on DMT I allways - (well, allways....It's the 4th time I do it) - come back in the same atmosphere, build up in the same visual style, in the same geometric theme.)

I'd really like to have some advice from someone who had the same problem, and found a solution, or just has some good advice or a good way to prevent you from bursting out, and being able to hold it in longer...
Also, after I bursted it out, I light the remains again to take another toke, but most of it is gone allready by that time!
I'm shure there was enough DMT in the pipe, but I guess I allways took too huge tokes that I can't control to hold in...

So any smoking advice would be so welcome, you have no idea, cause I desperately want to go beyond this visual thing, and go into the next "zone". :)

Ps; How long do you need to waith for another try, I heard an hour?
How much you blasting at a time?

I have done as much as 25mg in a bong, I find if I put weed on the bottom the DMT will melt into the weed and I can hold my draw for a while :D

I know 25mg aint really much but Im not looking to leave this reality just yet 8)

Id try smoking it in a bong With or Without weed, The cold water should smooth it a bit and they say an hour interval between blasts but Id leave it 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Also, You say your not taking anything from it. I find this too, I think its cus its such a quick sharp rush. If you want deeper, more meaningfull trips from DMT try Ayahuasca. Its DMT with the MAOI Inhibitor, The trip is slower and deeper I believe.
I never found it that hard to hold in, but maybe that's me.
Maybe you can add some dried mint or oregano for a different flavour. Mint also has the property that you breath more easily.

BTW DMT-smoke is not toxic.
toxic devestating? what are you talking about?! you probably didn't do a good extraction and ended up with shit. Altough the taste is strong I never had any diiculties of holding it in.
Yea well, it might not actually be toxic, it shure as hell tastes toxic!
I'm shure though that it's a very clean, pure extraction, so there ain't the problem.
Like I said, maybe I should not try to take a huge toke at once, but try to inhale smaller tokes at a slower pace, and not inhale to rapid.

Well, ok, thanks anyway....
Just don't breath in too much smoke. I can't stand the harschness of the smoke either so I just breath in a little and do that a couple of times. Seems to work fine for me. Defenitly better then coughing it all out and getting a half-trip while having a really sore throat.
Allright, thanks, it's been a while since I tried it again, mainly cause I'm a bit afraid that I'll have a half experience again, I thought about taking more smaller tokes, but I thought that you need to do all the tokes within a minute or it won't make less change on effect.

But I see that it works for you so I'll try it this way, first I take a small toke and hold it for 10 seconds (hope that's long enough) then a second and a third also for ten seconds, and then I really hope I finally get the full experience and go through to the next stage, cause I allways seem to come back to having only the same visual structure, then I waith, but it stays with that.

It's amazing, and beautiful like that, but I don't want that, I want something more exciting, something that will blow my mind. :D
I would like someone to test whether holding it in longer actually helps. I cant imagine it does tbh... Your lungs should just absorb everything in the first few seconds... unless it just gets absorbed through all of the lungs, doesn't need to go to avioli

It would only matter the # of intakes (large ones)
I dunno about the 2 seconds, it's not like Cannabis, most people explicitly advice to hold it in as long as possible.
But I have it under control now, you just can't take huge tokes or even big tokes from DMT and hold it in long, just take a "controled" toke, inhale slowly untill you cant go through, then breed in a little deeper, puff it out and take a second.

That was my mistake, I tried to inhale too much too quickly because I thought you only get one chance for a good hit.
DaZeD a dit:
I dunno about the 2 seconds, it's not like Cannabis, most people explicitly advice to hold it in as long as possible.
But I have it under control now, you just can't take huge tokes or even big tokes from DMT and hold it in long, just take a "controled" toke, inhale slowly untill you cant go through, then breed in a little deeper, puff it out and take a second.

That was my mistake, I tried to inhale too much too quickly because I thought you only get one chance for a good hit.
So moderatly small hits, and try and get a few in huh? How many inhales do you take, and have you witnessed machine elves or whatever?
Well, no, not that small, just the most you can hold in, like a decent amount.
This afternon, after a week and a half, maybe longer, I tried DMT again, and I took 2 good hits, I had great visuals, but they where of the same nature as before, my girlfriend tried it too for the first time, but her visuals where different from mine, I allways see these yellow colours when I do DMT, while she saw greenish dark colours.

It's the 5th or 6th time that I done DMT and the visuals where the strongest I had, but still I did not experience entities, only a very warm, calming feeling, like someone is embracing me, and calms me down, like "it" is saying, shhhh, calm down now, it's allright.
But no "Machine Elves" for me yet, no. :?
Cool - when I see green and black I'm usually so far gone, it brings a feeling of tar, sticky, hot and gross, like don't want to go near it, but im usually surrounded... The green just makes it feel like there's knowledge, things I don't want to know...
Bad combo hehe :P
I wouldn't know man, it's weird, all the time's that I've done DMT I got back in somehow the same scenery, I close my eyes and everything is very yellow, orange-like coloured, and the patterns are allmost the same too, when I do Acid or Psylocibin I see different things all the time, it's allways a new pallet of patterns, but DMT brings me back to allmost the same visual style, yellow and orange, while for my girlfriend it was something completely different, she saw dark and green patterns waving into eachother. :)

I do like DMT cause it doesn't really affect the way you think like acid and shrooms do, you allmost keep the same state of mind, even though you are tripping balls, and it's short, I like that, and I guess it would be very addictive if it wasn't so damn expensive.

The only thing I don't like is to see my gram of DMT shrink everytime I tried to meet the entities, and fail to see them each time.
I never go further then some very intense visuals, and a very cozy relaxed feeling afterwards, but it never teached me any valuable lessons.
Forkbender a dit:
Maybe you can add some dried mint or oregano for a different flavour. Mint also has the property that you breath more easily.

Has anyone tried this already?

I guess the barriers between you and DMTWorld (c) could be psychological...
but it never teached me any valuable lessons.
Who said DMT teaches you anything?
The only thing I don't like is to see my gram of DMT shrink everytime I tried to meet the entities, and fail to see them each time.
Who said the purpose of DMT is to meet entities?
everything is very yellow, orange-like coloured
Sounds like you were tripping with the lights on. After you have inhaled, someone should turn off the lights or you should put on a blindfold. You'll immediately see all the colors of the rainbow, very intensely, even after just one good hit. But it must be completely dark, otherwise you won't see it.
No Forkbender, man I know from experience that you don't wanna smoke mint, I don't know 'bout oregano, but when I was a teenager I bought a pack of those Marlboro's with mint, it's a green package, and I remember that it was awfull to smoke, but that's just personal taste I guess.

Hey CaduceusMercurius, no-one said that it would teach me valuable lesson, but it's just different, normally psychedelics affect my thinking drastically , with DMT it is really strange, after the effects start I know that I'm actually tripping, but at the same time I'm still able to keep more or less the same soberness in thinking, you trip so much "cleaner" more clear then any other psychedelic I know.

About the entities, I'm sooo fucking curious to experience something like that, I've searched and red alot about DMT and many people seem to encounter entities, so I guess it's only normal that I expect to have a similliar experience imo.

And yea, exactly!
I had all my lights on to the max with all my DMT trips, I've red that it's best to trip in a brightly lighted place, althi-ough when my GF tried DMT it was in the same room and she saw dark green colours.
But next time I'll kill the light, definatly!
DaZeD a dit:
No Forkbender, man I know from experience that you don't wanna smoke mint, I don't know 'bout oregano, but when I was a teenager I bought a pack of those Marlboro's with mint, it's a green package, and I remember that it was awfull to smoke, but that's just personal taste I guess.

I meant the herb, not menthol or something stupid they put in cigarettes that has been processed. Just go to the supermarket and get some dried mint. It should be just shredded leafs. Worth a shot. Guaranteed.

And you don't mind to inhale a 'toxic devastating poison', so what's the fuss?
Well, I don't wanna be an asshole, but wouldn't that make the smoke even thicker and harder to inhale?
I just take smaller tokes now, like Faust adviced, that way the smoke is pretty easy to inhale, but when you hit that bong like you'd hit a weed filled bong, I guarantee that you'll think the same thing about the taste. :lol:

When you do it gentle it's perfectly do-able, only I doubt that more and smaller hits will be as effective as one big hit.
But thanks for the advice anyway! :)
Next time I pass some mint leaves in the supermarket I might throw it in my shopping car and try it.
It's not that hard to inhale, because the taste is pretty good and it opens your lungs. Plus it protects the DMT from burning, which makes it a little more effective.
Yesterday i did try dmt for the first time, but i ended up burning a little of the dmt and where coughing like hell. But i heard some people talking about "The Machine" which can made easily from some glass and steel woll, it seems to be a much more effective way of inhaling and vaporising without coughing. So i am going to try it this week or so.

I've founded a image of such dmt machine.

example of machine